
照准是什么意思 照准在线翻译 照准什么意思 照准的意思 照准的翻译 照准的解释 照准的发音 照准的同义词 照准的反义词 照准的例句


照准 基本解释


照准[zhào zhāng]




词典request granted照准。

照准 汉英大词典

照准[zhào zhāng]

(对准) aiming; alidade; collimate

[旧] request granted

照准 网络解释

1. sighting:sight line 视准线 | sighting 照准 | sighting device 照准装置

2. aiming:零磁偏线,正磁线 agonic line | 照准 aiming | 测角盘 aiming circle

3. 照准

3. sight:照准 aiming | 照准 sight | 照准标 aiming stake mark

4. aimingcollimatesighting:aimaimatalignmentZero 对准 | aimingcollimatesighting 照准 | aimlessly 漫无目的地

照准 双语例句

1. 我要你照准她的小屁股下面打,明白吗?
    I want you to hit her right up under her skinny ass, understand?

2. 多虑了,它确实有非常高的照准精度。
    Yes Yes, it does seem to be highly accurate.

3. 这办法终于照准了,教皇只得授权给他的代表去审问路德的案件。
    This arrangement was finally effected, and the pope's legate was appointed to hear the case.

4. 照准是什么意思

4. 愿我主大王的上主天主,如此照准
    May the LORD, the God of my lord the king, so decree!

5. 想跟我要钱的人,请找我妈妈,只要我妈妈说:「好。」我就会说:「所请一律照准
    Pls just try and send me fifty dollars so i can collect them. thanks as you respond to my letter.

6. 照准是什么意思

6. 这是不寻常的债务合并贷款办法,25年前,长债还清照准
    It is not unusual for debt consolidation loans to approach twenty five years in length before the debt is repaid in full.

7. 那是,一经干涉计已经被适当地校正刻度,一能用互相密合着照明干涉计,照准了未知的波长轻来源然后使用冲突的变化式样决定来源的波长。
    That is, once the interferometer has been properly calibrated, one can illuminate the interferometer with a coherent, collimated light source of unknown wavelength and then use changes in the interference pattern to determine the wavelength of the source.

8. 除掉经济新闻的编者要挽留以外,其余王先生送阅的辞职信都一一照准
    Except for efforts to retain the economics news editor, the management approved one after another of all the letters of resignation Wang submitted to them

9. 照准的反义词

9. 主反射镜的重量约125吨,所以把它列入照准需要大型起重机。
    The main reflector weighs approximately 125 metric tons so placing it on the alidade requires a large crane.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. 海拔车轮安装而照准接近完成的最后成员和工作平台,在海拔生育水平的焊接。此主题相关图片
    The elevation wheel is installed, and the alidade nears completion as the last members and work platforms at elevation bearing level are welded.

11. 束波导镜子放置在钢管部分准备安装在照准结构横梁。
      The beam waveguide mirrors are placed in the steel tube segments in readiness for installation amongst the alidade structural beams.

12. 激光照准系统中柱形边缘对瞄准精度的影响
      Pointing Accuracy of the Laser Aiming System for Detecting Cylinder Edges

13. 我摆出一个很可能是非常可笑的姿势,然后举起锄头,照准蛇打了下去,与此同时,我发出一声可能会使训练指导引以自豪的尖叫声。
      I struck a stance that was probably ridiculous; then I raised the hoe and brought it down on the snake. At the same time, I let out a yell that would have made a drill instructor proud.

14. 照准的近义词

14. 通过对大气折光角及其起伏的日变化规律的分析,提出了一种根据动态照准误差确定VAM的有利与不利时间的方法。
      Based on the analysis for the variation laws of the atmospheric refraction angle and its undulation in the daytime, a method to determine the favorable or unfavorable time for VAM on the basis of the dynamic sighting error is given in this paper.

15. 通过研究激光照准系统中柱形边缘引起的边缘衍射和干涉效应,分析其对边缘瞄准精度的影响。
      The interference and diffraction phenomenon created by cylinders edge in the course of the pointing of the laser aiming system are discussed in this paper.

16. 由陀螺仪寻北中天法的基本原理出发,提出了一种固定照准部的初寻北半周期中天法。
      Based on the principle of period transit method, semi-period transit method of collimation is proposed to improve the north-seeking speed and the automatic degree.

17. 讨论了空间照准标志的形状和实验精度。
      It discusses the form and testing precision of the spatial sighting mark.

18. 照准在线翻译

18. 针对全站仪因运输,振动而引起的发射、接收、照准三轴偏移现象,本文介绍了一种利用常规仪器进行校正的方法。
      Aiming at the bias of the launch axis, receive axis and collimate axis because of the transporting of the total station optical electronic tacheometer, a checking and adjusting method is introduced with conventional instrument.

19. 介绍了一种基于测距信号强度最大原理进行目标的自动搜寻、照准与测量的基本工作原理、方法与实现过程,分析了其适合于作为固定站用于无人看守的危险地区的长期变形监测。
      A basic principle, method and realization process that can automatic search, take and survey aims based on maximum principle of strength of distance measurement signal is introduced.

20. 最后,在对望远镜的照准差和望远镜编码器的零点差进行测定后,将模型带入望远镜的跟踪控制程序中对望远镜的指向误差进行了修正,修正后的指向精度可达到4°左右。
      Last, after finishing the measurements and correction of the telescope collimation error and encoder offset, the correction model is applied to the telescope tracking control program to correct the telescope pointing errors.

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