
烹茶是什么意思 烹茶在线翻译 烹茶什么意思 烹茶的意思 烹茶的翻译 烹茶的解释 烹茶的发音 烹茶的同义词 烹茶的反义词 烹茶的例句


烹茶 基本解释


词典brew tea烹茶。

烹茶 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 诗人烹茶的水,还是亲自在钓石边从深处汲来的,并用活火煮沸的。
    Poet of the water, or in person in the fishing stone edge come from the depths of Jiqing and use of live fire (with the charcoal flame Chi-square) boiled.

2. 烹茶什么意思

2. 所以工夫茶之收功全在烹茶,冲茶之法。
    So Gong工夫茶collection of all-in烹茶, tea of the law.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. 天天,来自五湖四海的网友聚集在这尺寸之地,高谈阔论,烹茶煮酒,问道英雄路。
    Everyday, come from the ground that the netizen of all corners of the land collects in this dimension, harangue, make tea the wine that boil, ask a hero the way.

4. 苏轼对烹茶煮水时的水温掌握十分讲究,不能有些许差池。
    Su Shi烹茶煮水to grasp when the water temperature is about and can not go astray somewhat.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 我们这里所说的'艺',是指制茶、烹茶、品茶等艺茶之术;我们这里所说的'道',是指艺茶过程中所贯彻的精神。
    Here said the `skill', is refers to the system tea, to make tea, to judge tea and so on techniques of the skill tea; Here said `', refers to the spirit which in the skill tea process implements.

6. 前头却很有趣,装着个小小的炉子,同我们烹茶用的差不多,上面承着一只小镬子;瓣状的火焰从镬子旁边舔出来,烧得不很旺。
    The front end was interesting though--it was fittedwith a tiny stove, like the kind we use for making tea, and on topthere was a small cauldron.

7. 烹茶

7. 形象地说,这是一个男人打马球、女人荡秋千的时代;这是一个烹茶话隐士、煮酒论英雄的时代;这是一个学子、政客、军人、僧侣、商贾、艺人并行不悖、各领风骚的时代……。
    Put it in a graphic way, it was a time when men were playing polo while women were swaying on the swing; it was a time to talk about hermits during tea drinking and to comment heroes during wine boozing, and it was a time students, politicians, military men, monks, merchants and artisans were separately pursuing their own enterprises and living harmoniously to each other.

8. 在我国茶文化发展历史长河中,唐、宋、明为其重要时期,唐代的青、白碗盏对烹茶文化,宋代黑釉盏瓶对斗茶文化,明代紫砂、青花瓷对泡茶文化都有重大的影响。
    Among them, the blue, white china wares in Tang Dynasty contributed to tea boiling, the black glaze, kettle in Song Dynasty contributed to tea tasting, and the blue and white porcelain in Ming Dynasty contributed to tea soaking.

9. 用好水烹茶,才能更好地体现出好茶的味道。
    To make tea with good water can show the flavor of the tea better.

10. 因为今天无花回来,替他烹茶
    Because Wu Hua is back to make tea for him.

11. 烹茶的近义词

11. 茶艺是关于饮茶的技艺,主要包括制茶工艺、烹茶技艺、品饮艺术三个环节,我们据此对唐代茶艺发展状况予以剖析。
      Tea art is about the technique of tea drinking, which mainly includes three links, such as tea making techniques, tea cooking skills and tea tasting art. In accordance to this, we analyze the development status of tea art in Tang Dynasty.

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