
来事是什么意思 来事在线翻译 来事什么意思 来事的意思 来事的翻译 来事的解释 来事的发音 来事的同义词 来事的反义词 来事的例句


来事 基本解释


词典deal with affairs处事;来事。

词典manage matters来事。


词典future events来事。

来事 网络解释

1. ayao:划子axzz | 来事ayao | 快人快语ayaq

来事 双语例句

1. 当然,平信徒也可以作为宣教士来事奉,但是他们不是以具有教导长老的能力而事奉的。
    Of course, there can be laypeople who serve as missionaries, but they do not act in the capacity of a teaching elder.

2. 我也是9号的,已经没戏了,4号的时候就来事了。
    I am also on the 9th and should have been gone, when on the 4th to things.

3. 来事是什么意思

3. 我们需要圣灵这美好的礼物,才能以父母和儿女的身分来事奉我们的神。
    We need the wonderful gift of the Spirit in order to serve our God--as parents and as children.

4. 来事是什么意思

4. 那就是说,我们是为着他的荣耀,靠着他所赐的能力来事奉他。
    It is by his power, for his glory, with his strength that we are to serve him.

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5. 求你帮助我认识自己的恩赐,并用这恩赐来事奉你。
    Help me to see it and use it for you.

6. 当我们在隐密处敬拜他的时候,我们需要用全心来事奉他。
    The whole heart is needed in the service of God when we worship Him in secret.

7. 教会,来帮助圣工,你来学,你来事奉,你来做奴仆,你不要你走。
    No. You come to learn, you come to serve.

8. 藉著他们的交通,许多的青少年对於约翰福音12章里,关於召会生活的小影有很深刻的印象;在召会生活中我们都需要成为马大-拉撒路-马利亚,来事奉、见证并爱我们的主。
    Many young people were impressed by what they shared from John 12, about a miniature of the church life that we need to be Martha-Lazarus-Mary to serve, testify and love our Lord in the church life.

9. 机器人安设在别致制卡和会员卡制作机的导纸架上,被迫装版安设板滞臂叼住一套还来事後摆好场所的印版,两个真空吸嘴不兵印版从版仓洋取不入,随着板滞臂斯文不天膨胀开来,不兵印版不收在版夹编制接办的场所。
    Robots are installed on a common business card printing and membership card guide for paper making machine on automatic devices ipulator between one live gift prior crimped, two vacuum suction nozzle version will be produced from bunkers, along with ipulator grace, will be put in the printed version of the system to take over the position.

10. 当我们在隐密处敬拜他的时候,我们需要用全心来事奉他。
    The whole heart is needed in the service of God when we worship him in secret.

11. 神不会浪费他赏赐你的心智,他不要机械人来事奉他。
      God would not waste the mind he gave you! God does not want robots to serve him.

12. 固然认识自己的特色来事奉神十分重要,但有作仆人的心志却更重要。
      While knowing your shape is important for serving God, having the heart of a servant is even more important.

13. 在最后这四部分被称为“天国的事工”中你学到了什么最重要的功课来事奉主耶稣?
      What are the most important lessons you learned for your service to Christ in these last four sections called Working in the Kingdom?

14. 这十二个人的责任多麼重大;他们的名字蒙上帝特别点召,又被上帝拣选来事奉祂,是多麼的光荣!
      What a great responsibility these twelve men were given, and how honored they were to have their names specifically mentioned by God and to be chosen to serve Him in this way!

15. 来事是什么意思

15. 带着温暖与慈爱的慷慨怜悯之手来事奉上帝&这是生命存在的唯一意义。
      To serve God's creation with a warm and loving hand of generosity and compassion-that is the only meaningful existence.

16. 如果我们挪用当为亲爱家人摆上的职责及对家庭应尽的责任来事奉教会或事奉主,那我们的基
      Ones and the responsibilities of our home, there is something wrong with the

17. 来事的反义词

17. 金牛座的,能否知道,处于第九宫的冥王星预示着对于远期的思考正在连续激劝,使不论探讨题目还是行为来事都愈加细心,这些都是由于的前脑中永远以来,连续收集各类数据的结束。
      Did you know, Taurus, that Pluto in your solar 9th house of of long-range thinking is encouraging you to become more and more careful in your thinking and actions as your mind puts together data you''ve been gathering for years?

18. 教导黄鸿洲与张皛晶,他们的婚姻不仅仅为彼此而存在;他们彼此连结的手与心灵是为了来事奉你并归荣耀于你。
      Teach Hongzhou Huang and Xiaojing Zhang that their marriage is not living merely for each other; it is their joining hands and hearts to serve You and to bring glory to You.

19. 从神呼招亚伯拉罕开始,他便放弃事奉其它的神而来事奉独一真神。
      Starting from God's calling of Abraham, it changed his direction from serving other gods to serving the only True God.

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