
猜度是什么意思 猜度在线翻译 猜度什么意思 猜度的意思 猜度的翻译 猜度的解释 猜度的发音 猜度的同义词 猜度的反义词 猜度的例句


猜度 基本解释

猜度[cāi duó]




词典guess and assess猜度。

猜度 汉英大词典

猜度[cāi duó]

(猜测揣度) surmise; conjecture; guess and assess:


    A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.

猜度 双语例句

1. 在经历了处长最近临时抱佛脚,不必要宣传,商业前景仍然难以猜度,而那些找理由不出席无疑找到了,可它吉布森童心,戈尔会议成员的字幕或事由。
    In the wake of its director's recent outburst and unwanted publicity, commercial prospects remain anyone's guess, and those looking for a reason not to attend will undoubtedly find one, be it Gibson's tirade, the gore, the subtitles or outre subject matter.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 他心里在猜度,这位老人家是谁?
    He was wondering who that old man could be.

3. 我没有在猜度别人,其实我知道我自己曾经好长一段时间是比较郁郁的。
    I did mean to surmise others, because I know that I had ever been in a pale mood for a long time.

4. 法官猜度他的罪行;没有证据显示他杀了那个人。
    the judge surmised his guilt; there was no proof that he killed the man.

5. 这些能被触摸到的艺术作品对我有着实在的意义,但即使这些艺术品既是为了观看又是为了摸的,我也只能是猜度我仍未发现的美妙。
    I can admire the simple lines of a Greek vase, but its figured decorations are lost to me.

6. 有一个日子,我总在猜度
    One day, I always guess.

7. 我忍不住轻轻猜度她一下,感到她心中充满不安和惊异的情绪。我的从容自若大大超出她的计算,她不了解我。
    I can't help surmise her, feel her heart full of uneasy and surprised mood gently, my calmly and unhurriedly greatly going beyond her calculation, she does not understand me.

8. A-Accept 「世界沒有十全十美的人」這句話是千真萬確的尤其是兩個人一起並不等如兩塊合得來的積木,必需互相遷就記著,你愛他/她,就必需接受他/她的一切包括他/她的缺點 B-Believe 不信任對方,經常以懷疑的語氣盤問對方這種互相猜度的愛。。。
    Henceforth, we gonna show you every way We gonna change it perfectly every day We gonna make you ever brave You're gonna to know that you'll be free If HOVER can open up your dreams If HOVER can open up your mind Don't say it never can be re...

9. 近义复述同一短文中上下毗邻的句子通常有互释作用,我们可以从上下文的复述中获取与某一单词相关的信息来猜度词义。
    Intelligent behavior remained impossible until the appearance of relatively big, complex types of brain——the types we find among the vertebrates, or backboned animals.

10. 猜度是什么意思

10. 对她的人格产生了一种令人难堪的猜度
    A very painful surmise arose concerning her character.

11. 他暗自猜度希尔森究竟有什么高招。
      He wondered what Shearson had up his sleeve

12. 他心里在猜度,这位老人家是谁?
      He was wondering who the old man could be.

13. 猜度什么意思

13. 文章以吗问句为研究对象,探讨了以下几个问题:1.根据吗字的历时演变过程析离出了现代汉语吗问句的三种功能类型:询问求知句、猜度求证句和反诘质疑句;
      By investigating'ma'- questions in mandarin, this paper discusses some important issues as follows: 1.Three function types of'ma'- questions (inquiry, surmise and query) are distinguished on a basis of researching historical evolvement of'ma';

14. 他们却只用猜度的眼睛来观看。
      And for they look'd but with divining eyes.

15. 猜度的近义词

15. 这些能被触摸到的艺术作品对我有着实在的意义,但即使这些艺术品既是为了观看又是为了摸的,我也只能是猜度我仍未发现的美妙。
      These arts which can be touched have meaning for me, but even they were meant to be seen rather than felt, and I can only guess at the beauty which remains hidden from me.

16. 他整天都在察言观色,小心翼翼地猜度着又会有什么样的伤害落到自己的身上。
      He is in all the day carefully watch what sb is doing and saying, guess wears cautious ground to again can what kind of harm falls to his body.

17. 此时此刻,那些送行的人们一定坐在大客车里仰望着我们的飞机,以从来没有坐过飞机的人的复杂心情猜度着我们被送上蓝天时,一个个会是什么样子,然后驱车离去。
      Now, with mixed emotions, those relatives in the busses, before driving home, must look up at our plane and imagine the moment that we were sent to the sky.

18. 猜度在线翻译

18. 雅各布·伯努利的《猜度术》研究
      Study on Jacob Bernoulli's Art of Conjecturing

19. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

19. 把不弛辛弹簧螺丝纳到极限,再开机,障碍减不沉,猜度是靠身边的弹簧气辛不敷,换一个气辛不小的弹簧,障碍摈斥。
      Screw the culumn branch of the envelope, and then reduce the power-on, fault, it is estimated by the side of the spring force is not enough, another major Springs troubleshooting.

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