
牧群是什么意思 牧群在线翻译 牧群什么意思 牧群的意思 牧群的翻译 牧群的解释 牧群的发音 牧群的同义词 牧群的反义词 牧群的例句


牧群 基本解释

牧群[mù qún]


牧群 双语例句

1. 牧童用了一个晚上的时间才把从牧群中走失的牛聚集在一起。
    The cowboy worked all night to gather the cattle that had straggled behind the rest of the herd.

2. 要十分地解除年到人的巨大的威胁,黄色皇帝与应该部长等等龙,力量牧群谈论一起采取任何手段。
    To relieve the year thoroughly to people's huge threat, Yellow Emperor with should ministers and so on dragon, strength herd discuss together adopts any means.

3. 牧群,花园,和健康的瓦屋之大地哟!
    Land of the herd, the garden, the healthy house of adobie!

4. 在防止森林砍伐和沙漠化方面,有些地区也取得了一些进展。2003年5月,在宁夏及其他地区,政府禁止牧群进入一定高度以上的山岭。
    There has also been some progress in preventing deforestation and desertification in some areas. In May, 2003, nomadic herding was banned above certain altitudes throughout the region and in other parts of China.

5. 珠子被戴在牧群前面的死牧羊人的前额上。
    The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd aheadof the herd.

6. 牧群是什么意思

6. 雪峰的红光映射到这辽阔的牧场上,形成一个金碧辉煌的世界,蒙古包、牧群和牧女们,都镀上了一色的玫瑰红。
    The glow of the mountains reaches down to the pastureland and transforms it into a luminous world of gold and brilliance.

7. 放养牧群和其它动物的草地是需要时间调养生息的把动物从一个牧场迁到另一个可以提供足够的时间,让草原重新生长。
    Moving animals from one area of paster pasture to another can provide the time needed for new growth.

8. 牧群

8. 人们以前以牺牲牧群来崇拜上帝。
    In the old days, people sacrificed flocks and herds to worship God.

9. 如果世上没有了吃虫子的动物,人类将无法在世上生存,因为昆虫会吃光我们的农作物,杀害我们驯养的家禽和牧群
    Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insects-eating animals.

10. 它是一种巡回家畜农业形式:牧群放牧在开旷草原,一年集拢两次的牲畜聚集起来,给牛犊打上烙印,把成熟的牲畜赶到市场上出售。
    It was an itinerant form of livestock farming: herds were tended on open range, and Biannual roundups were held for Branding calves and driving mature animals to market.

11. 牧群

11. 食肉动物对牧群是个威胁。
      Predators? Were a threat to the herd.

12. 尽管牲畜的数目已开始超过牧场的承受能力,然而每个放牧人都意识到,继续扩大自己的牧群能赚取净利。
      Even as the numbers of cattle begin to exceed the carrying capacity of the land, each herdsman perceives that continuing to increase the size of his own herd is to his net benefit.

13. 牧群什么意思

13. 这不是一个简单的工作,当你将牧群带入小镇而且没有丢失其中的任何一个,世上没有任何一种感觉可与之相比。
      It ain`t an easy job, but when you bring a herd into town and you ain`t lost a one of them, ain`t a feeling like it in the world.

14. 445.珠子被戴在牧群前面的死牧羊人的前额上。
      445. The bead is put on the forehead of the dead shepherd ahead of the herd.

15. 牧群的反义词

15. 后来,赫密士看管他的牧群的时候发明了潘神销,是由芦苇制成。
      Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds.

16. 牧群是什么意思

16. 马赛人要时刻准备着为牧群而牺牲。
      A Masai has to be ready to risk his life for his herd.

17. 系统运行在互联网上,实现了牧群位置信息的可视化显示、运动轨迹查询播放、虚拟围栏等功能,能在牧群离开牧区的情况下以系统提示和短信的方式及时告知牧民。
      The system platform running on the Internet, has the function of herd location visual displaying, herd track querying, electronic fence and so on, can inform the pastoralist when herd left the virtual fences by system prompts or messages.

18. 911查询·英语单词

18. 生态经济视阈下的游牧人口定居研究&以甘南牧区为例牧人,牧工放牧或驱赶牧群的人
      A Study on the Nomadic Population Settlement from the Perspective of Ecological Economy & A Case Study of Gannan Pastureland

19. 911查询·英语单词

19. 有时候,风从牧群中间送过来银铃似的丁当声,那是哈萨克牧女们坠满衣角的银饰在风中击响。
      From time to time, the wind wafts to you a jingling sound which is made by the metal ornaments on the clothes of the Kazak girls looking after the cattle.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 狮子老虎和狼也会跟着来,因为没有了捕猎者你们的野外牧群很快会有数量问题。
      Lions and tigers and wolves will also come along, as without predators your wild herds would soon create a population problem.

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