
污痕是什么意思 污痕在线翻译 污痕什么意思 污痕的意思 污痕的翻译 污痕的解释 污痕的发音 污痕的同义词 污痕的反义词 污痕的例句


污痕 基本解释


词典filthy mark污痕。

污痕 网络解释

1. blot:blossom 群花 | blot 污痕 | blouse 上衫

2. 污痕的解释

2. blot n.v:blossom n.花;群花;开花期,花季 | blot n.v.污痕;弱点;抹脏;吸干 | blotch n.v.污点;斑点;弄脏

3. makulo:污点: makulo | 污痕: makulo | 污蔑: kalimnii

污痕 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 你敢在襁褓上留点污痕试试。
    If I catch a trace on your swaddles.

2. 墙上有红色污痕,我意识到那是我的血!
    On the wall and I realize that is my blood.

3. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

3. 我总是尽量避免书写笔,因为无污痕
    I always try to avoid writing in pen because of the smudges.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 多彩打印机的污痕,或者,就像我的工作室邻居弗蕾达,她是澳大利亚人,晚些时候对我预言的那样:我确定,这样的污染以后可能会发生在全世界的任何一个地方。
    Bdquo; I am sure, this pollution is about to happen everywhere in this whole world.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我工作在一所学校和我很难以纪念孩子的写作或写在评论笔无污痕我的写作!
    I work in a school and I find it hard to mark children's writing or write in comments as the pen smudges my writing!

6. 鲨鱼的目的是用于重新络筒机或狭隘的网络媒体,并且将执行100 %检验网高达20 ,有效地查明失踪印刷,扭转型填写,醒目,景点,错登记,hickeys ,肮脏打印,Web抗皱,烟雾,scrumming ,无污痕,划痕,毛,模切的变化和不正确的矩阵清除。
    Shark was designed for use on a re-winder or narrow web press, and will perform 100% inspection of webs up to 20, effectively identify missing print, reverse type fill-in, splash, spots, mis-register, hickeys, dirty print, web crease, haze, scrumming, smudges, streaks, hairs, die-cut variations and incorrect matrix removal.

7. 每当我需要一个测试,使用泡沫板,我要回去了橡皮抹去了无污痕所造成的我的手。
    Every time I take a test that uses a bubble sheet, I have to go back with an eraser to erase smudges that were caused by my hand.

8. 使容貌美丽洁面乳的质地轻薄并且很是容易施用,轻柔的洗去彩妆与皮肤的污痕,令肌肤纯净,清洁,勃发光彩
    Our Original Beauty Formula Cleansing Milk is alight and easy-to-use lotion, which sweeps away make-up and impurities while it gently clarifies and refines, leaving your skin feeling pure, clean and pleasanty

9. 热的我的手无污痕什么我写他们。
    The heat of my hand smudges anything I write with them.

10. 污痕的反义词

10. 例如写在卡上的应用,我恨有无污痕
    For example writing in a card, on an application, I hate having the smudges.

11. 我总是无污痕了我的手就从书面形式,并通常我要重做我在干什么。
      I always had smudges on my hand from writing and usually I'll have to redo what I'm doing.

12. 污痕是什么意思

12. 功 能:中草药精华深入皮肤深层,清除毛孔内污痕的同时增进皮面新陈代谢,帮助淡化,消除色斑,美白因数迅速渗入肌肤底层,帮助阐扬一成天长效美白功能。
      Function: Chellonese herbal medicine distillate goes into deep skin, simultaneous eliminate pore inner dirt promotes the cuticle assimilation of the new and excretion of the old, help desalinate and remove fleck, the whellote beautiful factor is prompt seep into the skin bottom, help bring a whole whellote beautiful day.

13. 他脸色苍白,布满污痕,好似有人不小心在白纸上洒了红漆。
      His face was pale and blotchy [1], like someone had carelessly thrown red paint on a white sheet of paper.

14. 这座房子的外墙是砖的。一座座布满污痕的褐色砖房。
      Blotchy brown brick houses.

15. 污痕什么意思

15. 用这栽办法晒不入来的PS版,小底片和胶纸边际的不不污痕和洪不小的不不污不面不即操纵或好众了。
      In this way out of the Sun, the little film PS and adhesive tape around the dirt and fine spot there would be no or very little.

16. 她试图用清洁剂来除他短上衣上面的污痕,但搓洗不掉。
      The tried to remove the mark from His jacket with a cleaning fluid, but it wouldn't rub out.

17. 他脸色苍白,脸上有一道道的污痕
      His face was pale and streaked with dirt.

18. 中、美两大民族间一百六十年来之传统友谊,从未染有误会之污痕,此在世界历史中,诚无出其右者。
      The 160 years of traditional friendship between our two great peoples, China and America, which has never been marred by misunderstandings, is unsurpassed in the annals of the world.

19. 他们留下了自己的尸骸、燧石、壶罐、地名和部落名,此外就没留下什么,除了白人后继者的意识中并不清晰的污痕
      They have left their bones, their flints and pots, their place names and tribal names and little besides except a stain, seldom vivid, on the consciousness of their white successors.

20. 你说我用什么可以洗掉我衬衫上的墨水污痕
      What would you recommend for getting ink stains from my blouse?

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