
疑云是什么意思 疑云在线翻译 疑云什么意思 疑云的意思 疑云的翻译 疑云的解释 疑云的发音 疑云的同义词 疑云的反义词 疑云的例句


疑云 基本解释


疑云[yí yún]

词典misgivings or suspicion clouding one's mind疑云。

疑云 汉英大词典

疑云[yí yún]

misgivings or suspicion clouding one's mind

疑云 网络解释

1. Cloud:北京天空的乌云(cloud)突然都烟消云散了,唯一剩下的一块疑云(cloud)就是:伦敦在四年后是否能够比得上? 不过等一等!也许我们不需如此的害怕. 我们起初都觉得(京奥)开幕式真的是不可思议(incredible),

2. 疑云是什么意思

2. Basic:本作的剧本则由<<基地疑云>>( Basic)的剧本詹姆斯.范德比特(James. Vanderbilt)担当. 值得一提的是,新作蜘蛛侠的预算只有8000万美元,这在好莱坞只能算是中等规模.

疑云 双语例句

1. 疑云的翻译

1. 结果归纳为:(1)难以接受非预期怀有多胞胎;(2)担心多胞胎妊娠的危险及影响而考虑减胎;(3)为求生产顺利及小孩健康而决定减胎;(4)对减胎的技术疑惑而焦虑;(5)对胎儿产生情感连结,因减胎觉罪恶;(6)面临减胎的过程而致身心难捱;(7)处於孕况不稳及罪恶的恐惧中;和(8)疑云渐落,回归一般孕程。
    The findings are as follows:(1) difficulty in accepting unexpected multiple pregnancies; (2) worry over danger/risk of multiple pregnancies and concern about fetal reduction; (3) decision to take fetal reduction for the safe delivery and health of two babies; (4) anxiety about the techniques of fetal reduction; (5) growing emotion of attachment to the fetus and guilty feeling; (6) unbearable physical/mental stress when facing the intrusion of fetal reduction; (7) being enmeshed in fear of unstable pregnancy and guilt; and (8) cloud of uncertainty diminished, return to normal pregnancy.

2. 姑娘们用手掩住绛唇,笑着摆动身躯,少年的脸上掠过一片疑云
    The women hid their mouths with their hands, their bodies swaying with laughter, and a spasm of doubt ran across his face.

3. 疑云的翻译

3. 五分钟后,心头的疑云消散了。我完全明白我在自己的床上,那红光是保育室的炉火。
    In five minutes more the cloud of bewilderment dissolved: I knew quite well that I was in my own bed, and that the red glare was the nursery fire.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 他的心头仍有一团疑云
    He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.

5. 有一团疑云笼罩着他。
    A cloud of suspicion is hanging over him.

6. 把国家从种种的疑云中抽出来是复杂棘手的。
    Extracting the state from the cloud of suspicion that has fallen over it will be tricky.

7. 虽然宣告他无罪,一团疑云并没有消除。
    He was acquitted, but under a cloud of suspicion

8. 这样的安排也许会令人伤心,但是早上的阳光驱走了当天最初的疑云愁雾:朝阳总是这样的。
    But the morning light swept away the first misgivings of the day, as morning light is ever wont to do.

9. 瞬间,疑云顿消,他决志信主。
    In that moment, Augustine`s doubts were all gone and he determined to believe in Jesus.

10. 是疑云中的一缕银辉。
    The silver tint in the clouds of doubt.

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11. 我想可以断言幽灵疑云已经结束了。
      I think we can say the mystery has been solved.

12. 正如经常发生在中国的,这场争论因为没有数据支持而疑云重重。
      As so often in China, this debate is clouded by the poor data.

13. 她把电话放回他的桌子上,但仍满腹疑云
      She put the phone back on his desk, but her paranoia remained.

14. 在她的声音中有团疑云使得我害怕。
      A shade of doubt in her voice made me afraid.

15. 尼克松的国家安全委员会还存在另一个因素,即每个参加者都疑云满腹。
      In the Nixon NSC there was the additional factor that every participant suspected.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. 希望能为有上述疑问的站长朋友解开疑云
      The hope can is have suspicion in one's mind of afore-mentioned unlock of interrogative stationmaster friend.

17. 日本雅虎和阿里巴巴的股票均由于这项新的提议下跌了4个百分点,这得归咎于如今仍盘旋在这两家公司上空的巨大疑云
      Japanese Yahoo and Alibaba's stock all offerred newly to drop as a result of this 4 percent, this still circles so that ascribe to nowadays the tremendous suspicion in one's mind that in the sky is in these two companies.

18. 然而15年后,一个退休老人逐步揭开了幽灵疑云
      But15 years on, a pensioner has come forward to cast doubt on the spectre.

19. 我今天晚上看完了电影《换子疑云》。
      I finished watching Changeling this evening.

20. 现代经济如此庞大而复杂,但却忽视了这一最基本的常识。我不妨举一个小例子,缩小经济体规模,也许能帮你消除疑云
      The size and complexity of modern economies has obscured these simple concepts, but reducing the picture to a small scale can help clear away the fog.

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