
汪汪是什么意思 汪汪在线翻译 汪汪什么意思 汪汪的意思 汪汪的翻译 汪汪的解释 汪汪的发音 汪汪的同义词 汪汪的反义词 汪汪的例句


汪汪 基本解释

汪汪[wāng wāng]


词典tears welling up汪汪。


汪汪 汉英大词典

汪汪[wāng wāng]

(充满眼泪) tears welling up; tearful:


    bright and intelligent eyes;


    with tearful eyes

汪汪 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 评选委员会将这些用于各种功能的,流着口水,汪汪乱叫的狗狗随机分类,比韦斯敏思特犬协的分类要宽松。
    The panel of judges poured over a random assortment of drooling, grunting canines with a much different purpose than their Westminster Kennel Club counterparts.

2. 在狗狗的汪汪叫中,其实充满著丰富的情绪表达。
    In the yip, in fact, full of rich emotional expression.

3. 对于身穿行头般黑军服的这个肥头胖脑、汪汪狂叫的庸才,他所感到的主要是给谨慎小心冲淡了的轻蔑。
    For the barking fat-faced mediocrity in the stagy black uniform he feels chiefly to be attempted, modified by caution

4. 水汪汪的两只眼睛好像是眼泪扑簌的盼望着能见亲族一面似的。
    The watery eyes seemed brimming with tears, as if they were thirst to meet their beloved ones, even once.

5. 汪汪的反义词

5. 他眼泪汪汪地抬起头来望着苍空,其它的一切全明白了。
    He tears and looked to hold his head high space Freesia, and all the other all-clear.

6. 汪汪的翻译

6. 要解决这个问题,特别是汪汪叫,需要耐心和 deviousness 在平等的措施。
    To solve this particular barking problem requires patience and deviousness in equal measure.

7. 在这里汪汪叫,和在那里汪汪叫!
    With a woof, woof here, and a woof, woof there.

8. 在这里汪汪叫,在那里汪汪
    With a woof - woof here and a woof - woof there

9. 这里汪一声,那里汪一声,到处汪汪叫!
    Here a woof, there a woof, everywhere a woof - woof

10. 他哭不出声、两眼泪汪汪地诉说着他的情况。
    With choked throat and tearful eyes, he told his story.

11. 她的头低垂下去,碰到了打字机的小支架上,键盘发出干涩的咔嗒声回应着她泪汪汪的啜泣声。
      Down went her head on the little typewriter stand; and the keyboard rattled a dry accompaniment to her moist sobs.

12. 玛丽的蓝色连衣裙与她那对水汪汪的大眼睛很相配。
      Mary`s blue dress goes well with her big dancing eyes.

13. 汪汪

13. 我抱着搪瓷罐就像淘金子那样使劲把这些水汪汪的混合物摇匀。
      I swayed and jiggled the watery mixture as if I were panning for gold.

14. 天,蓝汪汪的,她的蓝一点点的淡去,一丝丝的泛散,把痴迷的心事蓄在黄昏的微雨中,轻柔的风舞着轻盈的雨,和着对海的淡远的思念,沉醉在雨和风合成的一章散曲里。
      Days, blue barking, she's a little bit of faded blue, a casual pan-fishes, and obsessed with thoughts of light rain in the evening, the gentle dance of light rain, and a sea of The thoughts, indulge in the rain and wind Sanqu synthesized in a chapter.

15. 汪汪的解释

15. 他枯槁、稀少的头发变成灰白色了;他生着狭长的钩鼻,水汪汪的蓝眼睛,优柔寡断的嘴巴;他穿着破破烂烂的衣服,可还是透出花花公子装腔作势的神气;眼镜摇摇晃晃地挂在密密地扣紧的背心上,不戴手套的手里拿着一根手杖。
      His faded, light hair was tinged with grey; he had a pinched hook nose; watery blue eyes, and an irresolute-looking mouth; he wore his shabby dress with an affectation of foppish gentility; an eye-glass dangled over his closely buttoned-up waistcoat, and he carried a cane in his ungloved hand.

16. 耶9:18 叫他们速速为我们举哀、使我们眼泪汪汪、使我们的眼皮涌出水来。
      And let them make haste, and take up a wailing for us, that our eyes may run down with tears, and our eyelids gush out with waters.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 他坐下并看汪汪和一只友好的黑猫玩耍。
      Happle为不存在的单词 He set down and watched Wang Wang play with a frienly black cat.

18. 汪汪什么意思

18. 她的眼睛泪汪汪的。
      Her eyes were moist with tears.

19. 汪汪的解释

19. 她的眼睛泪汪汪的。
      Her eyes are moist with tears.

20. 当我们分开的时候,眼睛里已经泪汪汪了。
      When we pulled back, we both had watery eyes.

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