
矜贵是什么意思 矜贵在线翻译 矜贵什么意思 矜贵的意思 矜贵的翻译 矜贵的解释 矜贵的发音 矜贵的同义词 矜贵的反义词 矜贵的例句


矜贵 基本解释

矜贵[jīn ɡuì]




矜贵 网络解释

1. jin gui:件头 jian tou | 矜贵 jin gui | 经已 jing yi

矜贵 双语例句

1. 矜贵是什么意思

1. 随着城市建设的快速发展,罗湖中心区的土地日益矜贵、稀缺,只有高增值的公共建筑项目能于此开发,住宅项目麟毛凤角。
    With the rapid development of urban construction, the Lo Wu District land increasingly valuable, scarce, and only the high value-added public construction projects to this development, residential projects - Maofeng Kok.

2. 在这个让女人感觉矜贵的时刻,我感到的却是惊奇,而没有一点惊喜。
    So that women feel in this moment矜贵, I feel it is amazing, and no surprises.

3. 爱情的矜贵往往存在于欲迎还拒欲走还留若即若离患得患失之间,若韦小宝石中玉之流可在当时点化他一二,想必包惜弱也早已对他完颜洪烈神魂颠倒死心塌地了。
    Love is often found in the Jingui to embrace but also refused to take leave between Ruojiruoli Huandehuanshi, if Wei Xiaobao in jade stone can be like at that time he Dianhua January 2, presumably to his Bao Xiruo has long she Wanyanhonglie Shenhundiandao The.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 葡萄酒是矜贵并有生命的。
    Wine is a delicate and organic thing.

5. 矜贵的翻译

5. 动怒是无力的表现,沉默是矜贵的回应。
    Rage is a sign of weakness, and silence is a noble response

6. 你觉得自己好矜贵啊?粤
    You really think highly of yourself, don't you?

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 我们的服务宗旨是:为您提供专业、矜贵、精致、周全的高品质餐饮服务。
    O ur aim is:To provide a professional、luxury、exquisite and thorough service to our respected guests.

8. 如果要得到「矜贵」的女朋友,请你也要好好珍惜她。
    If you want to have a expansive girlfriend, please treasure her, and when want to keep it, just let her be your parent, change the relationship to go along.

9. 玛格丽特打开门,用她一向坦然无惧的矜贵神态走进房内,一点也不觉得别扭。
    Margaret opened the door and went in with the straight, fearless, dignified presence habitual to her.

10. 莨绸手感滑爽,而制作工艺在丝绸制品中最为复杂,因此也非常矜贵
    Due to its smooth texture and the fabricating process which is more complicated than that for silk products, Garmbiered Guangdong Silk was very precious and expensive at that time.

11. 紫草根洗颜皂是我终爱的一种皂,具有讨我喜欢的紫色,一种深郁得像紫罗兰的紫蓝色;搓揉出的泡泡却是绵柔细密的雪白色,难怪从外表已经可以窥探其内里的矜贵
      The Gromwell root facial soap has a deep purple blue color as Purple Luo orchid, but with rich and creamy lather. I`m sure you will love it only by taking the appearance color. Palm kernel oil instead of coconut oil, which can provide rich lather by the way very very gentle.

12. 依旧用金色传送应有的矜贵
      Due handle of lance is expensive still with aureate transference;

13. 此书刊印精美,且为孤本,弥足矜贵
      This book is a treasure both for its beauty and for being the only copy extant.

14. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

14. 被抽的是如此矜贵的胆汁,黑熊们吃的又是什么呢?
      Bear bile is so precious, but what are bears eating every day?

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