
潜龙勿用是什么意思 潜龙勿用在线翻译 潜龙勿用什么意思 潜龙勿用的意思 潜龙勿用的翻译 潜龙勿用的解释 潜龙勿用的发音


潜龙勿用 基本解释

潜龙勿用[qián lóng wù yòng]

词典the dragon hiding in deep water -- it's not time for action潜龙勿用。

词典a person of talent and virtue not being made use of潜龙勿用。

词典biding one's time潜龙勿用。

潜龙勿用 汉英大词典

潜龙勿用[qián lóng wù yòng]

the dragon hiding in deep water -- it's not time for action; a person of talent and virtue not being made use of; (of a person) biding one's time

潜龙勿用 网络解释

1. don't borther me while i'm sleeping:鸿渐于陆 D day | 潜龙勿用 don't borther me while i'm sleeping | 利涉大川 it's time for swimming

2. Use Not the Submerged Dragon:The Fighting Dragon in the Wilderness (龍戰於野) | Use Not the Submerged Dragon (潛龍勿用) | Crossing Great Rivers (利涉大川)

3. don't borther me while i am sleeping:鸿渐于陆 D day | 潜龙勿用 don't borther me while i am sleeping | 利涉大川 it's time for swimming

4. don't bother me while i'm sleeping:鸿渐于陆 D day | 潜龙勿用 don't bother me while i'm sleeping | 利涉大川 it's time for swimming

潜龙勿用 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 战士:大盗皮皮,草帽小子,奇迹主任,正将,豪情*盖聂*,梦幻*公子,百事无双,侠骨柔情,豪情*酒翁*,仗剑走天涯,-=铁中堂=-,斗魂,千岁龙鬼,拉风*男爵,急速地狱,豪情拽更拽,豪情*坏坏,炫舞||无双,秋水有情,豪情-枫少,浪漫*拉风,乱世|巨星,*,急速地狱,潜龙勿用,豪情V风雷,最后De六月,南极冰封,剑随心舞,带你去看海,AG这啥整捏,夜夜秋雨,豪情*风云,豪情V剑魂,飞龙傲翔九,开心又开心,豪情*坏坏,AG邪舞逍遥,豪情*枫少,孤独求败,乱世阎王,荣誉之神,剑本有情,狼毒花,帝恨。
    Warrior: Thief Pipi, kid hat, miracle, director, is to be, Gagne pride **, Dream * son, Pepsi unique, 侠骨tenderness (riding a pig Heilonggang release), pride * Liquor Weng *, 仗剑take the End of the World, Chudo =--= iron, fighting spirit, ghost Chitose Long, and Latin America, the wind * Baron, rapid hell pride drag more drag, pride and enthusiasm *坏坏, Hyun Dance || unique, Qiushui love, pride - Feng less romantic * pull the wind, in troubled times | superstars, *, the rapid hell潜龙勿用, pride Fenglei V, the last De in June, the Antarctic ice, heart sword dance, take you to see the sea, AG this what the whole pinch, autumn night, pride and enthusiasm * Fengyun, Soul Calibur V pride, Dragon proud nine Cheung, happy and fun, pride and enthusiasm *坏坏, AG Xiaoyao dance evil, pride * Feng less lonely for failure, in troubled times Yama, the god of honor, sword in this love, chamaejasme flowers, Dili hate.

2. 潜龙勿用,何谓也?
    Adver also; too; as well; either

3. 潜龙勿用,何谓也?
    Also; too; as well; either

4. 潜龙勿用

4. 潜龙勿用,何谓也?
    Adverb also; too; as well; either

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