
檐板是什么意思 檐板在线翻译 檐板什么意思 檐板的意思 檐板的翻译 檐板的解释 檐板的发音 檐板的同义词 檐板的反义词 檐板的例句


檐板 基本解释

檐板[yán bǎn]

词典eaves board檐板;封檐板。

檐板 汉英大词典

檐板[yán bǎn]

{建} eaves board

檐板 网络解释

1. eaves board:eaves 檐口 | eaves board 檐板 | eaves channel 檐槽

2. 檐板

2. cornice:cornerlock joint 直钉榫对接 | cornice 檐板 | corridor type block of flats 走廊形房屋

3. curtain plate:盐雾试验||salt spray test | 檐板||curtain plate | 衍射力||diffraction force

檐板 双语例句

1. 她站在壁炉旁边,脸色象她背后的白色大理石板和檐板一样灰白。
    She stood on the hearth; she was pale as the white marble slab and cornice behind her

2. 它描绘了一座古老的荷兰小城镇,一排排的红棕色的房子,房子有阶梯状的山墙与很高的门阶,灰色的屋顶,白色或黄色的门、窗框与檐板;那儿有运河,运河上有船,有一架白色的大吊桥,一只驳船从桥下通过,舵旁站着一个人。
    It represents an old Dutch town with rows of brownish-red houses with stepped gables and high stoops; grey roofs; and white or yellow doors, window frames and cornices.

3. 檐板

3. 它描绘了一座古老的荷兰小城镇,一排排的红棕色的房子,房子有阶梯状的山墙与很高的门阶,灰色的屋顶,白色或黄色的门,窗框与檐板;那儿有运河,运河上有船,有一架白色的大吊桥,一只驳船从桥下通过,舵旁站着一个人。
    It represents an old Dutch town with rows of brownish-red houses with stepped gables and high stoops grey roofs and white or yellow doors, window frames and cornices. There are canals with ships and a large white drawbridge under which a barge with a man at the tiller passes the little house of the bridge-keeper, who is seen through the window, sitting alone in his little office.

4. 4有效发挥了檐板的作用,遮阳防雨,隔绝热带气候。
    Play an effective role of the canopy plate, shade rain, isolated from the tropical climate.

5. 或许,生活在这样的社区里更健康一些──在那里,檐板掉落,你感受到撞击;在那里,州长经过,你总能看见他的帽子。
    Perhaps it is healthier to live in a community where, when a cornice falls, you feel the blow; where, when the governor passes, you see at any rate his hat.

6. 檐板的反义词

6. 水平面雕刻在框缘和檐板之间的带子。
    A horizontal sculptured band between the''.

7. 水平面雕刻在框缘和檐板之间的带子。
    A horizontal sculptured band between the architrave and the cornice.

8. 她站在壁炉旁边,脸色象她背后的白色大理石板和檐板一样灰白。
    She stood on the hearth; she was pale as the white marble slab and cornice behind her.

9. 檐板的翻译

9. 一些住家船本身就是办公室,有朝向水面的大窗户;还有一些则是用檐板盖起来的小屋子,带有窗栏花箱。
    Some of the houseboats are offices, with large windows facing the water; some are little houses covered in clapboard, with window boxes.

10. (古典建筑)为一个檐板塑造;外形部分凹部分凸。
    (classical architecture) a molding for a cornice; in profile it is partly concave and partly convex.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 第一个临时措施的目的是阻止大理石结构的爆裂,这是用一圈绷紧的钢缆箍在斜塔最下面的檐板上。
      The first stopgap, to stop the masonry exploding, is a ring of tensioned steel cables encircling the lowest cornice of the tower.

12. 檐板的意思

12. 人群每时每刻都在增多,好比超过水位的水流,开始沿着墙壁升高,向各柱子周围上涨,漫上了柱顶、檐板、窗台、建筑物一切凸出部位和雕塑物所有隆起部分。
      The crowd became denser every moment, and like water that overflows its boundaries, began to mount the walls, to surge round the pillars, to rise up and cover the cornices, the window-sills, every projection and every coign of vantage in architecture or sculpture.

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