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白狼 基本解释



白狼 网络解释

1. White Wolf:人们对<<血族>>关注的焦点大多集中在这是一款基于<<白狼>>(White Wolf)流行的纸笔角色扮演系统所制作的游戏,而且它还采用了与<<半条命2>>(Half-Life 2)相同的Valve引擎.

2. BAT:牛汾台 NRT 3848 | 白狼 BAT 3846 | 阿尔山 ART 3843

3. The White Wolf:3) The Black Statue [黑色的雕像] | 4) The White Wolf [白狼] | 5) Free Squares [自由方块]

白狼 双语例句

1. 大型白狼被画得很优美,而不是流于感伤;当它们露出它们的尖牙,你会看见它们不是友好的动漫朋友,而是能够也能随时杀戮的动物。
    The great white wolves are drawn with grace, and not sentimentalized; when they bare their fangs, you can see that they are not friendly comic pals, but animals who can and will kill.

2. 第五,需证方企业的条件千差万别,本财团在短时间之内无法调查核实,如果等到需款企业将款贷出来才支付,万一发生需证企业贷不出款的情况,无法支付已经形成的8%的开单费,也让联盟财团的信誉受损,很可能会让金主和银主撤走资金,导致巨大的损失,这样空手套白狼,吃力不讨好的事联盟财团是绝对不干的!
    Fiveth, loanees may be various in condition. Our Group can`t verify them in short time. If we wait loanee to pay billing after loan made, in case they can`t get loan from bank, then can`t pay 8% that should be paid earlier, then our Group`s credit standing will get harmed, fund owner or gold owner may withdraw their fund to result in big loss to us. We won`t do this get no profit but damage to our credit standing.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 那岁月地风雨,又怎能吹去贝奥图克人地啜泣跟白狼地哀号问号?
    That years of wind and rain, how can we blow it away Beiaotuke people weep and wail White Wolf?

4. 他说,是呀,他们做了这么几年,也经常碰到空手套白狼的人,他们拿了部分样品之后,到处招摇撞骗,使行情越来越不好。
    He says, be, they were done so a few years, often also encounter empty-handed to cover the person of white wolf, after they took partial sample, everywhere swindle and bluff, make prices worse and worse.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 就是紫狐死后会刷出很多没攻击力的白狼,妨碍检东西,这时候开个全体一边杀白狼一边检东西就可以了。
    Purple is the fox's death would not brush a lot of offensive power of White Wolf, what hampered the seizure, this time to open a whole side of things seized while Bailang kill it.

6. 白狼在线翻译

6. 要做到空手套白狼的最大化,你必须要有自我变化的规则
    To get the most out of nothing, you need to have self-changing rules.

7. 白狼

7. 小梦和白狼都很好。
    Joey and Sammy are doing quite well.

8. 白狼的反义词

8. 小梦现在和白狼一样高了!
    Joey is now as tall as Sammy.

9. 白狼在线翻译

9. 有一群黑羊,它们每天要为可怕的白狼工作。
    Here is a flock of black sheep. They work for a terrible white wolf.

10. 末日怒吼是白狼出版的一个storytelling game,在这个游戏中你可以追随狼人传说的足迹——或者说爪印。
    The Apocalypse is a storytelling game from hite olf Publishing that allows you to step into the shoes — or pawprints — of a werewolf of legend.

11. 与耐心地培养我们的人才相反的是,我们为了不切实际的希望而出卖我们那与生俱来的获得成功与繁荣的权利;为了傻子手里的金子,我们错误地以为可以空手套白狼
      Instead of us patiently cultivating the talents that we have, we sell our birthright of success and prosperity for a false hope; we sell it for fool`s gold, the false thinking that we can somehow get something for nothing.

12. 高手融资:空手是怎样套白狼的?
      Financing by master-hand: How to get everything with nothing?

13. 毕竟马基奥尼当年曾从通用汽车(GM)的里克•瓦格纳手中生生榨出20亿美元,几乎是空手套白狼地收购了克莱斯勒20%的股权,而且之后一直使菲亚特保持着生机。
      Marchionne is the one, after all, who squeezed General Motors'Rick Wagoner out of $ 2 billion, acquired 20% of Chrysler for nothing in 2009, and has kept Fiat alive against all odds.

14. 一位媒体行业高管称:“他们希望空手套白狼。”
      Said one media executive: " they want everything for nothing. "

15. 明天白狼将会带领我们去恶魔的拇指那打猎。
      Tomorrow white wolfleads a hunt to devil's thumb.

16. danci.911chaxun.com

16. 人们在技术产品上花了大把大把的钱,现在该是空手套白狼的时候了。
      For all the money people spend on technology gadgets, it's about time they got something without spending a cent.

17. 还有一部分欠款是打算空手套白狼的海外客户故意为之。
      Some is the result of deliberate attempts by overseas customers to fraudulently obtain products without paying.

18. 用借来的钱做出如此夸大的承诺,答应支付如此之高的回报率,用中国的俗语表示就是‘空手套白狼’。
      To use borrowed money on such inflated promises to pay such returns can be, as the Chinese saying goes, trying to'snatch a white wolf with empty hands'.

19. 毕竟马基奥尼当年曾从通用汽车(GM)的里克•瓦格纳手中生生榨出20亿美元,几乎是空手套白狼地收购了克莱斯勒20%的股权,而且之后一直使菲亚特保持着生机。
      Marchionne is the one, after all, who squeezed General Motors'Rick Wagoner out of $ 2 billion, acquired 20 % of Chrysler for nothing in 2009, and has kept Fiat alive against all odds.

20. 一位媒体行业高管称:“他们希望空手套白狼。”
      Said one media executive: " they want everything for nothing. "

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