
琴书是什么意思 琴书在线翻译 琴书什么意思 琴书的意思 琴书的翻译 琴书的解释 琴书的发音 琴书的同义词 琴书的反义词 琴书的例句


琴书 基本解释

琴书[qín shū]

词典story-telling, mainly in song, with musical accompaniment

琴书 汉英大词典

琴书[qín shū]

story-telling, mainly in song, with musical accompaniment

琴书 双语例句

1. 对于三种体制的梳理,不仅可以总结不同时期不同群体的创作特点,粗略阐明山东琴书音乐的发展脉络;而且可以看到雅文化群体在这些音乐体制形成时的所起到的主导动力。
    The impetus for the formation and development of the three systems came from the contradictory requirements of difference within unity and unity within difference, thus reflecting the dialectic principles of the genre.

2. 文中,涉及了山东省以及运河沿岸常见曲种、剧中音乐体制的扼要概括以及大量的山东琴书唱腔曲牌分析,据此可以了解鲁西南地区曲艺、戏曲、器乐之间的相互作用,它对于求证整个汉族民间音乐的曲种、剧种、乐种间的渊源关系具有一定的价值。
    Through analyzing them, it is possible to define the characteristics of artistic creation of different people in different periods, and to sketch the history of Shandong qinshu and the mutual relations between different local narrative-singing and operatic genres in the Shandong province.

3. 山东琴书唱腔的音乐体制包括连曲体、主曲体和综合体三种,其中,综合体又可以分为主插体和曲板体两类,它们的形成与发展受音乐自身规律和人文因素的共同制约。
    The system of melodies in Shandong qinshu includes three forms lianquti, zhuquti and the hybrid system. The hybrid system can be further divided in two kinds: qubanti and zhuchati. Lianquti makes use of series of labeled melodies to sing stories.

4. 琴书的翻译

4. 徐州琴书是全国三大琴书(北京琴书、山东琴书、徐州琴书)之一。2008年1月成功申报了国家级第二批非物质文化遗产。
    Xuzhou story-telling opera is one of the three major story-telling operas in China(Beijing story-telling opera, Shandong story-telling opera and Xuzhou story-telling opera).

5. 琴书的意思

5. 中胡曲有刘明呀沅《草原上》,坠胡曲有任一平《琴书八板
    For the zhonghu by Liu Mingyuan; for the zhuihu by Ren Yiping Eight-Beat Piano Book

6. 第五章对徐州琴书的文化内涵****,并分别对其审美价值和非审美价值进行分析。
    The fifth chapter studies the cultural connotation of Xuzhou story-telling opera, and analyzes its aesthetic and non-aesthetic features.

7. 第二章从体裁、题材、表演形式和风格流派几个方面,介绍徐州琴书的基本概貌。
    It also concludes that Xuzhou story-telling opera a history of 300 years based on the family tree of the Chai.

8. 第四章分三节论述了徐州琴书的曲牌音乐、语言特征和伴奏音乐特征。
    The third chapter is devoted to the survival of Xuzhou story-telling opera and the relationship between Xuzhou story-telling opera and Han culture.

9. 第六章对徐州琴书新时代的改革做系统的总结,并提出自己的建议。
    The sixth chapter gives a systematic summary of the reform of Xuzhou story-telling opera in the new era puts forward the writer's proposals.

10. 第一章从徐州琴书的名称的衍变着手,归纳总结了徐州琴书从形成到发展成熟的各个时期的特征,例举了不同时期的新增曲牌、代表曲目和人物。
    The first chapter summarizes the characteristics of Xuzhou story-telling opera in different periods based on the evolution of the names of Xuzhou story-telling opera.

11. 一个人的内心假如不被物欲所蒙蔽,他的情绪就会像秋天的碧空和平静的大海那样开朗,一个人空闲的时候,如果有琴书陪伴消遣,就会使你的生活像神仙一般的逍遥自在。
      A person's heart if not to be deceived by the desire that his mood will be like an autumn blue sky and the sea as calm opening Long, an idle time, if qinshu accompany entertainment, will make your life as immortals general armchair ride.

12. 琴书

12. 冯云卿也不说话,闪起他的细眼睛在房间里搜索似的瞥一下。没有什么特别惹注意的东西。琴书,手帕,香水瓶,小粉扑,胭脂管,散散落落点缀了满房间。
      Silent and suspicious, Feng Yun-ching peered round the room as if looking for something, but he saw nothing unusual, just the usual litter of sheet-music, handkerchiefs, powder-puffs, scent-bottles and lip-sticks lying all over the place.

13. 山东琴书是流行于山东省广大地区的一种说唱相间、以唱为主的曲艺形式,当地群众亦称扬琴或文明扬琴。
      Shandong Qin is popular in Shandong Province in the vast area of a rap phase, mainly to sing the folkart form, the local people also known as the " Yangqin " or " civilization dulcimer ".

14. 山东琴书的历史很悠久,但曾经的辉煌已经远去,由于各种原因,如今的山东琴书渐渐走向了没落。
      Shandong Qin history is very long, but once brilliant has gone, due to various reasons, now Shandong Qin gradually declining.

15. 第四章主要介绍了稷山说唱音乐&稷山琴书的音乐形态、唱腔板式、艺术特征等等。
      The fourth chapter mainly introduces the Jishan rap & Jishan Qin music morphology, singing the plate, artistic features and so on.

16. 乐琴书以消忧。
      And I can amuse myself with music and books.

17. 琴书的反义词

17. 山东琴书是流行于山东省广大地区的一种说唱相间、以唱为主的曲艺形式,当地群众亦称扬琴或文明扬琴。
      Shandong Qin is popular in Shandong Province in the vast area of a rap phase, mainly to sing the folkart form, the local people also known as the " Yangqin " or " civilization dulcimer ".

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