
礼贤下士是什么意思 礼贤下士在线翻译 礼贤下士什么意思 礼贤下士的意思 礼贤下士的翻译 礼贤下士的解释 礼贤下士的发音


礼贤下士 基本解释

礼贤下士[lǐ xián xià shì]

词典be courteous to the wise and condescending to scholars礼贤下士。

词典be considerate and kind to men of talent礼贤下士。

词典go out of one's way to enlist the services of the talented and the learned

词典honour worthy men of letters礼贤下士。

礼贤下士 汉英大词典

礼贤下士[lǐ xián xià shì]

be courteous to the wise and condescending to scholars; be considerate and kind to men of talent; go out of one's way to enlist the services of the talented and the learned; honour worthy men of letters; treat worthy men with courtesy

礼贤下士 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 礼贤下士,延揽大量人才入幕、以为己用成为这一时期有成就的封建君主最常用的办法。
    In such background, it was an honor to be working as an secretary, and the secretaries gained wider identification and higher recognition.

2. 第三,刘备的礼贤下士只不过是他笼络人心的手段。
    Thirdly, Liu Bei's Rhenish corporal was his only means to win the hearts and minds. The Three Kingdoms Mr.

3. 礼贤下士

3. 现为扩充公司总部和办事处的力量,公司礼贤下士,诚征各位优秀人士加盟本公司,为中国的节能事业贡献您的才智和胆识,共享节能产业回报的丰厚奖赏!!!
    Is the expansion of the company headquarters and offices of the force, Mr Paul Bailey, Corporal company, Wanted you to join this outstanding company, for China's energy-saving contribution to the cause of your wisdom and courage, sharing energy-saving industries handsome reward in return!!!

4. 礼贤下士的意思

4. 他们礼贤下士,广招宾客,关心国事,谋取权势,采取各种公开的秘密的、光明的卑鄙的手段对付秦国的入侵和挽救本国的灭亡。
    They Corporal Synod, the move widely guests, concerned with state affairs to seek power, to take an open secret, bright despicable means to deal with the Qin invasion and save their own demise.

5. 礼贤下士

5. 「礼贤下士」是身为领导者成功的要素,「妒贤害能」是身为主管者失败的原因。
    Courtesy to the wise and scholarly brings a leader success. Jealousy of the wise and virtuous brings a leader failure.

6. 礼贤下士,延揽大量人才入幕、以为己用成为这一时期有成就的封建君主最常用的办法。
    It became usual for a successful feudal monarch in those period to employ a great many talents as their secretaries.

7. 乡饮酒礼更多的是被用作赞美宾客,表达礼贤下士的思想,最主要的是在整个仪式中,充分发挥了礼的规范作用,有效地约束了众宾客在饮酒过程的言行举止。
    This ritual is to be used more praise guests, courteous expression can be used for solid state such as Pong, but most notably in the ceremony, give full play to the role of ritual norms, effective restriction on the guests in the demeanor during drinking.

8. 他知道老汪要做文学院长,所以礼贤下士
    He knew that Old Wang was going to be dean of the College of Letters and so was courting junior faculty members.

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