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烂账 基本解释

烂账[làn zhàng ]

词典accounts in a mess烂账。

词典bad debt呆账(收不回的账)。

词典bad accounts

烂账 汉英大词典

烂账[làn zhàng]

(头绪乱的账目) accounts in a mess

烂账 双语例句

1. 你说什么你想让我摊上这烂账么?
    You know what, you expect me to swallow that horseshit?

2. 与建筑商同样急火攻心的还有各地方商业银行,囤积了大量的款项贷不出去,业务周转不起来,银行的日子也不好过;另外,已放贷的一些房地产开发企业如果无法续贷最后工程下马,意味着银行又要增加烂账
    Equally urgent heart attack with fire and building contractors are local commercial banks, non-accumulation of a lot of money out, it is business turnover, the day is not better than banks; In addition, some enterprises engaged in real estate development lending if the project did not Xudai Finally, the Bank should mean increased rotten accounts.

3. 差的开发商本身就是一堆烂账,银行就是想放贷也不太敢。
    The developer itself is a bad pile of bad debts, bank lending is also not dare to think.

4. 烂账

4. 今天工人暴动,要打烂账房间的时候,这姚金凤也在内。
    When the girls rioted today, she was one of those who wanted to smash up the office.

5. 如果不尽快采取大胆行动,我们可能会陷在这团浑沌烂账—很久,很久。
    So the tone of Tuesday`s address may signify nothing about the Obama administration`s future policy.

6. 该收烂账公司仍然不断的来打扰他们,并且有时超过八条大汉出现在他的店铺里。
    The debts collector still coming to disturb them and they sometimes come in a gang of more then eight persons.

7. 恼人的还不止这个,混乱如麻的经济烂账和上一次失败婚姻的阴影都让他头痛不已。
    Also annoying is more than that, confusion, such as Mas economic bad accounts and the shadow of the last failed marriage made him a headache.

8. “好!为了舍不得那四成烂账,倒又赔上十倍去,那真是‘豆腐拌成了肉价钱’的玩意!”
    " So in order to retrieve the bad debt you propose to throw in ten times as much again, eh? Seems to me you're putting too much spice into your bean-curd and making it cost as much as meat. "

9. 由于资产价格贬值和企业亏损,越来越多的贷款也逐渐沦为烂账
    More and more loans turn sour as asset prices fall and businesses fail;

10. 在扩大对外投资中,应当注意约束企业经理们借机扩大自己王国的冲动,避免我国对外投资沦为制造大堆烂账和资本外逃黑洞的大跃进。
    Should notice to control the managers to lend machine extension in the extension outward, avoid our country invest to become to make a big heap outward, lousy and capital escape the great leap forward of black hole outside.

11. “好!为了舍不得那四成烂账,倒又赔上十倍去,那真是‘豆腐拌成了肉价钱’的玩意!”
      " So in order to retrieve the bad debt you propose to throw in ten times as much again, eh? Seems to me you're putting too much spice into your bean-curd and making it cost as much as meat. "

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