
烈山是什么意思 烈山在线翻译 烈山什么意思 烈山的意思 烈山的翻译 烈山的解释 烈山的发音 烈山的同义词 烈山的反义词 烈山的例句


烈山 基本解释

烈山[liè shān]

词典a surname姓。

烈山 汉英大词典

烈山[liè shān]

a surname:


    Lieshan Xin

烈山 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 当我们来到何烈山,你就是我们的中心、我们的目标、我们的事业,和我们的生活。
    When we come to Mount Horeb, You are our center, our purpose, our business, and our very life.

2. 耶和华我们的神在何烈山晓谕我们说,你们在这山上住的日子够了。
    The LORD our God said to us at Horeb, You have stayed long enough at this mountain.

3. 1:6 耶和华我们的神在何烈山对我们说,你们住在这山上的日子彀了
    Jehovah our God spoke to us at Horeb, saying, You have dwelt long enough at this mountain.

4. 烈山的翻译

4. 今天,就是八月的第一个星期六,何烈山镇会庆祝「全国芥茉日」。
    Today, the first Saturday in August, the town of Mount Horeb celebrates National Mustard Day.

5. 摩西说上帝会因祂的怜悯引他们到祂圣所(15:13),就是西乃山或何烈山,上帝从前在荆棘火焰中向摩西显现之处;祂也将在同一地点再次显现并赐给他们十诫。
    The Lord will lead them, because of His mercy, to His holy habitation (15:13). This is Mount Sinai or Horeb, where God appeared to Moses in the burning bush and where He would once again appear to give the Ten Commandments.

6. 烈山

6. 摩西首先回溯他们从何烈山启程(西乃山即何烈山脉的山峰之一,上帝在那埵V以色列人颁布律法,并与他们立约),前往占领上帝所赐之地的旅程。
    Moses began from the beginning of their journey from the mountain range of Horeb, of which Sinai is one peak (the area where the Law had been given and the covenant ratified), on their way to possess their God-given land.

7. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

7. 人族。九黎和烈山的羽皇套。
    The Angelic set on Humans, Balo and Arden.

8. 这是耶和华在摩押地吩咐摩西与以色列人立约的话,是在他和他们于何烈山所立的约之外。
    These are the terms of the covenant the LORD commanded Moses to make with the Israelites in Moab, in addition to the covenant he had made with them at Horeb.

9. 诗106:19他们在何烈山造了牛犊叩拜铸成的像。
    They made a calf in Horeb And worshiped a molten image.

10. 一天,摩西领羊群往野外去,到了何烈山
    One day Moses led Jethros sheep to the backside of the desert, to Mount Horeb.

11. 你们在何烈山又惹耶和华发怒。他恼怒你们,要灭绝你们。
      At Horeb you aroused the LORD'S wrath so that he was angry enough to destroy you.

12. 烈山的近义词

12. 亚摩利人却执意住在希烈山和亚雅伦并沙宾。然而约瑟家胜了他们,使他们成了服苦的人。
      But the Amorites would dwell in mount Heres in Aijalon, and in Shaalbim: yet the hand of the house of Joseph prevailed, so that they became tributaries.

13. 烈山的解释

13. 约柜里惟有两块石版,就是以色列人出埃及后,耶和华与他们立约的时候,摩西在何烈山所放的。除此以外,并无别物。
      There was nothing in the ark except the two tablets that Moses had placed in it at Horeb, where the Lord made a covenant with the Israelites after they came out of Egypt.

14. 安徽淮北烈山粘土矿的粘土矿物
      Clay minerals in clay ores at lie shan, huaibei, anhui Province

15. 你们当记念我仆人摩西的律法,就是我在何烈山,为以色列众人所吩咐他的律例典章。
      Remember the law of my servant moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all israel.

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