
照亮是什么意思 照亮在线翻译 照亮什么意思 照亮的意思 照亮的翻译 照亮的解释 照亮的发音 照亮的同义词 照亮的反义词 照亮的例句


照亮 基本解释







照亮 网络解释

1. illuminate vt:His report did not differentiate the two aspects of the problem. 他的报告没有区别开这个问题的两个方面. | illuminate vt. 照亮 | counsellor n. 顾问

2. light up:be covered with 被......覆盖着 | light up 照亮 | show an interest in 对......表现出兴趣

3. illuminate:wonder 奇迹 | illuminate 照亮 | churning ( 波浪 ) 翻腾的

4. illumine:illuminate 照明,阐释,说明 | illumine 照亮 | illustrate 举例说明,画插图

照亮 双语例句

1. 照亮

1. 北极光照亮天空,在皑皑白雪覆盖的加拿大家园之上。
    Patterns in Nature: Aurorae The aurora borealis lights up the sky above a snow-covered Canadian homestead.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 在千叶街头的传统灯笼为行人照亮了回家的路,千叶是东京湾的五个主要城市之一。
    Traditional lanterns illuminate a walk home in Chiba, one of the five main cities that surround Tokyo Bay.

3. 照亮是什么意思

3. 假如金色的阳光,休止了它刺眼的毫光,你的一个微笑,将照亮我的整个世界。
    And if the golden sun, Should cease to shine its light, Just one smile from you, Would make my whole world bright.

4. 将照亮我的整个世界。休止了它刺眼的毫光;你的一个微笑
    Just one smile from you, Would make my whole world bright

5. 如果你正等待你照亮走廊、选择植物或灌木一阵色彩。
    If you are looking to brighten up your walkway, choose plants or shrubs with a burst of color.

6. 谁能照亮一片黑暗而泥泞的天空?
    Can one illuminate a black and miry sky?

7. 焰腾腾,辉耀着他们的脸庞,也照亮了他们用树干撑起的那座林中圣殿,还把流光镀到那些光滑得似油漆过一般的树叶上和那些缀着花朵的青藤上。
    The climbing fire lit up their faces and threw its ruddy glare upon the pillared tree-trunks of their forest temple, and upon the varnished foliage and festooning vines.

8. 现在是时候申办adieu ,以不堪的痛苦和悲伤,并照亮了一丝希望。
    It is time to bid adieu to the pangs of pain and sorrow and light up the ray of hope within.

9. 在印度教,我们都是被神的光明所照亮
    In Hinduism, we are all illuminated under the light of god.

10. 照亮的意思

10. 内部,他们引擎的蓝光照亮了墙壁。
    Inside, the blue glow of their engines illuminated the walls.

11. 911查询·英语单词

11. 希望你能找到那个把你生命照亮的人。
      I hope you can find that the person who lit up your life.

12. 照亮是什么意思

12. 你知道当爱照亮你的眼睛。
      You know when love`s shining in your eyes.

13. 我的爱会照亮天际。
      My love will light the sky above.

14. 今夜,我感觉更接近你,你打开我的心房和照亮那天际。
      Tonight, I feel close to you, You open my door and light the sky above.

15. 在这个两分钟的接触,初升的月亮在云层照亮夜空席卷圣马丁在这个领域的,教堂的主教夏天,星期四,2009年12月3日,在毕德佛池,缅因州。
      In this two-minute exposure, the rising moon illuminates clouds sweeping across the evening sky over St. Martin's In The Field, an Episcopal summer chapel, Thursday, Dec. 3, 2009, in Biddeford Pool, Maine.

16. 你只照亮表面,我却更深入表面进到深处。
      You light surfaces only, I force surfaces and depths also.

17. 在充满黑暗的世界里,我们都需要一些光明。它可以是指导我们挽回失去的东西的一束火焰;也可以是驱除潜在的恶魔的灯塔;或者是照亮我们隐藏真相的灯泡。
      08 In a world filled with darkness, we all need some kind of light, whether it's a great flame that shows us how to win back what we've lost, or a powerful bea con intended to scare away potential monsters, or a few glowing bulbs that rev eal to us the hidden truth of our past.

18. 1比32比例,锌合金+ABS工程塑料材质,车门可打开,大灯和尾灯在车前进或后退时会亮,超酷手表型遥控器,独特的多功能汽车展台,带展示灯,在展示模式下,展台会旋转,展示灯会照亮展台上的车身,犹如车展一样,在充电模式下,展台内的6节5号电池会在10分钟内将车内置NI-MH电池充满,取下车后,使用手表型遥控器就可以出发啦!
      To 32 proportions, the zinc base alloy +ABS engineering plastics material quality, the vehicle door may open, light and rear light when vehicle advance or backlash can shine, the ultra cruel wristwatch remote control, the unique multi-purpose automobile booth, brings the demonstration lamp, under the demonstration pattern, the booth can revolve, demonstrated the lantern festival illuminates on the booth the automobile body, just like the vehicle to unfold is same, under the charge pattern, in the booth 65th battery can set in 10 minutes the vehicle in the NI-MH battery to fill, after takes down the vehicle, uses the wristwatch remote control to be allowed to embark!

19. 拿着火把照亮我的大半生。
      To carry a torch for most of my life.

20. 照亮的解释

20. 如此我认为他设法照亮它。。。
      So I think he tried to lighten it...

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