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画押 基本解释

画押[huà yā]


词典make one's cross [mark]

画押 汉英大词典

画押[huà yā]

make one's cross [mark]; sign:


    make one's cross on a contract

画押 双语例句

1. 画押;画十字(如昔时文盲在文件上画十字以代替签名者)。
    Make one's cross, put a cross on a document instead of one`s signature (as in former times by illiterate persons).

2. 典妻双方当事人,被典之妻原主和典主,必须得订立典婚书,双方签字画押生效。
    Code wife both parties, was the wife of Code and the Code, the main countries of origin, have to enter into marriage code book, signed by both parties initialed the entry into force.

3. 画押

3. 32:10 我在契上画押,将契封缄,又请见证人来,并用天平将银子平给他。
    And I subscribed the evidence, and sealed it, and took witnesses, and weighed him the money in the balances.

4. 绘图:绘画。画图。画像。画地为牢。画脂镂冰(在凝固的油脂或冰上绘画雕刻,一融化就都没有了,喻劳而无功)。,图像:画面。画片。画坛。画板。画卷(a。成卷轴形的画;b。喻壮丽的景色或动人的场面)。画外音。图画。诗中有画。,写,签押,署名:画到。画卯。画押。画供。,用手、脚或器具做出某种动作:比画。
    Haven't yet the OurChinese writing form admit and own copyright to the OurChinese and/or any contents of other intelligent property rights, anyone cans not make duplicate, turn to carry, take off plait or does a mirror to be like or carries on an usage by any other ways on the server belong to by non- OurChinese.

5. 总的说来,艾森豪威尔政府并没有设法诱骗肯尼迪在它的政策上签字画押
    In the main, the eisenhower administration did not try to inveigle Kennedy into underwriting it's policies

6. 在犯人作了口供后,警官要求他签字画押。。。
    The prisoner had made his statement the policeman... asked him to sign it.

7. 他已在服辩上签字画押
    He has signed his confession.

8. 他在合同上画押
    He made his marks on a contract.

9. 他在契约上画押
    He made his mark on the contract.

10. 他不会签自己的名字,因此改用画押
    He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead.

11. 估计这个人想的是把这张钱签名画押了,这张钱就永远是他的了。
      It is estimated that the person would like to sign a private ideograph on this money. Then this banknote will always belong to him as a matter of course.

12. 估计这个人想的是把这张钱签名画押了,这张钱就永远是他的了。
      It is estimated that the person would like to sign a private idiograph on this money. Then this banknote will always belong to him as a matter of course.

13. 估计这个人想的是把这张钱签名画押了,这张钱就永远是他的了。
      It is estimated that the person would like to sign a personal idiograph on this money, then assume this banknote will always belong him as a matter of course.

14. 画押的翻译

14. 在犯人作了口供后,警官要求他签字画押。。。
      After the prisoner had made his statement the policeman asked him to sign it.

15. 官媒之制的设立始于元代,媒人必须在婚书上签字和画押,并对婚姻的成立承担着一部分法律责任。
      System of the official matchmaker was set up firstly in Yuan Dynasty, the matchmaker must signed in the marriage certificate and undertook a part of legal liability to the marital establishment.

16. 工程师同总经理一起在承包合同上签字画押
      The engineers and the manager-in-chief signed or made their marks together on the contract.

17. 画押

17. 你们在合同上签字画押了,并逐字阅读了合约上的每一条细则。
      You signed up and you read the small print on the contract.

18. 然后把我带到后面的一个小黑屋里,又临时做了一番体检,之后才画押放行。
      Then I was taken to a back dark room for a provisional physical examination before I was finally let through.

19. (文盲在文件上当作签名的)十字画押
      Cross made on a document instead of a signature by an illiterate person

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