
橄榄绿色是什么意思 橄榄绿色在线翻译 橄榄绿色什么意思 橄榄绿色的意思 橄榄绿色的翻译 橄榄绿色的解释 橄榄绿色的发音


橄榄绿色 基本解释

橄榄绿色[gǎn lǎn lǜ sè]

词典olive-green茶青色;[化] 橄榄绿。

橄榄绿色 汉英大词典

橄榄绿色[gǎn lǎn lǜ sè]


橄榄绿色 双语例句

1. 从自然主题采取四种新的色彩灵感-橄榄绿色,珊瑚蓝,银白色和黑色钴-更加突出环保绿色设计。
    Four new colors inspired from the nature motif - olive green, coral blue, silver white and cobalt black – have been adopted to highlight the eco-friendly green design.

2. 产卵的个别人士有光明口鼻和下巴上的黑色的橄榄绿色头;脂肪及肛门鳍变为红色及配对的鱼翅、尾一般成为灰暗变绿或深。
    Spawning individuals have a bright to olive green head with black on the snout and upper jaw; the adipose and anal fins turn red and the paired fins and tail generally become grayish to green or dark.

3. 你必须离开石头灯小时或热量钻石放在一个热板,它转移至橄榄绿色
    You must leave the stone in light for hours or heat the diamond on a hot plate for it to shift to the olive green colour.

4. 这不仅会令你既whitewing繁殖和黄翼,而且在所有复制色调鸟,即轻,黑暗和橄榄绿色和天蓝色,紫红色和钴的蓝紫色系列。
    Not only will this enable you to breed both whitewing and yellow-wing, but also to reproduce birds in all colour shades, ie Light, Dark and Olive Green and Skyblue, Cobalt Mauve and Violet in the Blue Series.

5. 非洲东部白色多或少和橄榄绿色的侯子,脸部周围有丛生的白色长毛。
    White and olive green east African monkey with long white tufts of hair beside the face.

6. 厄休拉在工作之余喜欢穿橄榄绿色3的衣服,她的生活一点儿都不单调无味4。
    Ursula liked to wear olive drab 3 clothes when she was free. Her life was not drab 4 at all.

7. 橄榄绿色

7. 橄榄石是一个美丽的橄榄绿色的石头。
    Peridot is a beautiful olive green stone.

8. 软玉来在各种色调的绿色-主要是一个橄榄绿色的基调。
    Nephrite Jade comes in various tones of green -- mostly with an olive green tone.

9. 一种广泛分布于北美的莎草,具非常坚硬的橄榄绿色的杆。
    Widely distributed North American sedge having rigid olive green stems.

10. 橄榄绿色什么意思

10. 嘴呈鲜红色;上体橄榄绿色,脸淡黄色;两边的翅膀具明显的红黄色翼斑,颏、喉至胸呈radiance的黄色或橙色、腹乳黄色。
    Mouth was bright red; olive green upper body, face pale yellow; wings on both sides of a clear red and yellow wing patch, chin and throat to chest radiance was yellow or orange, yellow belly milk.

11. 嘴呈鲜红色;上体橄榄绿色,脸淡黄色;两翅具明显的红黄色翼斑,颏、喉至胸呈辉耀的黄色或橙色、腹乳黄色。
      A bright red lips, His face pale yellow, olive green, Two wings have obvious titian wing spot, laryngeal prominence to the chest, the yellow or orange is a lonely, sets.

12. 橄榄鳞龟属得到它们的名字从着色的它们的心-形状外形,开始外面灰色的但是变成橄榄绿色一旦海龟是成年的。
      Olive ridleys get their name from the coloring of their heart-shaped shell, which starts out grey but becomes olive green once the turtles are adults.

13. 氧化铬绿是一种具有高遮盖力的橄榄绿色无机颜料。
      Chrome Oxide Green is an in organic pigment with an olive-green hue which gives a high level of opacity.

14. 他有一个高挺的希腊式鼻子和一双墨橄榄绿色的眼睛。
      He had a strong Greek nose and olive-black eyes.

15. 橄榄绿色

15. 从自然主题采取四种新的色彩灵感-橄榄绿色,珊瑚蓝,银白色和黑色钴-更加突出环保绿色设计。
      Four new colors inspired from the nature motif-olive green, coral blue, silver white and cobalt black – have been adopted to highlight the eco-friendly green design.

16. 橄榄绿色

16. 这辆帝国师的虎式坦克在深黄的底漆上涂有红综合橄榄绿色的条纹迷彩。
      This Tiger I of " Das Reich " is dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 这项立法要求,卷烟必须以带有大幅图片健康警语、但没有商标的橄榄绿色包装出售。
      The legislation requires cigarettes to be sold in olive green packs with large graphic health warnings but without trademarks.

18. 这辆帝国师的虎式坦克在深黄的底漆上涂有红综合橄榄绿色的条纹迷彩。
      This Tiger I of " Das Reich " is dark yellow with red brown and olive green mottling.

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