
牛角尖是什么意思 牛角尖在线翻译 牛角尖什么意思 牛角尖的意思 牛角尖的翻译 牛角尖的解释 牛角尖的发音 牛角尖的同义词


牛角尖 基本解释


词典the tip of a horn牛角尖。

词典an insignificant or insoluble problem牛角尖。

牛角尖 双语例句

1. 如果你一定要去钻研翡翠的三十六水、七十二豆、一百零八蓝的话,将会钻进牛角尖而一事无成。
    If you must go to study the 36 emerald water, 72 beans, 108 blue, it will dead end drilling accomplish anything.

2. 有些人就是这样,一旦钻了牛角尖就不知道什么时候该主动出来
    If you simple suck at something... try not to embrass yourself in front of millions of people...

3. 這個星期你需要清除一些選擇,因為你太容易去鑽牛角尖在這些選擇中,想太多了。
    You need to eliminate a few choices later in the week, because it's too easy for you to ping-pong back and forth between your options otherwise.

4. 假如陷在自己的牛角尖里,隐私只能越捂越糟。
    If defect is in his insignificant problem, privacy can cover more only jump over flooey.

5. 没有这样的优势被赋予我们这个可怕的脱节的人类社会,因此,我们变得丑陋,越加的好胜,好争吵,专牛角尖,越加的无能。
    No such advantage is conferred in our terrible modern and disconnected human world. And so we get uglier, more competitive and quarrelsome, and more, in every sense of the word, unfit.

6. 连续看上几个小时枯燥的技术简报后,他会不自觉地钻起牛角尖来。
    Reading from a tedious technical brief for hours on end, he would stray into difficult territory.

7. 牛角尖的翻译

7. 不过,正是因为这套完整的框架才使得学者们对某些具体问题的研究走上了定势思维的牛角尖
    But scholars are trapped in the dead angle of the research because of that intact frame.

8. 牛角尖是什么意思

8. 就农业产业化的经济学研究本身而言,其理论体系已经相当全面和成熟,不过,也正是因为这套完整的框架才使得学者们对某些具体问题的研究走入了定势思维的牛角尖
    As far as economic research on agricultural integration to be concerned, its system of theory is mature and comprehensive. But scholars are trapped in the dead angle of the research because of that intact frame.

9. 只是牛时有牛脾气,还爱甩牛角尖,这就使得有人不大喜欢它。
    Only beef cattle temper from time to time, but also love rejection dead end, which makes some people do not like it.

10. 牛角尖什么意思

10. 当有些人钻进牛角尖的时候,即使是在大学学府里,他们也会变得冥顽不化的。
    People are apt to petrify, even at a University, if they follow the same paths too persistently.

11. 我自己的人生意义到底在哪里?那个时候我钻到牛角尖里出不来。
      In other words, I am only a slave to money even if I became the richest person in the world.

12. 这种牛角尖没什么好钻的,我也只是发表一下观点
      I'm going to the hospital. going to the hospital对应going to do

13. 我们认为没有必要钻法律问题的牛角尖
      We should not deem it necessary to go into the complete complexity, the forest of legal aspects.

14. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

14. 米兰——有时你会再次陷入牛角尖,这就需要有足够的勇气来向前看,未来才是最重要的。
      MILANO -'Sometimes you think again about it, you need enough strength to look ahead, to think about the future.

15. 牛角尖

15. 当有些人钻进牛角尖的时候,即使是在大学学府里,他们也会变得冥顽不化的。
      People are apt to petrify, even at a University, if they follow the same paths too persistently

16. 每个人都有钻不开的牛角尖与难处
      Everyone has their unsolved problems and adversities.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 最近我在想这其实是不是就是自己在很多问题上执着地钻着牛角尖
      Flugzeug, now you are at the level of wondering why you are wondering why..

18. 我担心人们会钻这些IPCC成员的牛角尖,然后出去说,气温将升高一度,而某些人则说,气温将升高六度。
      I'm wonied about people grabbing these IPCC numbers and then going out there and saying, oh, it's only going to warm up by one degree, 'and somebody else saying it's going to warm up by six.

19. 牛角尖

19. 他们钻进了牛角尖,认为这全是个人阴谋。
      They have a paranoid theory that it's all a big conspiracy.

20. 我不再钻在牛角尖里。
      I am not going to drill in the Horn Lane.

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