
未了是什么意思 未了在线翻译 未了什么意思 未了的意思 未了的翻译 未了的解释 未了的发音 未了的同义词 未了的反义词 未了的例句


未了 基本解释

未了[wèi liǎo]



未了 汉英大词典

未了[wèi liǎo]

unfinished; outstanding:


    formalities still to be complied with;


    an unfulfilled wish;


    outstanding debts;


    an unsettled problem [case];


    unfinished business

未了 网络解释

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. weiliao:问来wenlai | 未了weiliao | 完罗wanluo

未了 双语例句

1. 看了这些我想起人鬼情未了。那些很感人很纯粹的感情。You jump I jump当年风靡好久
    I don't agree with some sentences showed above, but I admit that these movies have an effect in our lives, such as Forrest Gump, form which we can benifit when we are suffering something that is not good for us.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 他是未了之事
    And he's a loose end.

3. 那是一场未完的旧梦,是一个华丽的转身,是一段未了的情缘,是一个经典的片断。
    Our last performance is going to offer a fresh sound to the evolution of Shanghai` rich musical heritage.

4. 公帑编织的喘定局面,天文数字的公债以天文数字的公债余波未了公帑筑起的复苏路有多牢固有多少隐藏的地雷牢固,地雷会在大家未来充满乐观情绪时突然引引牢固地雷陷入双底衰退(double-dip recession),这爆,迪拜的债务危机会否触发全球经济陷入双底衰退陷入双底衰退些问题都需要深思。
    How robust is the recovery they have used astronomical government debt to build? How many hidden landmines would go off when the world is quite optimistic about the future? Would the Dubai debt crisis push the global economy into double-dip recession? These questions need to be pondered.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 本合同期满时,本合同项下的任何未了的债权债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应对债权人继续偿付未了债务。
    Any unsettled credit and debt under the contract shall not be affected by the expiration of the contract. The debtor shall effect its obligation of reimbursement to the creditor.

6. 本合同期满时,合同项下的任何未了的债权债务不受合同期满的影响,债务人应对债权人继续偿付未了债务。
    Any unsettled credit and debt under the Contract shall not be affected by the expiration of the Contract. The debtor shall effect its obligation of reimbursement to the creditor.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 我想她跟我还有事未了
    I do believe she and i have some unfinished business.

8. 他们的笑声未了,我告诉他们,`我选择活着。
    Before they stopped laughing, I told them, 'I choose to live.

9. 他们的笑声未了,我告诉他们:`我选择活着。
    Over their laughter, I told them, `I`mchoosing to live.

10. 是因为我还有未了的心愿吗?
    Is it because I have some desires yet to realize?

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 他们的笑声未了,我告诉他们,`我选择活着。
      Before they ended their laughters, I told them, I choose to live.

12. 说到泰山,都知道杜甫的《望岳》:岱宗夫如何,齐鲁青未了
      Say to mount taishan, know the hope of du fu DaiZong: how Steve yue, JiLuQing unfulfilled.

13. 造化钟神秀,齐鲁青未了
      Good luck bell Shenxiu, Qilu Youth outstanding.

14. 齐青未了,有志之士正迈进,鲁青未了,互联网再添新贵;齐鲁青未了,山东SEO团队似朝阳。
      Neat green unfinished, a person with lofty ideals is striding, lu Qing unfinished, internet adds unfinished of parvenu; Qi Luqing again, shandong SEO group is like the rising sun.

15. 未进办公室,就听到她爽朗的声音;人至飘过,阵阵余香未了
      Not arriving at the office, we hear her hearty voice; people from drifting away, blowing lingering fragrance outstanding.

16. 尤其值得一提的是,本次比赛收到极大的效果,受到众多业主的捧场,众多参赛选手仍余兴未了,声称明年还要再来参赛。
      What is worth mentioning is that this contest received great effect by many owners respond and support, many players still lingering interest outstanding, claiming that next year would come competition.

17. 她旧恨未了又添新愁。
      Between or among them; of them; in it

18. 我们不会倒下,我们将永远重续今生未了缘,只有我们两个
      We won't fall, we'll be together, just the two of us

19. 该怎么才知道,你我之间缘未了,要怎样才知道,谁真正值得你依靠,到最后才明了,也许今生情太少。
      How to should just know, your my good luck don't, How just know, who real deserve you to depend on, Just understand till the last, perhaps the this present life feeling is too little.

20. 未了

20. 唯望她能安息,来生再续未了缘。。。。。不知魂已断,空有梦相随。除却天边月,没人知。
      I hoped she would rest in peace and we could continue our unfinished relationship in our next lives ……..

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