
汤团是什么意思 汤团在线翻译 汤团什么意思 汤团的意思 汤团的翻译 汤团的解释 汤团的发音 汤团的同义词 汤团的反义词 汤团的例句


汤团 基本解释

汤团[tāng tuán]


汤团 汉英大词典

汤团[tāng tuán]


汤团 网络解释

1. Sweet dumpling:汤片鸭子 Fried duck slice | 汤团 Sweet dumpling | 糖醋拌海蜇皮丝 Shredded jellyfish in sweet and sour sauce

2. dumpling:dumpling maker 包饺子机 | dumpling 汤团 | dumpy level 定镜水准仪

3. 汤团

3. dumplings:spring roll 春卷 | dumplings 汤团 | sandwich 三明治

汤团 双语例句

1. 汤团的意思

1. 我们是听舒曼和雨果·沃尔夫的乐曲、吃泡白菜、土豆汤团、喝库莫尔酒成长起来的。
    We were brought up on Schumann and Hugo Wolf and sauerkraut and kümmel and potato dumplings.

2. 最后送了甜品算开业酬宾——里面的汤团味道好象不正。
    Heard from grapevine, there were lots of mosquito as well as people in the evening.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 吃棕子也是传统。棕子,就是用糯米做成的金字塔形的汤团
    The boat race is also very popular in Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia.

4. 例如,清扫玻璃,洗涤帘子和做汤团
    For example, cleaning the glass, washing the curtain and making the dumplings.

5. 根据一种流传的说法,这种汤团被丢进河里喂鱼啊、虾啊,它们就不会吃屈原的遗体了。
    According to one popular story, such dumplings were thrown into the river as food for the fish and shrimp to keep them from eating Quyuan's body.

6. 在历史上意大利面是做成汤团的样子——就像饺子——做好就吃。
    Historically people in italy ate pasta in the form of gnocchi-like dumplings- pasta fresca eaten as soon as it was prepared.

7. 这样,老母就能同大家一起欢度节日,什么猪油汤团、火腿月饼统统可以照吃不误。
    Thus, the old mother can celebrate joyfully together with everybody the holiday, any lard dumplings, the ham mooncake may illuminate entirely eat do not harm.

8. 民间过元宵节吃元宵的习俗元宵由糯米制成,或实心,或带馅馅有豆沙白糖山楂各类果料等,食用时煮煎蒸炸皆可起初,人们把这种食物叫浮圆子,后来又叫汤团或汤圆,这些名称团圆字音相近,取团圆之意,象征全家人团团圆圆,和睦幸福,人们也以此怀念离别的亲人,寄托了对未来生活的美好愿望
    So people eat them to denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.

9. 还有一些剩汤团,我马上就可以把它们热好。
    There are some dumplings left, I can hot them up in a minute.

10. 汤团

10. 蔬菜和牛肚做成的汤,用胡椒调味;通常含有汤团
    A soup made with vegetables and tripe and seasoned with peppercorns; often contains dumplings.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 是啊,还有汤团,意大利馄饨和千层面。
      Bree: Yes, and, uh... gnocchi and tortelloni and, uh, lasagna verde.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 只要不是汤团就好。
      Orson: Just not one of the gnocchi.

13. 汤团

13. 汤团馅含水量比元宵多,这是两者的区别之一。
      Dumpling filling water content than the Lantern Festival, and this is one of the difference between the two.

14. 做得好的汤团表面光滑发亮,有的还留一个尖儿,像桃形。
      Shiny smooth surface of the gnocchi well, and some remained a smb, like Peach.

15. 南方的汤团有多种“流派”,现在最出名的是宁波的“黑洋酥”汤团
      South dumpling variety, " genre ", the most famous Ningbo " black foreign crunchy " dumpling.

16. 用筷子(或薄竹片状的工具)挑一团馅放在糯米片上,再用双手边转边收口做成汤团
      With chopsticks (or a thin bamboo sheet of the tool) pick a stuffing on the rice-chip corporation, Then switch to side heal while hands and made gnocchi.

17. 汤团的翻译

17. 过了一会儿,来了-位愁面苦脸的中年人,他付了六个铜钱,却只买四只小汤团
      After a while, come-bit sad face of middle-aged people complaining bitterly that he paid six copper coins, but only buy four little sweet dumplings.

18. 现在有了速冻工艺,汤团才出现在商店里。
      Now, with quick-freezing process, gnocchi appeared on the store.

19. 我喜欢吃刚刚煮出来的汤团
      I prefer dumplings which have just been cooked.

20. 包汤团的过程也像饺子,但不用擀面杖。
      The process is like a package gnocchi dumplings, but do not Rolling pin.

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