
火头是什么意思 火头在线翻译 火头什么意思 火头的意思 火头的翻译 火头的解释 火头的发音 火头的同义词 火头的反义词 火头的例句


火头 基本解释


火头[huǒ tóu]


词典duration and degree of heating, cooking, smelting, etc.

词典fit of anger火头。

词典blaze of temper火头。

火头 汉英大词典

火头[huǒ tóu]

(火焰) flame

(火候) duration and degree of heating, cooking, smelting, etc.

(怒气) fit of anger; blaze of temper; flare-up; anger

(火主) a house where a fire started

火头 网络解释

1. fire head:火蔓延 fire spread | 火头 fire head | 火尾 fire rear

2. flaming front:flaming combustion 有焰燃烧 | flaming front 火头 | flaming phase 有焰燃烧阶段

火头 双语例句

1. 当引擎发动后,火头引燃燃料混合开始燃烧过程。
    O- Nbbs. rcfans. com glow plug ignites the fuel mixture and starts the combustion process.

2. 自卫的本能警告他用木条把仓门钉好,把火头闷熄,不要闯出大祸来。
    The instinct of self-preservation warned him to batten down his hatches, to smother the fire with want of air

3. 分电器的第二个作用是通过分火头,旁电极和辅助线路,将高压电流准时分配给相应的火花塞。
    The distributor's second job is to distribute each high-voltage surge to the correct spark plug at the correct time by means of the distributor rotor and cap and secondary wiring.

4. 分电器的第二个作用是通过分火头、旁电极和辅助线路,将高压电流准时地分配给相应的火花塞。
    The distributor's second job is to distribute each high voltage surge to the correct spark plug at the correct instant by means of the distributor rotor and cap and secondary wiring.

5. 我正在火头上,给她这一拦,格外暴跳如雷,趁势挣脱胳膊,对准她脑壳就砍了一斧。
    Goaded, by the interference, into a rage more than demoniacal, I withdrew my arm from her grasp and buried the axe in her brain.

6. 装假病,足跛心黑骑着马,有时带着女人,坐上小车,贩卖私货,卖出而又随手偷进的火头兵,向军官们请求作向导的乞丐、勤务兵、扒手之类,从前军队出发枣我们不谈现代枣每每拖着那样一批家伙
    Wearers of uniforms, who take no part in the fighting; pretended invalids; formidable limpers; interloping sutlers, trotting along in little carts, sometimes accompanied by their wives, and stealing things which they sell again; beggars offering themselves as guides to officers; soldiers'servants; marauders; armies on the march in days gone by, --we are not speaking of the present, --dragged all this behind them, so that in the special language they are calledstragglers.

7. 辖70个村委会:旧州一、旧州二、旧州三、旧州四、芒店一、芒店二、北常道、白家务、马家务、兴隆庄、奶字房、刚其营、吴家场、马家场、孙家场、东三更、团辛庄、高辛庄、南辛庄、赵各庄、靳各掌、王小寨、苗小寨、沈小寨、高小寨、六间房、大古营、南王力、北王力、东王力、西冯务、东冯务、义和场、小伍龙、高更生、田古营、太平庄、王各掌、张更生、富各庄、北寺垈、南寺垈、火头营、兴隆场、杨马房、西庄子、杨更生、毕各庄、刘场、毛营、辛房、炊庄、南汉、南务、王玛、穆庄、陈营、垈上、夏营、卜营、张务、团城、李场、古庄、东庄。
    Village committee jurisdiction: the old one state, the old state II, the old state of the three, the old four-state, a store Mans, Mans Shop II, the North has always white household, domestic horse, Xinglongzhuang, milk the word room, just the business, Chia-field, MA home field, Sun games, the East three-shift, mission Daxinzhuang high Daxinzhuang, nan xin Zhuang, Zhaogezhuang, the palm Jin, Wang Xiaozhaizigou, Miao Xiaozhaizigou, Shen Xiaozhaizigou, high Xiaozhaizigou, 6 rooms, large ancient camp, South Wang, North Wang Li, Wang Li-dong, West Frederick Treasury, Mr East affairs, justice and the market, smallwu long, high Rehabilitation, Tin ancient camp Taipingzhuang, King of the palm Zhang rehabilitation, Fu Coal, North垈Temple, South Temple垈, fire camp, the market is booming, Yang stables, West Zhuang, Yang rehabilitation, Beacon Coal, Liu market, wool business, Xin room, cooking Zhuang, Southern Han, the South Treasury, Wang Ma, Mu Zhuang, Chen camp垈, the summer camp, Camp Bu, Zhang Services, Mission City, Lee Field, Furusho, Dongzhuang.

8. 你要是看到他在火头上,可千万得小心翼翼地应付他,否则他简直会一口咬下你的脑袋!这里的handlewithkidgloves意思是小心翼翼地对付处理什么。
    If you see him angry, do your best to handle the man with kid gloves-otherwise he can bite your head off.

9. 若风向发生偏转,火头随风向发生偏转,蔓延区域出现不规则变化。
    If the wind becomes partial, head wind to deflect the spread area, irregular changes.

10. 他正在火头上,听不进你的解释。
    He's hopping mad now and won't listen to your explanation.

11. 介绍了化学点火具中点火头药剂的研制及其压力&时间曲线。
      This paper introduces the development and pressure-time curves of the composition of match head on the chemical igniter.

12. 唉呀,特鲁得太太,我从窗口望进来,看到的不是你,而是火头魔鬼本人。
      Oh, Frau Trude, it frightened me when I looked through your window and could not see you, but instead saw the devil with a head of fire.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 向转向节上安装煞车分火头护罩。
      Install the brake rotor shield to the knuckle.

14. 而这时,寺院里一个叫慧能的火头僧看到了这首诗,他摇摇头,说这个人还没有领悟到做人的真谛呀。
      And then, the temple is called a monk Huineng's head saw this poem, he shook his head, saying that people have not realized the true meaning of life.

15. 在火头前方存在逆风区。
      There exits an upwind zone in front of fire front.

16. 风洞模拟实验的突出特点是,可以在基本剔除干扰因素影响的情况下模拟和测量不同环境条件下火头前方气流的温度场和速度场。
      The main advantages of model experiment in wind tunnel is that it can eliminate the affecting factors and can model and measure the air temperature field and air speed field in front of wildfire head at various ambient air speeds and different slope angles.

17. 对于双火头加工,在做了大量的试验的基础上总结出了带自动调高系统的控制方案;
      As for dual-torch processing, it introduces a new control scheme based on automatic torch height sensing after plentiful experiments;

18. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

18. 具有节能效果的汽车分电器用静电配电分火头
      Electrostatic Distributor Rotor for Vehicle with Energy Saving Effect

19. 火头的近义词

19. 研究结果表明:(1)在火头前方有明显的逆风区存在。
      The research shows that: (1) there is a convection field in front of coming fires in which the wind speed direction is toward the fire.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 这个年轻人正在火头上。
      The young man has got steamed up.

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