
祸事是什么意思 祸事在线翻译 祸事什么意思 祸事的意思 祸事的翻译 祸事的解释 祸事的发音 祸事的同义词 祸事的反义词 祸事的例句


祸事 基本解释

祸事[huò shì]




祸事 汉英大词典

祸事[huò shì]

disaster; calamity; mishap

祸事 双语例句

1. 天下大乱之前,小川同吕后的妹妹吕素在沛县享受着最后的恬静生活,小川选择了吕素而不是心机颇深的吕雉,为将来的祸事埋下了伏笔。
    Chaos before the Ogawa's younger sister with the Empress Lu Lu Su in Peixian enjoying the last quiet life, Ogawa chose Lu Su, rather than their brains deep in Lvzhi for future calamity foreshadowed.

2. 像这样看人是很危险的,会有祸事临头的。
    It is dangerous to look at people in such fashion.

3. 祸事

3. 我并指出他家不幸的原因何在,素封之家,为何年来迭出祸事
    I certainly pointed out why his family is unfortunate originally in, 素封 the family, why the year 迭出 the disaster?

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. 成语形容担心祸事临头或遇到非常可怕的事,十分害怕不安。
    Shudder wiht fear; be filled with fear; be on tenterhooks1. shudder wiht fear; be filled with fear; be on tenterhooks

5. 祸事的意思

5. 这间房子预兆要出第二件祸事;床上乱糟糟的,床单上留下嘴咬过的痕迹,这都可看出乔治是何等痛苦;一把椅子扔倒在地上乱七八糟的衣服当中,像一个死人。
    Francois kept saying that Madame would never pay him unless he made a fine scene; Charles talked of going upstairs, too, in order to get an old unpaid straw bill settled, while Victorine advised them to wait till some gentleman was with her, when they would get the money out of her by suddenly asking for it in the middle of conversation.

6. 从去年到春节过后,我时常接到来自英国、美国、马来西来、澳大利亚、韩国、新加坡、泰国、非洲等一些国家热爱中国古老风水文化的国外华人华侨的来电和电子邮件,有的问我在国外是不是也需要重视对自己居住的别墅、阳宅、宿舍进行风水选址安排;有的问我在国外生活很不开心,总是遇到一些麻烦事或出祸事,是不是也与他们在国外居住的房子有关;有的与外国配偶结婚后前几年生活很美满,而后来婚姻发生转变因第三者、第四者的进入即将离婚,问我是不是跟她们在国外居住的阳宅风水有关;有的问我在国外开公司、开工厂、开店子做生意为什么有时候换了一个城市后生意会变淡了,公司为什么总有一些很麻烦的事出现;上次有个在英国做生意的华人,在春节前本打算回来叫我给他迁坟的,可在家里的弟弟盲目的信任一名道士,请了那名道士迁祖坟,迁坟两个月内在国外的他生意开始变得冷淡,不开心的事一件一件的发生,而在国内的弟弟也不知怎么了,弟媳把他弟弟银行的全部财产取出跑出去了,人都找不到了,他弟弟在家里要死要活的闹着,如得精神病一样不能自拨了,这也就是迁祖出的问题。
    Between last year and after the Chinese New Year, I have always received from the United Kingdom, the United States, Malaysia, Australia, South Korea, Singapore, Thailand, Africa and some other countries love ancient Chinese geomancy overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese culture calls and e-mail, some ask I was not in foreign countries also need to pay attention to their own villas, Yangzhai, quarters feng shui location; asked me some very unhappy living abroad, always encountered some troubles or a Huoshi matter is not with them living in the house abroad; some with foreign spouses married a few years ago life was successful and the subsequent changes in a third party to the marriage, and the fourth will soon enter the divorce, I asked them not to live abroad Yangzhai feng shui; Some asked me in a foreign company, a factory of business. And why sometimes for the city after the business will be smeared out, the company why there are always some very troublesome thing to happen in the last there is a British business Chinese, the Spring Festival this before, I intend to come back to him Qianfen called, in the home of the younger brother of blindly trust a Taoist priest, a Taoist priest who moved to the graves, Qianfen two months abroad, he began changing business in the cold, unhappy things happen in a one, and in the country do not know how his brother, his brother, sister-in-law all property bank out ran out, people are unable to find, in the home of his brother die to live Naozhao, such as a mental illness must not be the same, which is to move the issue of ancestors.

7. 祸事

7. 这次无可挽回的祸事使他的心情很沉重;他的良心深感不安,他不住地在怨恨自己。
    His heart was full, and his conscience torturedby remorse; for he accused himself more bitterly than ever of being

8. 就是这一个春梦婆在夜里把马鬣打成了辫子,把懒女人的龌龊的乱发烘成一处处胶粘的硬块,倘然把它们梳通了,就要遭逢祸事;就是这个婆子在人家女孩子们仰面睡觉的时候,压在她们身上,教会她们怎样养儿子;就是她
    This is that very Mab That plats the manes of horses in the night, And bakes the elflocks in foul sluttish hairs, Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes:This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, That presses tham and learns them first to bear, Making them women of good carriage:This is she

9. 祸事什么意思

9. 但一件可怕的祸事从天而降,毁了我的前程。
    He was bruised and lacerated from flogging, and it was too horrible to look at.

10. 要发生祸事了!我就知道要大事不好了。
    I am sure that something terrible will happen.

11. 祸事的翻译

11. 祸事我闯出来的,该让我来收拾。
      I caused this mess, let me clean it up!

12. 这不比平常的抽查威绩,显然是祸事临头的预兆。
      This was not an ordinary check-up of the work. Itpresaged calamity.

13. 弗斯脱上校是个有见识的人,不会让她闯出什么祸事来的;幸亏她又太穷,谁也不会看中她。
      Colonel Forster is a sensible man, and will keep her out of any real mischief; and she is luckily too poor to be an object of prey to any body.

14. 猿猴好像明白祸事来了,因为当杨将军骑马奔向树时,它哭了起来。
      The ape seemed to understand, because as soon as General Yang rode toward the tree, the ape began to cry.

15. 可惜人总是等闲视之,总要等到惹出祸事,否则还不知检讨或反悔;甚至有的还懵懵懂懂地,不知祸事正是起源于自己的多嘴饶舌呢!
      What a shame that most people treat this casually and do not examine themselves until a calamity happens. Even then, they may still be muddled and not realize that the calamity came from their own tongue-wagging!

16. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

16. 可是,预言祸事的人总是不甘心罢休的,所以倒闭的日期又被定在了九月底。彼得所属在休斯敦的公司却正濒临倒闭,已取消了绑架保险,故而不能为彼得提供赎金。
      Peter's Houston based employer, however, is on the verge of bankruptcy and has cancelled the kidnapping insurance policy and they cannot provide the money for his ransom.

17. 我知道这下可撞了祸事了,便躲在家里的床角落处不敢出来。
      I knew I got into trouble and hid myself in the corner of my room and dared not to go out.

18. 祸事的意思

18. 显然那边出了什么祸事了。
      It was obvious that some disaster had occurred there.

19. 有的祸事,像她的汽车被盗之类,以前从未发生过。
      Such a disaster as her car was stolen has never happened before.

20. 他一直装得面不改色;老太太根本看不出出了什么祸事
      He had kept his composure and the old woman had not noticed anything amiss.

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