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碧绿 基本解释

碧绿[bì lǜ]


词典dark green暗绿色;碧绿;“深绿色”运动的(支持旨在保护地球生态环境的一系列政治建议);苍。



碧绿 汉英大词典

碧绿[bì lǜ]

dark green; viridity; virid

碧绿 网络解释

1. azure green; viridity:青绿 dark green | 碧绿 azure green; viridity | 蓝绿 blue green

2. azure green; turquoise green ; viridity:青绿 dark green | 碧绿 azure green;turquoise green viridity | 翠绿 emerald green;jade green bright green verdancy viridity

3. aquamarine:turquoise(宝石绿) | aquamarine(碧绿) | mediumaquamarine(适中的碧绿)

4. Grass:710 Lime 亮绿 | 712 Grass 碧绿 | 713 Fog 黄绿

碧绿 双语例句

1. 碧绿什么意思

1. 到了铁公祠前,朝南一望,只见对面千佛山(19)上,梵宇僧楼(20),与那苍松翠柏,高下相间(21),红的火红,白的雪白,青的靛青(22),绿的碧绿
    One or half branches of maple placed in the mountain scenery.

2. 到了铁公祠前,朝南一望,只见对面千佛山上,梵宇僧楼,与那苍松翠柏,高下相间,红的火红,白的雪白,青的靛青,绿的碧绿,更有那一株半株的丹枫夹在里面,仿佛宋人赵千里的一幅大画,做了一架数十里长的屏风。
    To the hard male ancestral hall in front of, has faced south as soon as looks, only sees in opposite thousand Foshan, the monk building, with that, high under alternates with, red fiery red, white snow white, is blue, green deep green, has that half Dan maple tree to clamp in inside, Song Renzhao a great distance big picture, has made a dozens of mile long screen as if.

3. 碧绿是代表和平,一种静美。
    Green is a kind of peace, JingMei.

4. 碧绿什么意思

4. 但是用垃圾建造一个美丽、洁净的城市现在还是一个梦想;我希望,我长大后,可以发明一种神奇的多功能机器,让所有的垃圾都能变废为宝,到那时,天是蓝盈盈的、水是清凌凌的,草地更碧绿、花儿更鲜艳、空气更清新,我们的世界更洁净!
    I hope one day when I grow up, I`ll invent a multi-purpose machine that can transform all rubbish into useful stuff. At that time, the world we live in will be the one with the sky crystal blue, the rivers clearly clean

5. 碧绿在线翻译

5. 但是用垃圾建造一个美丽、洁净的城市现在还是一个梦想;我希望,我长大后,可以发明一种神奇的多功能机器,让所有的垃圾都能变废为宝,到那时,天是蓝盈盈的、水是清凌凌的,草地更碧绿、花儿更鲜艳、空气更清新,我们的世界更洁净!
    But it is still a dream to build such a beautiful and clean city in this way. I hope one day when I grow up, I`ll invent a multi-purpose machine that can transform all rubbish into useful stuff. At that time, the world we live in will be the one with the sky crystal blue, the rivers clearly clean, the lawns emerald green, the flowers freshly fragrant, the air totally cleansed, and our world is much cleaner!

6. 冲泡高档绿茶 Green tea 要用透明无花的玻璃杯,以便更好地欣赏茶叶在水中上下翻飞、翩翩起舞的仙姿,观赏碧绿的汤色、细嫩的茸毫,领略清新的茶香。
    Green tea brewing green tea using high-grade non-transparent glass flowers in order to better appreciate the tea leaves in water flying up and down, dancing仙姿, ornamental green liquor color, delicate dried cents, refreshing taste of tea.

7. 美丽的杨柳,搭建您婚礼的圣殿;青青的草地,变成您浪漫的洞房;舀一把碧绿的湖水,打扮您美丽的新娘;乘坐那悠悠的小船,为爱情留下最美的记忆。
    Southlake 1921 club in South lake creates a water shore wedding for you with meticulous care The willow of the beauty, build the saint palace of your wedding; Very green lawn, become your romantic nuptial chamber; Ladle up one water of the lake, dress up the beautiful bride; Embark that long boat, leave the most beautiful memory for the love.

8. 碧绿的意思

8. 西山茶条索紧结,纤细匀整,呈龙卷状,黛绿银尖,茸毫盖锋梢,幽香持久,滋味醇和回甘鲜爽,汤色碧绿清澈,叶底嫩绿明亮。
    Western Hills II ginnala knot tight, neat and well-spaced slender, was shaped spouts, 黛绿silver tip, and dried cents front cover shoot, lasting delicate fragrance, mellow taste鲜爽back Gambari, liquor color clear green, bright green Securinega.

9. 这时候,我的脑里忽然闪出一幅神异的图画来:深蓝的天空中挂着一轮金黄的圆月,下面是海边的沙地,都种着一望无际的碧绿的西瓜,其间有一个十一二岁的少年,项带银圈,手捏一柄钢叉,向一匹猹⑵尽力的刺去,那猹却将身一扭,反从他的胯下逃走了。
    At this moment, a miraculous picture suddenly flashed in my mind: a round golden moon hanging in the dark blue sky and beneath which it was the sand field at the seaside planted with limitless jade green watermelons. A boy of 11 or 12, wearing a silver necklet and grasping a steel pitchfork in his hand, was thrusting at a badger with all his efforts. But the badger twisted his bow and escaped through the boy's legs.

10. 透过粉红色的纱帐看到窗外碧绿的树木,夏天原来是躺在柔软的床上什么也想不起的味道。
    I claimed to be so busy with the things inside the zone, But deep inside I longed for something special of my own.

11. 花园里五彩斑斓,融融春光照亮碧绿的菜畦,翡翠般透明,斗艳的鲜花,竞相绽放,泠风吹开蜂蝶的逍遥;大海上风平浪静,丝丝咸风划开鱼儿的波浪,宝石般水灵,汹涌的巨浪,前赴后继,海燕翱翔在乌云压低的暴风雨中;沙漠中人烟稀少,炎炎烈日炙烤着贫瘠的荒石,地狱般死寂,琤王从的雪凉水,潺潺流淌,甘泉拉开绿洲的帷幕。
      Colorful garden of colorful, light spring green spring vegetable bed, jade-like transparent, Doo-Yan flowers, blooming race, cold wind and opened the Happy蜂蝶; calm sea, fishes fish salty gash of the wind waves, 水灵like precious stones, rough waves, one after the other, petrels soar down in the storm clouds; sparsely populated desert, the scorching sun baked the shortage of barren rock, hell dead, Cheng Wang snow from cold water, flowing babble, Ganquan started Oasis of the curtain.

12. 我们生活在一个五彩缤纷的世界里,这里有蔚蓝的天空,碧绿的大海,美丽的鲜花和可爱的动物们。
      We are living in a rich and colorful world, there is azure sky, green sea, beautiful flowers and cute animals.

13. 碧绿的翻译

13. 这条两边种植树木的道路是漂亮的,并且田野里任何东西看起来都那么清新碧绿
      H: This tree-lined road is beautiful, and everything in these fields looks so fresh and green.

14. 碧绿是什么意思

14. 碧绿是代表和平,代表一种静美。
      Green is the symbol of peace and the grace of quite.

15. 碧绿的近义词

15. 他们看到:狭长的牧场伸向那条大路,耕种过的地里长着茁壮而碧绿的麦苗,还有草滩、树林、饮水池塘,以及庄园里的红色屋顶和那烟囱里冒出的袅袅青烟。
      Most of Animal Farm was within their view-the long pasture stretching down to the main road, the hayfield, the spinney, the drinking pool, the ploughed fields where the young wheat was thick and green, and the red roofs of the farm buildings with the smoke curling from the chimneys.

16. 碧绿

16. 透过窗户他可以看到碧绿的田野风光。
      Lumpen intellectuals unable to find work in their fields.

17. 新房子依着碧绿的山坡,向湖心斜倚着,踩着高跷站在水
      They were usually pressed to stay for dinner and play mah- jongg.

18. 这座明亮,宽敞的房子一直延伸到湖边碧绿的草坪。
      This bright, rambling house reached on the greensward.

19. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

19. 对我来说,地毯般覆盖地面的松针或碧绿松软的草皮远胜过最豪华的波斯地毯。
      To me ▼ a lush carpet ︵ of pine needles ↗ or s pongy grass ▼ is more welcome than the most luxurious Persian rug.

20. 碧绿的反义词

20. 外岛海上农园外岛海上观光农园是一处海上植物公园,位于闲丽海上国立公园,周围有碧绿的南海,景色十分美丽。
      Oedo-Botania is a marine botanical garden located in Hallyeo Maritime National Park, which has a beautiful view of the crystal blue South Sea and surrounding landscape.

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