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碰钉子 基本解释

碰钉子[pèng dīng zi]

词典receive serious rebuff碰钉子。

词典be snubbed碰钉子;碰一鼻子灰。

词典bump one's head against a nail碰钉子。

词典have one's offer [proposal] turned down

词典get the cheese碰钉子,失望。

碰钉子 汉英大词典

碰钉子[pèng dīng zi]

receive serious rebuff; be snubbed; bump one's head against a nail; have one's offer [proposal] turned down; meet rejection; meet with a flat refusal; meet with a rebuff; meet setbacks; get into trouble; run into snags:


    A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later.

碰钉子 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. get snubbed:配套政策 supporting policies | 碰钉子 get snubbed | 疲软股票 soft stock

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. burn one's fingers:burn one's bridges behind one 不留后路 | burn one's fingers 碰钉子 | burn the midnight oil 熬夜读书

3. bawl out:basket case 过渡紧张/精神将要崩溃 | bawl out 碰钉子 | bean pole 高佬

4. get the cheese:年夜饭 reunion feast | 碰钉子get the cheese | 江南水乡 the water towns aroung South of Yantze River

碰钉子 双语例句

1. 一名来自阿尔巴尼亚的广告专员称他在科索沃推广意大利的牛奶时,总是碰钉子,因为对于科索沃人来说,斯洛文尼亚的牛奶才是最优质的。
    An advertising executive from Albania says he could never market Italian milk successfully in Kosovo because, for Kosovars, Slovene milk is the gold standard.

2. 碰钉子是什么意思

2. 到处碰钉子,呆过的公司他们都说我不够热情,不爱说话。
    Everywhere meet with a rebuff, I spent time in the company they say is not enough passion, reticent.

3. 这一主张,按照辩证唯物主义的说法,就是只有尊重客观规律,按照自然规律办事,才不会在实践中碰钉子
    This proposition, in accordance with the dialectical materialism that is the only respect the objective laws, act in accordance with the laws of nature, we will not meet with a rebuff in practice.

4. 碰钉子什么意思

4. 正是在这样的背景下,贝尼特斯求购巴里碰钉子,收买席尔瓦频受挫,还接连错过了身价并不算太高的中卫肖克罗斯和特纳。
    And yet Benitez seemed to miss out on a string of targets from Gareth Barry to David Silva, Ryan Shawcross to Michael Turner.

5. 碰钉子在线翻译

5. 否则的话,肯定会碰钉子
    If not, refusal would be certain.

6. 碰钉子的解释

6. 下次他来这里就让他碰钉子
    The next time he shows his face around here he'll have a flea in his ear.

7. 嘉利一再碰钉子后,不能不感到这是个好机会。
    Carrie was too worn by defeat not to feel that it was considerable.

8. 碰钉子是什么意思

8. 他认定了今天于他不利,到处要碰钉子,要使他生气
    He decided this was his unlucky day: everywhere he turned, he ran up against a brick wall.

9. 碰钉子在线翻译

9. 工作中碰钉子,碰到问题,上司过来严肃地批评一番,质问到:我们在公司是做事还是做人?!
    Meet with a rebuff at work, having problems, serious criticism from their superiors about it, asked to: our company is still doing things in life?

10. 碰钉子的反义词

10. 骄傲自大会碰钉子有时候甚至是看不见的而且会瓦解信任,信任是关系中的重要部分。
    Arrogance slams doors often invisibly and undermines trust-building, which is an essential part of relationships.

11. 碰钉子的解释

11. 不老实的人非碰钉子不可。
      A dishonest person is bound to meet with setbacks sooner or later.

12. 碰钉子的反义词

12. 他没想到在那个公司会碰钉子
      He didn't expect to get the cheese in that company.

13. 有时候,我们需要勇气去撞击他人紧锁的心之门,甚至冒着碰钉子的危险也要进去。
      There are times when we need the courage to batter at the locked door and demand admittance even at the risk of being treated coldly.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 我猜你到处碰钉子
      Guess you Iost out all around.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 伊丽莎白看出她父亲丝毫没有让步的意思,不过他的回答却是模棱两可,因此她母亲虽然惯常碰钉子,可是这一次并没有死心,还希望最后能如她的愿。
      Elizabeth saw directly that her father had not the smallest intention of yielding; but his answers were at the same time so vague and equivocal, that her mother, though often disheartened, had never yet despaired of succeeding at last.

16. 碰钉子的近义词

16. 只有认真调查、踏实研究,做好相关刑事立法理论研究的铺垫工作,才能在刑事立法实践中少碰钉子、少走弯路。
      Only with serious investigation and practical study, to do a good and basic job on the theoretical study of criminal legislation, can we hit less snags and make less detours in the practice of criminal legislation.

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