
来得早是什么意思 来得早在线翻译 来得早什么意思 来得早的意思 来得早的翻译 来得早的解释 来得早的发音 来得早的同义词


来得早 基本解释


词典come ahead of time来得早。

来得早 网络解释

1. 来得早

1. come early:work late 工作得晚 | come early 来得早 | He drew a straight line on the paper. 他在纸上划了一条直线.

来得早 双语例句

1. 均降雨量约为700 mm,降雨主要集中在6 到8 月。霜和雪总是来得早走得晚,霜期总是很长
    Is about 110 days in a year, the annual average rainfall is around 700 mm and the rainfall is

2. 我是北方人,论季节,北方也许正是搅天风雪,水瘦山寒,云南的春天却脚步儿勤,来得快,到处早像催生婆似的正在催动花事。
    In my hometown in the north, this was the month when rivers were frozen over and mountains snowbound. But spring comes early to Yunnan, urging the flowers to bloom.

3. 我要去一个人迹难至的地方,我知道别人不知的东西。这里,我在滂沱大雨中,手执车票正去搭乘迷失列车。诸事似乎早有注定,就好像白昼与黑夜,大地与天上。然而,我总是难以置信。迷失的列车不回头,任它行驶在单程道,我仿佛也要去一个地方,它既不在这儿,也不在那儿。买票搭乘迷失列车,就像傻子在雨中发笑,愚不可及,近乎癫狂。但这总比痛苦煎熬来得好受些。迷失的列车不回头,任它行驶在单程道,我仿佛也要去一个地方,它既不在这儿,也不在那儿。迷失的列车不回头,迷失的列车会脱离轨道,迷失的列车在我血液里燃烧,我欲逃离过去,但此情却挥之不去。
    Life's mystery seems so faded i can go where no one else can go i know what no one else knows here i am just a-drownin'in the rain with a ticket for a runaway train and everything seems cut and dried day and night earth and sky somehow i just don't believe it runaway train never going back wrong way on a one-way track seems like i should be getting somewhere somehow i'm neither here nor there bought a ticket for a runaway train like a madman laughing at the rain a little out of touch a little insane it's just easier than dealing with the pain runaway train never going back wrong way on a one-way track seems like i should be getting somewhere somehow i'm neither here nor there runaway train never coming back runaway train tearing up the track runaway train burning in my veins i run away but it always seems the same

4. 你怎么比我还来得早
    How couldst thou come quicker than I?

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 是的,下雪了,有些令人惊讶,今冬的雪来的早一些,也来得让人更加伤神。
    Yes, snow, and some surprising, this winter the snow came earlier, but also far more people more La Tortura.

6. 那一年春天来得早,只不过经过几番急骤温和的春雨,便出现粉红的桃花,和雪白的山茱萸花,把远处的山巅和近处的河畔,霎时都渲染成了一片锦绣了。
    Spring had come early that year, with warm quick rains and sudden frothing of pink peach blossoms and dogwood dappling with white stars the dark river swamp and far-off hills.

7. N5 ~?- u*?:X+ T' F+ V 有时qqe警报来得有点早,等其他指标共振,这时候这个交易有较小的机会不利于你立刻实现利润。
    Sometimes the qqe alert comes a bit early, wait for the other indicators to agree and you have less chance of the trade going against you right away to realise profit.

8. 来得早

8. 果皮、果肉中的丙二醛质量摩尔浓度前期上升,后期下降,但峰值出现的时间和前期增幅都不同,自交琯溪蜜柚的峰值来得早,增幅也大。
    The molality of malondialdehyde in rind and pulp increased in early period and decreased later, but the time of peak appearing and range of increasing in early period were different in varieties: the peak appearing was earlier and range of increasing was larger in inbreed than those in hybrid and four season pummelo.

9. 哺乳期妇女一般来讲月经不会来得这么早,应去医院检查一下,排除宫内感染和组织残留。2、产程长、创伤大、骶髂关节勒带松弛,均可造成产后盆腔疼痛,这是正常现象。3、剖宫产后应该卧床静养一个月,这期间应下地活动,每天3——4次;两个月后可主动做床上体操场帮助恢复体型;3个月后基本恢复。
    Lactating women generally do not come so early menstruation, should go to the hospital to check and remove residual intrauterine infection and organizations. 2, a long birth process, trauma, and sacroiliac joint le with relaxation, can be caused by post-natal pelvic pain, which is a normal phenomenon. 3, cesarean section should be in bed resting after a month, this period should be Shimoji activities, day 3 - 4 times; two months in bed to do gymnastics to take the initiative to help restore market size; 3 months after recovery.

10. 在宋。元时代之后,中国人所饮用的茶,固形茶是最通行的;固形茶起源其实比散茶来得早,以唐宋时期最为风行,是民间进贡朝廷的重要贡品,称为贡茶,当时上好的固形茶价格比等重的金子还值钱,到了明太祖朱元璋建立明代以后,认为固形茶是奢侈浪费,已经失去茶的真味,同时要人民节省劳力,于是废止末茶而鼓励人民喝一种连茶叶的煎茶。
    In the Song Dynasty, yuan after the times, the tea with Chinese drinkable place, solid form tea is the most current; Solid form tea is genetic than coming loose actually tea comes early, with Tang Song period is most faddish, it is the important articles of tribute of imperial court of civilian pay intribute, call tribute tea, value of superior at that time solid form tea is costlier than waiting for weighed gold, arrived after Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang builds bright generation, think solid form tea is extravagant waste, had lost the true taste of tea, at the same time VIP civilian saves labor, abolish then end tea (those who make solid form tea becomes powder) and the decoct tea that encourages people to drink a kind to connect tea.

11. 腓特烈希望说服法国背弃德意志联盟,一天晚上,邀请那些战俘共宴,席间一本正经的为酌薄致歉:「各位,我最初没想到你们来得这么早,而且人数这么多。
      One evening Frederick, hoping to lure the French away from the German alliance, invited his captives to dine with him.

12. 我们没料到她会来得那么早。
      We didn`t expect she should come so early.

13. 来得早什么意思

13. 我比约定的时间来得早,所以只得在外面的办公室里等着。
      Bell out the tube to the shape of a funnel...had to cool my heels in the outer office.

14. 来得早

14. 不要说失败是成功之母之类的老话,失败来得越早越好,要是三十岁,四十岁之后再经历失败,有些事,很可能就来不及了。
      Did not aways said as this old that, fail is the mother of success, fail comes the more the better, if you rencontred fail after the year of your 30 or 40, maybe it was too lattle for you do something.

15. 她说她今天一定比我来得早
      She said she'd get up earlier than I.

16. 对于BenedictCumberbatch来说,父亲节来得比普通人的要早一些。
      Father's Day has come a little early for Benedict Cumberbatch.

17. 古人云“春江水暖鸭先知”,但今年的春季似乎来得特别早,植物学家在观测研究了鲜花盛开的情况后得出了这一结论。
      Spring arrived incredibly early this year, according to a botanist who monitors the blooming patterns of flowers.

18. 碰到这种人,我们只能怨自己,谁叫我们来得这么早。
      To such people, we cannot help but say sorry that we have come too early!

19. 这就是我来得这样早的原因。
      That is the reason why I came so early.

20. 来得早的意思

20. 你来得总是这么早,这使我很高兴。
      You come here so early to make me happy.

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