
照样是什么意思 照样在线翻译 照样什么意思 照样的意思 照样的翻译 照样的解释 照样的发音 照样的同义词 照样的反义词 照样的例句


照样 基本解释

照样[zhào yàng ]

词典after a pattern or model照样。

词典in the same old way

词典all the same尽管如此, 仍然。

词典as before依旧;如故;如以前;照旧。

照样 汉英大词典

照样[zhào yàng]

(依照样式) after a pattern or model:


    draw after a model;


    sale by sample

照样 网络解释

1. 照样

1. all the same:11. allow for 考虑到 | 12. all the same 照样 | 13. as it is 实际上

2. asbeforesameasusual:asarylaldehyde 细辛醛 | asbeforesameasusual 照样 | asbestiform 石棉状

3. 照样

3. bdmy:bdmf 照相 | bdmy 照样 | bdn 陈列室

照样 双语例句

1. 这恰如我们虽然看不懂莫扎特乐曲的总谱,却照样能同它的主旋律产生共鸣,击节称赞。
    Despite our disability to understand the score of Mozart's musical pieces.

2. 在这一关开始的时候玩家身上会出现两个状态:即震慑和有趣如果玩家使用神佑或者峨眉使用带若木鸡的话,可以解除掉自身的震慑状态,这样就杀的很轻松了,只是卓不凡也会免疫外功或者免疫内功只不过他不像桑土公那侏儒是的隐身,这一关杀起来照样很轻松。
    In the beginning of this hurdle will be the two players who state: that is, to deter and interesting use of God, if you or a player to use with Emei Muji if so, can the shock and awe to lift themselves out state, so that's very easy to kill, but also卓不凡immune or immune外功his strength is not only the public that land mulberry dwarf is the stealth, the clearance is very easy to kill them the same.

3. 第三种方法是购并者照样进行交易,接着再从市场买回因购并所发行的股份,如此一来,原本以股换股的交易便转变为以现金换股的交易,买回股份本身是一种修补损害的动作,正常的读者应该能正确的猜到我们宁愿以买回自家股份的方式直接增进原有股东权益,而不只是修补原先的损害,得分的达阵会比弥补失误更令人雀跃,但当失误真的发生了,亡羊补牢还是很重要的,我们衷心建议大家应该以买回自家股份这类弥补错误动作,将一项不好的以股换股交易变为合理的现金换股交易。
    The third solution is for the acquirer to go ahead with the acquisition, but then subsequently repurchase a quantity of shares equal to the number issued in the merger. In this manner, what originally was a stock-for-stock merger can be converted, effectively, into a cash-for-stock acquisition. Repurchases of this kind are damage-repair moves. Regular readers will correctly guess that we much prefer repurchases that directly enhance the wealth of owners instead of repurchases that merely repair previous damage. Scoring touchdowns is more exhilarating than recovering one`s fumbles. But, when a fumble has occurred, recovery is important and we heartily recommend damage-repair repurchases that turn a bad stock deal into a fair cash deal.

4. 别太操心了,没有你地球照样转。
    Don't worry anything, the earth is still turnning without you.

5. 照样是什么意思

5. 就像银子在炼炉中镕化,你们也照样在城中镕化:如此,你们就承认我是上主,是我在你们身上发泄了怒火。
    You shall be smelted by it just as silver is smelted in a furnace. Thus you shall know that I, the LORD, have poured out my fury on you.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 兄弟们都过来,把那群sb打成蜂窝,别往底下藏了,我照样看得见你
    So homie come get me, Shut up boys what up though I see you

7. 21:36 他又打发别的奴仆去,比先前更多,园户还是照样待他们。
    Again, he sent some other slaves, more than the first, and they did likewise to them.

8. 照样的近义词

8. 现在我照样定意施恩与耶路撒冷和犹大家,你们不要惧怕。
    So now I have determined to do good again to Jerusalem and Judah. Do not be afraid.

9. 我也感觉他位置不错但可惜照样被吹戍守犯规。
    I actually saw he had a good position but he gets ticked with a foul.

10. 又有一个利末人,来到这地方,看见他,也照样从那边过去了。
    So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.

11. 10:32 又有一个利末人,来到这地方,看见他,也照样从那边过去了。
      And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side.

12. 10:32 又有一个利末人,来到这地方,看见他,也照样从那边过去了。
      And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and paed by on the other side.

13. 毕竟,我们这位有名的银行主管尽管品行不端,还不是照样在各方面很成功?
      After all, hasn't our noted bank executive succeeded in every visible way, despite his moral failing?

14. 但是我相信他照样能到达彼岸。
      But I believe he can reach the other shore all the same.

15. 第二天,我又到船上去了一趟。这时,我看到船上凡是我拿得动而又易于搬运的东西,已被我掠取一空。于是我就动手搬取船上的锚索。我把锚索截成许多小段,以便于搬运。我把船上两根锚索和一根铁缆以及其他能搬动的铁器都取下来,又把船上的前帆杠和后帆杠,以及所有能找到的其他木料也都砍下来,扎成一个大木排,再把那些东西装上去运回岸。但这次运气不佳。因为木排做得太笨重,载货又多,当木排驶进卸货的小湾后,失去控制。结果木排一翻,连货带人,通通掉进水里去了。人倒没有受伤,因木排离岸已近;可是,我的货物却大部分都损失了。尤其是那些铁器,我本来指望将来会有用处的。不过,退潮后,我还是把大部分锚索和铁器从水里弄了上来;这工作当然十分吃力,我不得不潜入水里把它们一一打捞上来。后来,我照样每天到船上去一次,把能够搬下来的东西都搬下来。
      The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder`d the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser* on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unweildy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter`d the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargoe into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargoe, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho` with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu`d me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get.

16. 第二天,我又到船上去了一趟。这时,我看到船上凡是我拿得动而又易于搬运的东西,已被我掠取一空。于是我就动手搬取船上的锚索。我把锚索截成许多小段,以便于搬运。我把船上两根锚索和一根铁缆以及其他能搬动的铁器都取下来,又把船上的前帆杠和后帆杠,以及所有能找到的其他木料也都砍下来,扎成一个大木排,再把那些东西装上去运回岸。但这次运气不佳。因为木排做得太笨重,载货又多,当木排驶进卸货的小湾后,失去控制。结果木排一翻,连货带人,通通掉进水里去了。人倒没有受伤,因木排离岸已近;可是,我的货物却大部分都损失了。尤其是那些铁器,我本来指望将来会有用处的。不过,退潮后,我还是把大部分锚索和铁器从水里弄了上来;这工作当然十分吃力,我不得不潜入水里把它们一一打捞上来。后来,我照样每天到船上去一次,把能够搬下来的东西都搬下来。
      The next Day I made another Voyage; and now having plunder'd the Ship of what was portable and fit to hand out, I began with the Cables; and cutting the great Cable into Pieces, such as I could move, I got two Cables and a Hawser on Shore, with all the Iron Work I could get; and having cut down the Spritsail-yard, and the Missen-yard, and every Thing I could to make a large Raft, I loaded it with all those heavy Goods, and came away: But my good Luck began now to leave me; for this Raft was so unwieldy, and so overloaden, that after I was enter'd the little Cove, where I had landed the rest of my Goods, not being able to guide it so handily as I did the other, it overset, and threw me and all my Cargo into the Water; as for my self it was no great Harm, for I was near the Shore; but as to my Cargo, it was great Part of it lost, especially the Iron, which I expected would have been of great Use to me: However, when the Tide was out, I got most of the Pieces of Cable ashore, and some of the Iron, tho'with infinite Labour; for I was fain to dip for it into the Water, a Work which fatigu'd me very much: After this I went every Day on Board, and brought away what I could get.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 照样的,有许多不敢恭唯的发问,和不太正确的观念,不管弟兄或姐妹也都一样会提出来。
      Likewise, there are not-so admirable questions or not so correct views expressed by both boys and girls.

18. 服破烂、硬梆,她的姿质仍是照样完美。珠儿的外貌中蕴含著万千变化之美:在她这一个孩子身上,综合著从农家婴儿野花似的美到小公主的典雅高贵的气质的无所不包的独到之处。
      Pearl's aspect was imbued with a spell of infinite variety; in this one child there were many children, comprehending the full scope between the wild-flower prettiness of a peasant-baby, and the pomp, in little, of an infant princess.

19. 这建议正合了王的心,王就照样进行。
      This suggestion pleased the king, and he acted accordingly.

20. 照样在线翻译

20. 8:7 行法术的也用他们的秘咒照样而行,叫青蛙上了埃及地。
      And the magicians did the same with their secret spells and brought up frogs on the land of Egypt.

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