
松木板是什么意思 松木板在线翻译 松木板什么意思 松木板的意思 松木板的翻译 松木板的解释 松木板的发音 松木板的同义词


松木板 基本解释



词典pine board松木板。

词典deal board松木板。

松木板 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. pine board:pineblisterrust 松疱锈病 | pineboard 松木板 | pinecamphor 松醇

2. dealboard:deal at arm''s length ==> 彼此独立的交易 | deal board ==> 松木板 | deal butt ==> 厚窄板头

松木板 双语例句

1. 他在松木板凳的一头坐下来,那女孩子一仰头,身子往另一头移了移。
    He sat down upon the end of the pine bench and the girl hitched herself away from him with a toss of her head.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 从甲板上取下三块松木板,把板捆在一起,趁涨潮时把它们飘到岸上。五月六日继续上破船干活。从船上取下几根铁条和一些铁器。工作得很辛苦,回来时累坏了,很想放弃这种工作。五月七日又到破船上去,但不想再干活了。由于船梁已锯断,破船已承受不住自己的重量,因此自己碎裂了。
    I was ready to perish for Thirst, but so weak, I had not Strength to stand up, or to get my self any Water to drink: Pray'd to God again, but was light-headed, and when I was not, I was so ignorant, that I knew not what to say; only I lay and cry'd, Lord look upon me, Lord pity me, Lord have Mercy upon me: I suppose I did nothing else for two or three Hours, till the Fit wearing off, I fell asleep, and did not wake till far in the Night; when I wak'd, I found my self much refresh'd, but weak, and exceeding thirsty: However, as I had no Water bin my whole Habitation, I was forc'd to lie t? '?

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. 降落伞是建立相应的7/8-inch松木板,以相同的宽度为表锌,通常3英尺,在得到确切的防滑板一起下侧2 x 6英寸的夹板5英尺外,整个长度的槽。
    The chute is built of 7/8-inch matched pine boards, to the same width as sheet zinc, usually 3 feet; the boards being firmly cleated together on the under side by 2 x 6-inch cleats 5 feet apart, throughout the length of the chute.

4. 松木板的近义词

4. 他们念着咒语,举行了干巴巴的埋葬仪式,靠墙将松木板埋了。
    Then he showed Huckleberry how to make an H and an F, and the oath was complete.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. 一天晚上,我们捞着一小节木筏――都是很好的松木板
    One night we caught a little section of a lumber raft-- nice pine planks.

6. 测试样品满足14次连续不同角度下落在松木板上 3qkFq
    The test samples suffer 14 successive drops with different angles on a pinewood board.

7. 松木板

7. 殿里面用香柏木板贴墙,从地到棚顶都用木板遮蔽,又用松木板铺地。
    House, and the walls of the ceiling: and he covered them on the inside with wood, and

8. 他们念着咒语,举行了干巴巴的埋葬仪式,靠墙将松木板埋了。他们认为连同埋葬的还有那锁住他们口舌的枷锁,因此钥匙也用不着了。
    They buried the shingle close to the wall, with some dismal ceremonies and incantations, and the fetters that bound their tongues were considered to be locked and the key thrown away.

9. 教堂是一座简陋的、规模不大的建筑。屋顶上安了一个松木板做的盒子似的装置当做尖塔。
    The edifice was but a small, plain affair, with a sort of pine board tree-box on top of it for a steeple.

10. 松木板是什么意思

10. 一天晚上,我们捞着一小节木筏都是很好的松木板
    One night we caught a little section of a lumber raft & nice pine planks.

11. 只用组成成分无法解答,这个问题,为什么胶合板要优于松木板呢?
      So, composition alone can't give you the answer to the question why is the plywood superior to the solid pine board?

12. 松木板的翻译

12. 没有。我在一块松木板上画了一张爱露薏丝的画像。
      Nothing. I drew a picture of Alois on a piece of pine.

13. 松木板什么意思

13. 没有。我在一块松木板上画了一张爱露薏丝的画像。如此而已。
      Nothing. I drew a picture of Alois on a piece of pine. That's all.

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