
涕零是什么意思 涕零在线翻译 涕零什么意思 涕零的意思 涕零的翻译 涕零的解释 涕零的发音 涕零的同义词 涕零的反义词 涕零的例句


涕零 基本解释


词典shed tears流泪;洒泪;挥泪;垂泪。

词典tears streaming down涕零。

涕零 双语例句

1. 该县西杨村农民刘文府感激涕零地托人给我们写来一封信。
    Government office of Liu Wen of farmer of village of this county Xi Yang appreciates 0 ground of tears to hold a person in the palm to be written to us come to to believe.

2. 当时的我强忍住内心的兴奋,差点就真的感激涕零了,然而当时我只说了一句话:那太感谢领导了!
    At that time of I was strong to endure an endocentric excitement, almost really grateful Ti zero, however at that time I said a words:That was too thankful to lead!

3. 我和雷恩能让你的作品得以见天日你该感激涕零才是。
    And you should be thankful that me and Ryan can lift your music out of its obscurity.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 我知道他们的名字他们就会感激涕零了?
    You think they're gonna give a crap if I know their names?

5. 涕零的翻译

5. 于是人们把一些悲残的故事说得更悲残一些,把一件伤心的事说得更伤心些,说得让一些正处于悲苦之中的人望而生畏,让旁听者临纸涕零,而那些不幸的人更感到自己是多么不幸,自己要想象故事中的那样感人,那样坚强还差十万八千里,旁观者已不易被一些小事感动了,如当他看到一个悲惨的人时,他会感到这个人离令他感动的距离还很遥远。
    People then some tragic stories that some more tragic, a sad thingthat some more sad, more for some of the grief is a dauntingpeople, observers provisional paper Spielberg, and thoseunfortunate people feel that they are more unfortunate however, toimagine himself in the story as moving. even worse, as strong milesaway, bystanders have been some difficult things moving, as when hesaw a tragic one, he will find that the person he moved from thedistance is remote.

6. 得到你的邀请,我感谢感动涕零
    I really can't thank you enough for the invitation.

7. 我在此不胜感激、涕零
    Here, I would like to appreciate all of you.

8. 假如我的生命里没有你,我真的会痛哭涕零
    I want ted to cry.

9. 假如我的生命里没有你,我真的会痛哭涕零
    I wanted to cry.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 最让我感谢涕零的是,他带病坚持来闭会。
    K. We were moved to tears by the fact that he came to the meeting in spite of his illness.

11. 假如我的生命里没有你,我真的会痛哭涕零
      I wan-ted to cry.

12. 涕零的意思

12. 莫扎特的音乐也让她感动涕零
      She honestly claims the sky is bluer.

13. 我看到的这个幻象如此美好美好到让我感激涕零
      I've had a vision so great that as it came to me, I wept.

14. 涕零的近义词

14. 面对新时代的要求,秘书人员必须增强信息意识,提高信息处理能力,加强自身的信息素养,重视办公自动化,适应社会新的人才观,发挥其参谋助手作用,以提高为领导工作服务的质量和效率。--------------------------------如上,请英语翻译好点的亲帮我翻译一下啊,小民感激涕零!!
      Faced with the new requirements of the times and secretarial staff to enhance information, and enhance information-processing capabilities and strengthen their own information quality, attention to office automation, adapt to new social concept of talented personnel, and assistants to play its role in order to improve the leadership of the quality of the services and efficiency.

15. 那我会感激涕零
      It would be very helpful to me.

16. 得到你的邀请,我感激涕零
      T thank you enough for the invitation.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 最让我感激涕零的是,他带病坚持来开会。
      Fact that he came to the meeting in spite of his illness.

18. 得到你的邀请,我感激涕零
      I really cant thank you enough for the invitation.

19. 最让我感激涕零的是,他带病坚持来开会。
      We were moved to tears by the fact that he came to the meeting in spite of his illness.

20. 在这样一个极具争议的子承父业中,他的儿子贾迈勒,毫无疑问会对这份遗产感激涕零
      That is a legacy his son Gamal, a controversial heir-apparent, would no doubt appreciate.

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