
杜荀鹤是什么意思 杜荀鹤在线翻译 杜荀鹤什么意思 杜荀鹤的意思 杜荀鹤的翻译 杜荀鹤的解释 杜荀鹤的发音 杜荀鹤的同义词


杜荀鹤 基本解释

Du Xunhe;

杜荀鹤 网络解释

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1. Du Xunhe:杜审言:Du Shenyan | 杜荀鹤:Du Xunhe | 工读学生:Gong-du student

杜荀鹤 双语例句

1. 历来对于晚唐诗人杜荀鹤及其诗歌的评价可以说是毁誉参半。
    There have long been controversial comments about DU Xunhe in the late Tang dynasty poet and his versification.

2. 家乡在他的诗歌创作中也产生了巨大的影响,很多家乡生活的点点滴滴都已成为了杜荀鹤诗歌的主要内容。
    Hometown bits and pieces having also produced gigantic effect, many hometowns life in creation in his poetry and song has become all already main Du Xun-he poetry and song content.

3. 杜荀鹤

3. 安徽池州的石台是杜荀鹤的家乡,这是个充满诗意,风景如画的地方。
    Anhui Chi Zhou Shi Tai county is hometown of Du Xun-he, this is be full of poetry, as beautiful as a paint place.

4. 杜荀鹤的反义词

4. 本文从杜荀鹤的生平经历入手,寻找其诗歌中的故乡印迹,并试图探讨池州生活对他创作的影响。
    The all one's life from Du Xun-he experiences the main body of a book starting, seeks hometown print in whose poetry and song, and tries to discuss an impact of Chi Zhou life over his creation.

5. 关于其生平,有两个问题常常为后人提及:其一,他是否是著名诗人杜牧之子;其二,他与朱全忠之间究竟有什么关系。此二者关系到杜荀鹤的出身以及人品问题,也成为后人争论的焦点。
    Two questions about his biography are often mentioned: the first being whether or not he's the son of the famous poet DU Mu and the other being what's the actual relation between he and ZHU Quanzhong, which has been the bone of the posterity's contention.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. 在杜荀鹤笔下,荒僻的乡野也成为美丽动人的风景,孤独苦寒的生活也是人生的享受。
    Open space also becomes scenery beautiful and charming, the bitter cold life is also the life enjoyment lonely in Du Xun-he wording and purport of what one writes, the deserted countryside.

7. 杜荀鹤虽然一生在外游历,追逐理想,但是他一刻也没有忘记自己的家乡。
    Although Du Xun-he all self's life outside, traveling, running after an ideal, his moment neither has the hometown forgotting self.

8. 最后,从后代诗人对杜荀鹤诗歌的接受状况来考察其诗歌对后代的影响,并客观地指出其诗歌存在的局限。
    Lastly, this paper reflects the impact of his poetry on future generations from his poems'accepted conditions by the descendants and points out the existence limitations of his poetry objectively.

9. 杜荀鹤的身世和家庭
    Du Xun-he's Family Background

10. 杜荀鹤在线翻译

10. 本文将杜荀鹤的生平与杜诗的写作时间、地点结合起来加以系统的考辨,有助于《唐风集》的研究和整理。
    The systematically textual research of this paper combines Du Xun-he's life with when and where his poems were written. It's beneficial to the arrangement and studies of " The Wind of Tang ".

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11. 杜荀鹤诗歌创作的语言特色
      The Linguistic Characteristics of Poems by DU Xun-he

12. 杜荀鹤的反义词

12. 杜荀鹤年谱系诗
      Chronology of poems by Du Xun-he

13. 本文将杜荀鹤的生平与杜诗的写作时间、地点结合起来加以系统的考辨,有助于《唐风集》的研究和整理。
      The systematically textual research of this paper combines Du Xun-he's life with when and where his poems were written. It's beneficial to the arrangement and studies of " The Wind of Tang ".

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