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段修 基本解释

段修[duàn xīu]

词典shed repair段修。

段修 汉英大词典

段修[duàn xīu]

shed repair

段修 网络解释

1. shed repair:annular classifier 环式分级机 | shed repair 段修 | signal fire 烽火,烽火信号

段修 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 中文摘要:本文简要介绍了业务流程再造的理论,运用管理的理论工具和方法,从铁路货车段修生产过程分析开始,应用系统工程的思想和方法,从铁路货车段修业务管理信息系统的要素设计、结构设计、功能设计入手,研究提出了铁路货车段修业务流程信息化再造的总体思路,并提出了铁路货车段修业务流程再造中应用管理信息技术的初步设想。
    This article briefly introduced Business Process reengineering theory, the theory of management tools and methodologies, from the railway trucks, repair production process analysis, the application of systems engineering ideas and methods of repair trucks from the railway operational management information system element design, structural design, functional design approach, studies of the rail vehicle repair business processes of the overall information technology industry, and proposed rail vehicle repair...

2. 随着铁路货车的重载、提速,车钩缓冲装置的各类故障明显加强,特别是各部磨耗的加剧和裂纹的增加,使得车钩缓冲装置的段修工作量大大增加。
    With the overload and speeding up of railway wagon, all kinds of failures of coupler and draft gear increase obviously, especially in terms of the abrasion wear and crack, which make the workload of coupler and draft gear much heavier than before.

3. 段修的近义词

3. 滚子轴松动原因是滚子轴与其安装槽结构不合理,厂、段修焊接质量不高等造成。
    The loosening of the roller shaft is caused by the unreasonable structure of the roller shaft and its mounting groove, bad welding quality in overhaul or depot repair, etc..

4. 段修的反义词

4. 按现行铁道部、铁路局的有关规定和机车段修规程的要求,机务段检修后的机车,必须经过负荷试验后方可投入正常运用。
    According to the current railway ministry regulations, the locomotive after repair must pass a load test and then it can input normal use.

5. 通过对多套典型状态货车轴承的试验,提出在幅值域用无量纲振幅参数的方法对货车滚动轴承进行段修在线故障检测,是一种比较简单易行的检测手段,可供段修使用。
    Through tests of several typical freight train bearings, a bearing failure diagnosis method by adopting dimensionless vibration amplitude parameter within amplitude domain is developed.

6. 段修

6. 内燃机车水阻试验台用于电传动内燃机车出厂或经过厂修、段修后的负载试验。
    Water, resistance test of diesel locomotives is used to process load test after it has been manufactured, overhauled or repaired.

7. 为方便现场使用,分别为列检、段修和站修设计了辅助的起车和驱动装置,以及计算机轴承故障信号分析及数据管理系统。
    Use on the scene for the convenience, the difference checks for the row, the segment fix and stood to fix to design assistance of since car and drive the device, and the calculator bearings breaks down the signal analysis and data management system.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 我段遵照1992年6月起施行的《铁路货车段修规程》中要求对转8A制动梁滚子轴实行探伤。
    According to Railway Freight Car Depot Repair Specification which has been put into practice since June, 1992, flaw detection is carried out on roller shafts of brake beams on trucks type 8A.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. 另外,分析了取消货车辅修修程后可能带来的不利因素,对新造、厂修、段修、站修以及运用等方面提出了相关的要求。
    Furthermore, the unfavorable factors that may come after canceling the auxiliary repair class of freight cars are analyzed, and relevant requirements are given on such aspects as manufacture, overhaul, depot repair, station repair and operation.

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