
橄榄香是什么意思 橄榄香在线翻译 橄榄香什么意思 橄榄香的意思 橄榄香的翻译 橄榄香的解释 橄榄香的发音 橄榄香的同义词


橄榄香 基本解释

Olive incense;

橄榄香 双语例句

1. 橄榄香的解释

1. 用中火以橄榄油炒香洋葱末至透明状,约3分钟,加入蒜末和辣椒,炒至蒜呈金黄色。
    Stir-fry the onion with olive oil over the medium heat until the onion transparent, about 3 minutes.

2. 法式面包配以火腿,意式香肠,生菜丝和切成薄片的西红柿,调以特级橄榄油和巴硕芳香黑醋,鲜香美味。
    Ham and salami piled high with shredded lettuce and thinly slices tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and Baslamic vinegar on a French baguette.

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3. 法式面包配以火腿,意式香肠,生菜丝和切成薄片的西红柿,调以特级橄榄油和巴硕芳香黑醋,鲜香美味。
    Ham and salami piled high with shred ded lettuce and thinly slices tomatoes drizzled with olive oil and Baslamic vinegar on a French baguette.

4. 橄榄香什么意思

4. 主要成份:西班牙橄榄油、柑橘、当归、零陵香、珍珠等。
    Main ingredients: Spanish olive oil, orange, angelica, tonco beans, pearl.

5. 酒体复杂,带有覆盆子和樱桃和黑橄榄香
    Surprisingly complex, with intriguing notes of raspberry, cherry and black olive.

6. 青橄榄香浴盐 Olive Aromatic Bath Salt 蕴涵丰富青橄榄精华,能给肌肤以最温和、细致的呵护,让你的肌肤细致、嫩白。
    It contains rich olive extract which can provide the most gentle and delicate care for skin, and leave your skin fine, tender and white.

7. 上帝并不期望牛膝草长得与香柏树一样大,或要橄榄树长得象修伟的棕树一样高。
    God does not expect the hyssop to attain the proportions of the cedar, or the olive the height of the stately palm.

8. 然后切粗条,浇上橄榄油、百里香调味备用。
    Marinate with the olive oil and thyme well.

9. 将土豆、青豆夹、番茄、橄榄、水瓜柳、法香以及剩余的汁酱放入一个大碗中;加入盐、胡椒粉调味、排盘;表面排放上吞拿鱼和鸡蛋即可。
    Toss potatoes and beans with tomatoes, olives, capers, parsley, and remaining dressing in a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper and top with tuna and eggs.

10. 橄榄香的翻译

10. 平底锅中加入三汤匙橄榄油,加入3/4磅切片的各类蘑菇、两颗切片的大蒜、剁碎的百里香和欧芹。
    Add 3 tablespoons olive oil to pan and saut é & # 190; pounds sliced mixed mushrooms with 2 cloves sliced garlic, chopped thyme and chopped parsley.

11. 何14:6他的枝条必延长、他的荣华如橄榄树、他的香气如利巴嫩的香柏树。
      His shoots will sprout, And his beauty will be like the olive tree And his fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon.

12. 他的枝条必延长;他的荣华如橄榄树;他的香气如黎巴嫩的香柏树。
      His splendor will be like an olive tree, his fragrance like a cedar of Lebanon.

13. 放心,我们明白,我们的无香全效乳液是用自然界最有效保湿成分,没有添加人工香料和色素,帕拉胶,石油产品,动物脂肪或是酒精,我们用最特别的舒缓和营养的植物精华结合起来,融入大量的橄榄油,加州希蒙得木油和牛油树脂。
      Relax, we understand. Our Unscented All Over Lotion uses nature's most effective hydrators without adding artificial fragrances and colors, parabens, petroleum products, animal fats, or alcohols. We start with our special blend of soothing and nourishing botanical extracts, then add generous amounts of olive oil, jojoba oil, and shea butter.

14. 通过调配(添加稳定剂、抗氧化剂、调节糖酸比),可获得色、香、味俱佳的橄榄浑浊汁饮料。
      Through adjustment (adding stabilizer and antioxidant agents, adjusting the ratio of sugar to acid) a stable olive cloudy juice drink with a pleasant color、special olive scent was produced.

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