
浮沫是什么意思 浮沫在线翻译 浮沫什么意思 浮沫的意思 浮沫的翻译 浮沫的解释 浮沫的发音 浮沫的同义词 浮沫的反义词 浮沫的例句


浮沫 基本解释


浮沫[fú mò]


浮沫 网络解释

1. spum:呕吐物,吐出物,挤出物 spue,spew | 浮沫 spum | 浮沫状,浮沫性 spumescence

浮沫 双语例句

1. 浮沫的意思

1. 如果孩子每天6:00醒,可以喂鸡蛋羹,9:00喂奶,10:00喂一些水果,12:00喂粥或面条,内加蔬菜和少量肉,豆腐类食物,如果没有补钙,可用骨头汤下面条给孩子吃,方法是:用新鲜的骨头加水煮开,把浮沫撇干净,放入适量米醋,促进钙的溶出,小火煮两个小时,放冰箱冷藏箱里冷却两个小时,里面的油会凝结浮在表面,把油撇去,然后冻成小冰块儿,煮面的时候拿出几块即可。15:00喂奶,18:00喂粥,临睡前再喂奶。
    If the baby wake up 6:00 every day, can be fed egg share, 9:00 breastfeeding, 10:00 Hey some fruit, porridge or noodles 12:00 Hey, with a small amount of vegetables and meat, bean food, in the absence of calcium, bones can be used to the baby soup to eat the following article by: with fresh boiled bones plus open to offscum write clean, modest Add vinegar, and promote the dissolution of calcium, small火煮2 hours, 放冰箱refrigerated cooling box 2 hours, which the oil will float on the surface of condensation to skim the oil, and then冻成Xiaobing pieces, cooking time can come up with a few feeding.15:00, 18:00 feeding porridge, 临睡前re-feeding.

2. 白昼是色彩缤纷的浮沫,于深邃的夜色中浮荡。
    Days are coloured bubbles that float upon the surface of fathomless night.

3. 白昼是色彩缤纷的浮沫,于深邃的夜色中浮荡。
    Days are coloured bubbles that float upon the su**ce of fathomless night.

4. 但他表示:这些浮沫聚集在一起,就会形成一个总体的泡沫。
    But he said all the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble.

5. 浮沫的解释

5. 他对英国《金融时报》表示:所有浮沫堆积起来,成为一个总的泡沫。
    All the froth bubbles add up to an aggregate bubble, he told the Financial Times.

6. 浮沫是什么意思

6. 我永远漫步在这海岸,在细沙与浮沫之间。
    But the sea and the shore will remain forever.

7. 撇去果酱上的浮沫,让它冷却。
    Skim the jam and let it cool.

8. 撇去果酱上的浮沫,让它冷却。
    Skim the scum off the jam and let it cool.

9. 勺去飘在表面的深红色的浮沫,火力调低些,再煮2-3分钟。
    Bring it to a boil over medium heat. Skim, reduce the heat and cook 2-3 more minutes.

10. 他表示,他仍然认为浮沫是更好的表述,因为美国各地住宅市场上的房价涨幅各不相同。
    He said he still thought froth a collection of bubbles was a better description, because of the variation in house price appreciation in different local housing markets.

11. 味浓。若做鸡血蕨菜汤,即可取蕨菜嫩芽略烫一下,熟鸡血切成薄片,水发木耳洗净,鲜姜洗净切成末,炒锅加油烧至五成熟,下姜末炒出香味,冲入清汤烧开,放入鸡血,场沸后撇去浮沫;放入木耳、蕨菜、精盐、味精,再沸即成。
      If done鸡血bracken soup, bracken shoots can be admitted to slightly hot, 熟鸡blood into thin water fungus washed鲜姜washed into the late Put refueling烧至five mature, the ginger炒出flavor and rushed into the broth boil, Add鸡血, the market is seething after撇去floating Mo; Add fungus, bracken, salt, MSG, reboiler top.

12. 酒沫例如啤酒等冒泡液体浮到顶部的气泡或泡沫然而,格林斯潘日前在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,浮沫是泡沫的委婉说法。
      The froth or foam that rises to the top in pouring an effervescent liquid, such as beer. However, Mr Greenspan told the FT that froth was a euphemism for a bubble.

13. 将咸芥菜芯切条,排骨砍块,用开水烫过洗净,装入炖盅,再把白鳝整条盘成一圈,放在芥菜芯,排骨上面,加入香菇,盖上芥菜叶,放入白肉、葱头、姜片、绍酒、精盐、上汤,进蒸笼用旺火炖40分钟取出,去掉白肉、葱头、姜片、芥菜叶,撇去浮沫,调入味精、胡椒粉即成。
      Will all be core salty mustard, chopped pieces of pork ribs, boiled, have washed into炖盅, and then the entire disk into白鳝lap, mustard on the core, ribs above, adding mushrooms, covered with mustard leaves, Add white meat, onion, ginger, 绍酒, salt, soup, wang火炖into the steamer with 40 minutes out, remove the white meat, onion, ginger, mustard leaves, skim foam floating, transferred monosodium glutamate, pepper accompli.

14. 然而,格林斯潘日前在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,浮沫是泡沫的委婉说法。《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究
      However, Mr Greenspan told the FT that froth was a euphemism for a bubble. Comparative Analysis of " Financial Crisis " Report between " People's Daily ", " Economic Observer ", and " Beijing Times "

15. 运行结果表明,效果良好,基本消除了进水槽浮沫
      The operating result shows that it has good effect with foam eliminated basically in the trough.

16. 浮沫的意思

16. 然而,格林斯潘日前在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示,浮沫是泡沫的委婉说法。《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究
      However, Mr Greenspan told the FT that froth was a euphemism for a bubble. Comparative Analysis of " Financial Crisis " Report between " People's Daily ", " Economic Observer ", and " Beijing Times "

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