
灯市是什么意思 灯市在线翻译 灯市什么意思 灯市的意思 灯市的翻译 灯市的解释 灯市的发音 灯市的同义词 灯市的反义词 灯市的例句


灯市 基本解释


词典streets where festival lanterns are displayed in the Lantern Festival

灯市 双语例句

1. 北京东方归禾投资顾问有限责任公司座落于北京市东城区灯市口大街国中商业大厦,始创于2002年。
    Was established in 2002, located in Guozhong commercial building, Dengshikou street, Dongcheng district of Beijing.

2. 这画上有幸福的满月,有耀眼的烟花,有如星星般漂浮在空中的孔明灯,有如莲花般盛开在水中的河灯,还有那各式各样让人目不暇接的灯市,也许简单大气,也许精致典雅,也许流光溢彩,也许形态万千,但无论是哪一种灯都会让无论身在何地的人们内心总是充满了希望与光明。
    This painting has a happy full moon, with dazzling fireworks, like a star-like floating in the air of updating, like a bloom like a lotus flower in water WATER LANTERNS, there are various people that dazzle of lights city, perhaps a simple atmosphere, Perhaps a touch of sophistication, and perhaps Ambilight, perhaps thousands of forms, but no matter what kind of lights would make no matter where the people's hearts are always full of hope and light.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 夜深风静之时,澄海楼面对的大海上,会忽然间群星璀璨,光芒四射,犹如出现了一个闪烁的灯市,五彩纷呈,令人陶醉。
    Middle of the night when the wind, Chenghai floor facing the sea, will suddenly star-studded, radiant, as if there is a flashing light city, colorful scene, it is intoxicating.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

4. 明清两代的灯市上除有灯谜与百戏歌舞之外,又增设了戏曲表演的内容。
    City of the Ming and Qing dynasties lights except for the 100 show riddles and dance, and opera performances additional content.

5. 忙着拍照留念,忙着寄情于物,有的正在热烈地讨论着灯笼上的灯谜,有的则是虔诚地放飞长明灯,让祝福漂洒在夜空中的每个角落,欢笑声,嬉戏声,青春的活力和热情荡漾在无边的灯市里。
    Take pictures busy, busy always focussed on the matter, and some are being actively addressed the riddles on the lanterns, and some are devout to fly a long light, so sprinkle blessings drift in the night sky in every corner of laughter, play sound, the vitality of youth and enthusiasm light waves in the endless city.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 也是因为这个原因,人们把它叫做灯市。。。。
    For this reason also, people call it the City of Lights.

7. 或者到热闹的灯市上挑选自己喜爱的灯笼。
    Some people go to the lively streets to pick a personal favorite.

8. 灯市在线翻译

8. 北京景山学校位于北京东城区灯市口大街,校园占地32亩,建筑面积33000平方米。
    Beijing Jingshan School, located on Dengshikou Street, Dongcheng District, has 33, 000 square meters of buildings.

9. 灯市在线翻译

9. 一些商人说,这是尽快地希望,他们将以此为手段,以新的市场的市场,但市场已经发出通知,8月20日将迁移至一个全新的灯市
    Some merchants say that this is the market as soon as possible to hope that they move to new markets as a means, but the market has already issued a circular, August 20 will be relocated to a whole new Lamps City.

10. 我们在北京新开的项目,现需招一名行政专员/助理,您的工作将在东城区灯市口街一个舒适的办公室。
    Our new opening office on Dengshikou street, is looking for an administration assistant, you will be working at a comfortable office.

11. 继续向北我们就到达了灯市西口。
      To the north we come to Dengshi Xi Kou.

12. 外语要求:英语熟练我们在北京新开的项目,现需招一名行政专员/助理,您的工作将在东城区灯市口街一个舒适的办公室。
      Our new opening office on dengshikou street, is looking for an administration assistant, you will be working at a comfortable office.

13. 所以,今天能够和Scott Bacon,以及诸位贵宾相聚,我们有信心支持他们团体。而王大师也作了回报,通过您们的努力,对Glenorchy市、皞峇灯市的努力、诸位市委会代表、令我们增光的学者们、与您合作良好的警察、您们社团本身以及已经当塔州和皞峇灯为自己的家的很多信仰者们,来反哺社会。
      And so, being able to be present with Scott Bacon today, and with so many other dignitaries, we have the confidence of support of their community, and Master Wang, you express it in return, the endeavours that you are making to the city of Glenorchy, the city of Hobart, the representatives of councils, the academics who have graced us with their presence, the police with whom you work so well, and the many devotees that are part of this community that has made Tasmania and Hobart their home.

14. 当然,三年来在皞峇灯市政局,会令你认识到在道途上可能会遇到一些,让我大胆地说,"障碍″吧。
      Of course three years in Hobart City Council you do realise that there are some dare I say obstacles that might appear on the way.

15. 明清两代的灯市上除有灯谜与百戏歌舞之外,又增设了戏曲表演的内容。
      Ming and Qing dynasties of lights Shangyuan addition to riddles, singing and dancing outside the theater with the100, but also added the contents of opera performances.

16. 唐宋时灯市上开始出现各式杂耍技艺。
      Tang and Song Dynasties when the lights began to appear all kinds of juggling skills ShangXi.

17. 历代人们除游灯市外,又有迎紫姑祭厕神、过桥摸钉走百病等习俗,有击太平鼓、秧歌、高跷、舞龙、舞狮等游戏。
      In addition to ancient people travelled from the city lights, there Ying Zi Gu Festival flushing God, the bridge take-all feel practices such as nails, blow peaceful drums, Yangge, stilts, dragon and lion dances, games.

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