
篆字是什么意思 篆字在线翻译 篆字什么意思 篆字的意思 篆字的翻译 篆字的解释 篆字的发音 篆字的同义词 篆字的反义词 篆字的例句


篆字 基本解释


词典seal character篆体;篆;篆书。

篆字 网络解释

1. seal character(a style of Chinese calligraphy, often used on seals):scroll, roll, volume 卷轴(如古字画的卷轴) | seal character(a style of Chinese calligraphy, often used on seals)篆字 | seal cutting 篆刻

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. seal character:seal character 篆字 | seal script 篆书 | RUNNING script 行书

篆字 双语例句

1. 篆字的反义词

1. 纵观全国现在,能够写得一笔好篆字的,已属凤毛麟角。
    Throughout the country are now able to write a good篆字, and are few and far between.

2. 在与品臻讨论后,我们一致认为,篆字的形和神能够确切的传达以上两点。
    Use seal character transmit externality and internal spirit and power.

3. 印章艺术是中国文化孕育下而产生的中国特有产物,它所依托的载体是汉文字,又主要依托于汉字中的篆字
    The art of seal is a unique product bred by Chinese culture which relying on the Chinese characters especially the seal character.

4. 欲看图片,敬请注册!这一圈篆字是什么?我将来拓下来给大家看。
    Re:一只老玉镯- 2008/01/3114:14 To see the pictures, please login/register.

5. 本文采用系统论方法,对小篆字系的形声系统进行了全面的测查和描写,并在此基础上,对形声系统和汉字构形系统的基本理论问题进行了研究,对汉字构形系统的分析方法和现代汉字的发展方向的问题也提出了初步的看法。
    This dissertation gives a description of pictophonetic characters system of Xiao Zhuan system with the methodology of systematism. On the basis of the description, we discuss the basic theory on the pictophonetic characters system and the character-formation system of the Chinese characters and advanced some preliminary views on the analytic method of the character-formation system of the Chinese characters and the developmental direction of the modem Chinese characters.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 依托河北新希望农牧有限公司,在篆字台村建设万头仔猪繁育场一处。
    New Hope Co., Ltd. Hebei relying on agriculture and animal husbandry in the village, construction of 10000 units of seal breeding farm a piglet.

7. 满文篆字与蒙古文篆字的关系是满族文字发展史特别是满文篆字研究中的一个重要问题。
    The relationship between the Manchu seal characters and die Mongolian is an important issue in the Manchu characters developing history and especially in the research of Manchu seal characters.

8. danci.911chaxun.com

8. 验证了所开发的控制系统可以计算出机器人的最优轨迹并实时控制机器人的运行。此外论文还在此基础上开发了机器人书写北京奥运会会徽程序及书写中国篆字体对联程序。
    It verified that this robot control system can calculate the optimal trajectory of the robot and also the real-time control of the robot. Besides, the robot to write procedures for the Beijing Olympic Games emblem and write Chinese couplets procedures Fragrance fonts are developed in this paper.

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