
窗板是什么意思 窗板在线翻译 窗板什么意思 窗板的意思 窗板的翻译 窗板的解释 窗板的发音 窗板的同义词 窗板的反义词 窗板的例句


窗板 基本解释

窗板[chuāng bǎn]

词典luffer boards窗板,百叶窗。

窗板 汉英大词典

窗板[chuāng bǎn]

luffer boards

窗板 网络解释

1. shutter:悬挑可以是实心、百叶或覆盖植物等多种形式,以及以上各种形式的组合. 一些窗板(shutter)、屋檐、格架、遮阳板(light shelf)和遮阳篷(awning)都能起到与悬挑类似的功能.

窗板 双语例句

1. 马罗谢卡街拐角处,一块挂有靴匠招牌,护窗板关上的大房子的对面,站着二十来位面容沮丧的靴匠,他们瘦弱憔悴,穿着罩衫和破烂的长褂子。
    At the corner of Maroseyka, opposite a great house with closed shutters, and the signboard of a bootmaker, stood a group of some twenty bootmakers, thin, exhausted-looking men, with dejected faces, in loose smocks, and torn coats.

2. 巴顿乡舍作为一所住宅,尽管太小,倒也舒适紧凑。不过作为一座乡舍,却有不少缺陷,因为房子造得太正规,房顶铺瓦,窗板没有漆成绿色,墙上也没有爬满忍冬花。
    As a house, Barton Cottage, though small, was comfortable and compact; but as a cottage it was defective, for the building was regular, the roof was tiled, the window shutters were not painted green, nor were the walls covered with honeysuckles.

3. 窗板把光亮完全隔绝了,我们坐在无边的黑暗中等待。
    The shutters cut off the least ray of light, and we waited in absolute darkness.

4. 窗板的解释

4. 这所房子是空的,窗板都关上了。
    The house was empty and shutter ed.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. 外边另有一扇护窗板,晚上把它挂上,早晨再摘下来。
    And another outside a shutters at night to hang it, in the morning and then come off.

6. 窗板

6. 窗板被风吹得来回作响,我们用钉子把它反着钉在墙上了。
    The shutter kept banging to and fro in the wind, so we nailed it back against the wall.

7. 暴风雨来临前所有窗子的窗板都关上了。
    All the windows were shuttered before the storm.

8. 只要闩上,没人能穿过这些窗板
    No one could pass these shutters if they were bolted.

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 格拉西姆打开一扇护窗板,踮着足走出了书斋。
    Gerasim opened one blind, and went out of the room on tiptoe.

10. 桌子上放着一盏熄灭了的提灯,窗板半开,亮光照在半开的保险柜上。
    On the table stood a dark-lantern with the shutter half open, throwing a brilliant beam of light upon the iron safe, the door of which was ajar.

11. 采购产品礼品,灯具和灯罩,手工制作,染色和吹制玻璃灯,窗板,壁炉屏幕。
      Gifts Articles, Lamps and Lampshades, Hand Crafted Stained and Blown Glass Lamps, Window Panels, Fireplace Screens.

12. “既然你们两个都锁门睡觉,你们的房间从那边是无法进入的。那么,你能进你房间挡着你的窗板吗?”
      " As you both locked your doors at night, your rooms were unapproachable from that side. now, would you have the kindness to go into your room and bar your shutters? "

13. 这所房子是空的,窗板都关上了。
      The house was empty and shuttered.

14. 那是底层的一间屋子,有一扇窗对着园子,窗口有铁条,窗板从外面开关,还有两扇门:一扇通修院,一扇通礼拜堂。
      It is a chamber on the ground floor which has a grated window opening on the garden, which is closed on the outside by a shutter, and two doors; one leads into the convent, the other into the church.

15. 窗板在线翻译

15. 一阵和晨风一样冷的风把窗板吹得在开着的窗门臼里直转。
      He was icy cold. A wind which was chill like the breeze of dawn was rattling the leaves of the window, which had been left open on their hinges.

16. 有时,她从一家人家的窗板缝里望见一线烛光,那也就是光明,也就是生命,说明那里还有人,她的心也就安了。
      From time to time she caught the flicker of a candle through the crack of a shutter & this was light and life; there were people there, and it reassured her.

17. 窗板

17. 我们中国有句农谚:不行春风,难得秋雨。暴风雨来临前所有窗子的窗板都关上了。
      There is a peasant saying: " There's no autumn rain without spring wind. " All the windows were shuttered before the storm.

18. 窗板的翻译

18. 此外,她把卧室布置得和原始岩洞没两样,拿走了所有钟表(她说,由两个小儿子来充当她的闹钟),还装上了遮光窗板
      Next, she turned her bedroom into the equivalent of a Lascaux cave, removing all clocks (her two young sons serve as her morning alarm, she said) and installing blackout window inserts.

19. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

19. 把窗板油漆成绿色,以便和门的颜色相配。
      The shutters were painted green to match the door.

20. danci.911cha.com

20. 顶楼开着一扇后窗,没有装窗板,上边的栅栏已经生锈。
      There was a back-garret window with rusty bars outside, which had no shutter;

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