
甜丝丝是什么意思 甜丝丝在线翻译 甜丝丝什么意思 甜丝丝的意思 甜丝丝的翻译 甜丝丝的解释 甜丝丝的发音 甜丝丝的同义词


甜丝丝 基本解释

甜丝丝[tián sī sī ]

词典pleasantly sweet甜丝丝;甜津津;甜滋滋。

词典quite pleased

词典gratified使高兴,使满意( gratify的过去式和过去分词 )。


甜丝丝 汉英大词典

甜丝丝[tián sī sī]

(有甜味) pleasantly sweet

甜丝丝 网络解释

1. 甜丝丝的反义词

1. My Sweetie:''I Do'' (戀性世代 ,2000) | ''My Sweetie'' (甜絲絲, 2004) | ''Medical Detectives'' (醫學神探, 2005) (TV Series)

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. How Can I Tell Her:How Can I Tell Her 甜 絲 絲 | 1. She knows when I am lonesome 永遠體貼入微 | She cries when i am sad 從開始到今天

甜丝丝 双语例句

1. 甜丝丝是什么意思

1. 心甜倒也罢了,空气也甜丝丝的。
    Heart sweet but actually also, air also pleasantly sweet.

2. 甜丝丝

2. 其次,婚宴红酒最好选择口味较大众化的品牌,味道香甜、果味较重的类别更加贴合婚宴甜丝丝的感觉。
    Next, the wedding banquet red wine best choice taste compares popular the brand, the flavor is fragrant, fruit taste heavy category fitting wedding banquet pleasantly sweet feeling.

3. 甜丝丝的意思

3. 早晨的空气甜丝丝的,又新鲜又凉爽。
    The air in morning is sweet and in fine threads, fresh and cool.

4. 他经常说些甜丝丝的话
    He always said fruity stuff like that.

5. 啊,现在我在嗓子甜丝丝的了。
    Wolf: Ah, my voice is sweet now.

6. 没有多久,他就说上一口北京话,带有一些甜丝丝的苏州音。
    It was not long before he spoke Mandarin, with a trace of the soft Soochow tones.

7. danci.911cha.com

7. 再闻到他送俾我的公仔的气味。。。。甜丝丝的感觉开始带一点依依不舍的味道
    When I smell the Gongzai which he gave a as a gift, I feel attached to him.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 一起听这首可爱又甜丝丝的歌曲吧!
    Let's listen to this sweet song toghther!

9. 在饮品上,他们也丝毫不马虎,除了一般的茶叶之外,他们也推出新式饮品,把茶叶融入水果冰沙里,味道煞是不错,另外不得不提他们的姜汁布丁,味道有着姜的辛辣却不过于霸道,姜味配上甜丝丝的布丁,在口腔中、喉咙中旋转,久久挥散不去。
    In terms of beverages, out of teas, they also come out with new creation where they combined tea leaves into the ice blended of fruits, a great refreshing try. Their desserts, Ginger Pudding also one of the signatures dishes in Soho, the taste of ginger is mild, the sweetness playing inside the mouth when you swallow it.

10. 囊吃起来是甜丝丝的,非常爽口。
    Capsule to eat up the Tian Sisi is very refreshing.

11. 妈妈一进来见我认真的写着作业,也就不说什么了,在妈妈的无奈中我又一次享受了那种甜丝丝的感觉。
      Mom came to see me a serious written work, and not say anything, and in the mother's frustration that I once again enjoyed the kind of Tian Sisi feeling.

12. 接下来的是迷人的chicken bhuna,咖喱烤洋葱甜丝丝的还有一点烟熏味,是与cooling and tangy raita的绝妙组合。
      Following that is an amazing chicken bhuna, a curry of roasted onions with a sweet and smoky taste, perfect with a cooling and tangy raita.

13. 甜丝丝

13. 跟他们类似的人,她们的呼吸也给红茶、果酱弄得甜丝丝的,扭动时,她们腕上的镯子在窃笑着。
      Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their bracelets tittering in the struggle

14. 跟他们类似的人,她们的呼吸也给红茶、果酱弄得甜丝丝的,扭动时,她们腕上的镯子在窃笑着。
      Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their bracelet s tittering in the struggle

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 他此刻正动了情,一种软绵绵,甜丝丝的感觉传遍了他的全身。
      His loins are warm and a lazy delight drifts along his body.

16. 这个菜甜丝丝儿的。
      This dish is sweet and delicious.

17. 911查询·英语单词

17. 他们穿过高高的,带着甜丝丝气味的绿色甘蔗林,艰难地爬上坡。
      They trudged uphill through tall sweet-smelling green walls of sugarcane.

18. 跟他们类似的人,她们的呼吸也给红茶、果酱弄得甜丝丝的,扭动时,她们腕上的镯子在窃笑着。
      Their likes: their breaths, too, sweetened with tea and jam, their bracelets tittering in the struggle.

19. 在后台的周老师、在前面的晓端老师和在旁边的施敏姐姐都被小朋友的纯真感染,笑得甜丝丝
      Spot Teacher Zhou at the backstage, Teacher Melissa in front, and Shimin at the side, all smiling from ear to ear as they see the little kids'performance! Definitely a touching moment!

20. 茶入舌尖,先是苦感,接着是一股清凉,甜丝丝地浸人心脾。
      Tea into the tip of the tongue, first Kugan, then now is a cool way immersion Heart and Tian Sisi.

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