
病象是什么意思 病象在线翻译 病象什么意思 病象的意思 病象的翻译 病象的解释 病象的发音 病象的同义词 病象的反义词 病象的例句


病象 基本解释

病象[bìng xiàng]


病象 汉英大词典

病象[bìng xiàng]

symptom (of a disease)

病象 网络解释

1. 病象的解释

1. morbidappearance:morbid anatomy ==> 病理解剖学 | morbid appearance ==> 病象 | morbid change ==> 病态改变

2. symptomofadisease:symptomatolyticsymptomolytic 消除症状的 | symptomofadisease 病象 | symptomofadisease 病征

病象 双语例句

1. 文学批评的表扬化倾向是当下文学批评积弊中的突出病象之一。
    The tendency of praising in literary criticism is one of the conspicuous problems in contemporary literary criticism.

2. 病象的近义词

2. 一样病象他,他仍然取乐其他人。
    As sick as he was, he was still pleasing others.

3. 他的眼睛老往上瞧,这是长年的折磨往往会造成的一种病象
    He had the upward look in his eyes which prolonged suffering often brings.

4. 病象的近义词

4. 它的建立既以古代的解剖学知识为基础,又是对各种病象的综合,同时不可避免地受到古代社会科技、人文文化诸因素的影响,有着深厚的思想文化基础。
    The syndrome, which was a thinking model had profound thinking and culture foundation.

5. 病象的近义词

5. 在那一周的周末,医生们就已注意到一种令人不安的病象正在开始出现。
    By the weekend, physicians noticed an alarming pattern beginning to emerge.

6. 他通过呈现都市人的精神病象,言说都市爱情的丰富内涵,阐释都市日常生活的哲理等方式,为现代都市构建了一方清凉的精神绿荫。
    Through presenting the spiritual symptom of city people, speaking the abundant in - tension of the city love and explaining philosophic theory of the daily life in the city, he structures the cool spiritual green shades for the modern city.

7. 病象的反义词

7. 他的眼睛老往上瞧,这是长年的折磨往往会造成的一种病象
    He has the upward look in his eyes which prolonged suffering often brings.

8. 兴旺百年的江南纺织业迅速没落,昔日富可敌国的丝商们顿时都成了“病象瘦牛丧家狗”。
    After hundred years of prosperity, Jiangnan silk industry rapidly declined, the once fabulously rich silk merchants suddenly became " sick elephants, lean cattle and homeless dogs ".

9. 对心衰的病名、病象、病因病机(久患心疾、久患肺疾、久患肾疾)分别予以概述;
    The heart failure's name, morbid appearance, pathogenic factor and pathogenesis (Heart diseases of prolonged illness, lung disease of prolonged illness, kidney disease of prolonged illness) were summed up respectively;

10. 对本症的临床病象、早期诊断及治疗方法进行了讨论。
    The symptoms of the disease and its early diagnosis and treatment are discussed.

11. 在此基础上,对病象创作的原因和病象创作的得失做了深入的探讨和研究。
      Based on this, it makes the deep research for the reason and the gain and loss of the morbid phenomena production.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 论文批评了小说道德修辞中的道德冷漠与道德狂热病象,认为小说家在展开叙事的时候,应该有自觉的修辞意识,以求对读者的精神生活发生积极的影响。
      This paper is critical of the moral indifference and moral fanaticism in the moral rhetoric of fiction, and it is opined that novelists should, in narration, have their conscious awareness of rhetoric so as to positively impact the readers spiritually.

13. 它的建立既以古代的解剖学知识为基础,又是对各种病象的综合,同时不可避免地受到古代社会科技、人文文化诸因素的影响,有着深厚的思想文化基础。
      Based on the ancient anatomic knowledge, it was the integration of the various pathological and physiological phenomena, at the same time, was influenced inevitably by ancient social science, technology and culture.

14. 兴旺百年的江南纺织业迅速没落,昔日富可敌国的丝商们顿时都成了“病象瘦牛丧家狗”。
      After hundred years of prosperity, Jiangnan silk industry rapidly declined, the once fabulously rich silk merchants suddenly became " sick elephants, lean cattle and homeless dogs ".

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