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白鳍豚 基本解释

白鳍豚[bái qí tún]

词典white-flag dolphin白鳍豚。

白鳍豚 汉英大词典

白鳍豚[bái qí tún]

white-flag dolphin (我国特有的珍贵动物)

白鳍豚 网络解释

1. Lipotes vexillifer:白鳍豚(Lipotes vexillifer)属鲸目,齿鲸亚目,淡水豚总类,是我国特有的一种水生哺乳动物. 历史上白鳍豚不但分布于上起黄陵庙(宜昌以上)、下至长江入海口的长江干流,而且长江沿岸的大型支流和湖泊都有它的分布. 宣布一个物种的灭绝不是一件很随意的事情,

2. 白鳍豚什么意思

2. white-flag dolphin:39. amusement park 游乐场 | 40. white-flag dolphin 白鳍豚 | 41. nature reserve 自然保护区

3. L.vexillifer:白鳍豚属 Lipotes | 白鳍豚 L.vexillifer | 尖吻河豚亚科 Stenodelphininae

4. 白鳍豚

4. Lipotes vexilifer:喙豚科 Platanistidae | *白鳍豚 Lipotes vexilifer Ⅰ | 海豚科 Delphinidae

白鳍豚 双语例句

1. 荷伊的17岁少年和他父亲把白鳍豚的头骨送到了史密森研究院,科学家们认定这是一个新的物种。
    Charles Hoy and his father sent the skull to the Smithsonian Institution, where it was identified as a new species.

2. 包括白鳍豚的简介,濒危的原因,还有现在能做的措施。白鳍豚,在长江里大约生活了2500万年的白暨豚,是中新世及上新世延存至今的古老孑遗生物。
    Dolphin, about living in the Yangtze River in the years 2500 and the white dolphin, is the Miocene and Pliocene extension has kept the ancient relict biological.

3. 现在,是时候寻求拯救白鳍豚的时候了。
    Now, it is time to find ways to save the Finless Porpoise.

4. 白鳍豚主要生活在长江中下游及与其连通的洞庭湖、鄱阳湖、钱塘江等水域中,通常成对或10余头在一起,喜在水深流急处活动。
    The main dolphin living in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and Dongting Lake and its connected, Poyang Lake, Qiantang River waters, etc., usually in pairs or more than 10 heads together and happy with the current depth of radical activities of the Department.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 如果能发现10头以上白鳍豚,他们将讨论下一步的行动计划。
    If they find more than 10, they will discuss what to do next.

6. 我是一只非常可爱的白鳍豚
    I am a very cute dolphin.

7. 他认为造成这种局面的原因之一是中外科学家在如何保护白鳍豚的问题上意见不一致。
    Part of the problem, Mr. Pfluger says, is that Chinese and international scientists disagreed on strategy.

8. 我也会指引关注白鳍豚问题的人士为白暨豚基金会捐款。
    I will also direct interested people to send contributions to the Baiji Foundation.

9. 随着中国经济的发展,对白鳍豚的压力也越来越重。
    As China developed economically, pressure on the river dolphin grew significantly.

10. 这使得白鳍豚在逃避敌害、接近猎物时,有了天然的隐蔽屏障。
    This allows the dolphin to avoid Di Hai, close to the game, with the hidden natural barriers.

11. 为了保证白鳍豚的安全,渔船禁止进入这片水域。
      Boats are prohibited from entering this area in order to keep the dolphins safe.

12. 长江是多种鱼类和动物的生存之地,其中包括白鳍豚,一种依赖长江生存的中国珍稀动物。
      The Yangtze River is home to a diverse range of fish and animals including the white-flag dolphin, a rare Chinese mammal which depends on the Yangtze River for survival.

13. 至此,鸟类在库区分布已达364种,而兽类则有102种。国家一级保护动物黑叶猴、金丝猴、虎以及中华鲟、白鳍豚在库区都能见到。到中国译典经典版本中查找关于sturgeon的最新解释和例句。。。。
      The reservoir area now registers 364 species of birds and 102 species of animals, including snub-nosed monkey, tiger, Chinese sturgeon and white-flag dolphin that are under State first-class protection

14. 作者在对湖北天鹅洲白鳍豚国家级自然保护区进行调研的基础上,应用建立的价值评价方法体系分别计算该保护区的直接使用价值、间接使用价值和非使用价值,得出评价结果并进行分析。
      After observed the natural reserve of Yangtze river dolphin at swan continent in Hubei province, the thesis calculate this natural reserve's direct use value, indirect use value and non-use value using the appraising system set up, then the educe appraising result and analyze it.

15. 污染可能是在这个区域生活着的中华白鳍豚最大的威胁。
      Pollution is perhaps one of the greatest risks to the Chinese White Dolphins that inhabit the area.

16. 由于长江的环境问题和水污染,中国的白鳍豚数量已急剧下降。
      The number of white-flag dolphins in China has dropped because of environmental problems and pollution in the Yangtze river.

17. 中国科学家称他们将继续搜索罕见珍贵的白鳍豚,尽管它们很可能已经灭绝,因为38天长江中的搜索没有任何发现。
      Chinese scientists said they will continue to search for the rare white-flag dolphin although it is possibly extinct as a38-day search failed to find any in the Yangtze River.

18. 对白鳍豚大厦边坡滑移事故进行了分析,认为基坑周边水的渗漏是事故的主要原因。
      By analysis of slope sliding accident in BaiJi-tun Hotel, the accident was mainly caused by the seepage of water.

19. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

19. 濒临灭绝的长江女神&白鳍豚
      Endangered " Goddess of the Yangtze River " & Baiji Dolphin

20. 白鳍豚

20. 濒临灭绝的长江女神&白鳍豚
      Endangered " Goddess of the Yangtze River " & Baiji Dolphin

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