
穷愁是什么意思 穷愁在线翻译 穷愁什么意思 穷愁的意思 穷愁的翻译 穷愁的解释 穷愁的发音 穷愁的同义词 穷愁的反义词 穷愁的例句


穷愁 基本解释

穷愁[qióng chóu]

词典hard up and depressed穷愁。

穷愁 汉英大词典

穷愁[qióng chóu]

hard up and depressed

穷愁 双语例句

1. 在我们穷愁潦倒、临危遭难的时候,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一往情深。
    It doesn`t turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress.

2. 穷愁什么意思

2. 在我们穷愁潦倒、临危遭难的时候,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一往情深。
    It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress.

3. 穷愁

3. 在我们穷愁潦倒、临危遭难的时候,它也不会抛弃我们,对我们总是一往情深。
    It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or stress or distress.

4. 朋友,是你在疾风苦雨中行走时飘过来的一把伞,是你在独自暗泣时飘过来的一方绢,是你在穷愁潦倒两眼望天时,盘旋在你上空的那只鹰。
    Friends, you are in the Ku Yu blast in walking passes to the umbrella, you are alone when An Qi passes to one side of the silk is in your eyes look down and worry about poor weather, hovering over you in the only eagle.

5. 而那伟大的作家最近也在国外穷愁潦倒地死去了。
    And the other high rewards of writers, that he had read about, must be lies, too.

6. 这是不是弄得他穷愁潦倒的原因?
    That's what has impoverished him, eh?

7. 穷愁在线翻译

7. 当时我并没有承认自己有抚养阿黛勒的义务,就是现在也不承认,因为我不是她的父亲,不过一听到她穷愁潦倒,我便把这个可怜虫带出了巴黎的泥坑,转移到这里,让她在英国乡间花园健康的土壤中,干干净净地成长,费尔法克斯太太找到了你来培养她,而现在,你知道她是一位法国歌剧女郎的私生女了,你也许对自己的职位和保保人身份,改变了想法,说不定哪一天你会来见我,通知我己经找到了别的工作。
    I acknowledged no natural claim on Adele's part to be supported by me, nor do I now acknowledge any, for I am not her father; but hearing that she was quite destitute, I e'en took the poor thing out of the slime and mud of Paris, and transplanted

8. 他想,他们已进监牢,今后不能再去害人,可是这穷愁绝望的一家人也未免太悲惨了。
    He had succeeded in making his escape; all trace of him was lost--what more did he care for!

9. 穷愁的解释

9. 他想,他们已进监牢,今后不能再去害人,可是这穷愁绝望的一家人也未免太悲惨了。
    As for the hideous vision of the Barriere du Maine, Cosette had not referred to it again.

10. 他死后使得妻子穷愁不堪。
    He left his wife poor.

11. 穷愁

11. 当时这些穷愁的艺术青年被逐出圆明园,他们向东寻觅,迎着朝霞,是潮白河畔的通州宋庄收留了他们。
      At that time, those misery young artists were banished from Yuanmingyuan, and they looked for their shelter towards east, toward the sunglow, and finally they found the Song Village in Tongzhou at the banks of Chaobai River.

12. 后者所研究的是文明的表层、王冠的争夺、王子的出生、国君的婚姻、战争、会议、著名的大人物、阳光下的兴衰变革,一切外表的东西;而另一种历史学家研究的是内容、实质、劳动、苦难、期待着的人民、被压迫的妇女、呻吟中的儿童、人与人的暗斗、隐秘的暴行、成见、公开的不平等待遇、法律的暗中反击、心灵的秘密演变、群众的隐微震颤、饿到快死的人、赤脚露臂的无依靠的人、孤儿孤女、穷愁潦倒蒙羞受辱的人和在黑暗中流浪的一切游魂野鬼。
      The latter has the surface of civilization, the conflicts of crowns, the births of princes, the marriages of kings, battles, assemblages, great public men, revolutions in the daylight, everything on the exterior; the other historian has the interior, the depths, the people who toil, suffer, wait, the oppressed woman, the agonizing child, the secret war between man and man, obscure ferocities, prejudices, plotted iniquities, the subterranean, the indistinct tremors of multitudes, the die-of-hunger, the counter-blows of the law, the secret evolution of souls, the go-bare-foot, the bare-armed, the disinherited, the orphans, the unhappy, and the infamous, all the forms which roam through the darkness.

13. 穷愁

13. 穷愁人生的痛苦呻吟&叶圣陶悲剧小说论
      The Miserable Complaints of the Poor and Distressed Lives On Ye Sheng-tao's Tragic Novels

14. 她看上去不象一个标准女人,而是一个特征不明显的人,一个穷愁潦倒的人。
      She looked less specifically like a woman than a more generalized human being and a sad one.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 遭受遗弃的特士拉穷愁潦倒,只好去挖水沟。
      Utterly destitute after being abandoned, Tesla was forced to dig ditches.

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