
粤绣是什么意思 粤绣在线翻译 粤绣什么意思 粤绣的意思 粤绣的翻译 粤绣的解释 粤绣的发音 粤绣的同义词 粤绣的反义词 粤绣的例句


粤绣 基本解释


词典Guangdong embroidery粤绣。

粤绣 双语例句

1. 粤绣什么意思

1. 粤绣窗饰是广州粤绣窗帘发展有限公司的简称,也是其公司的一个拥有自主知识产权的品牌。
    Guangzhou Yuexiu Window Blind Development CO., LTD is a large-scale curtain manufacturers, which has registered in the Trade and Industry Authority.

2. 粤绣窗饰是广州粤绣窗帘发展有限公司的简称,也是其公司的一个拥有自主知识产权的品牌。
    Guangzhou Yuexiu Window Blind Development CO., LTD is alarge-scale curtain manufacturers, which has registered in theTrade and Industry Authority.

3. 粤绣什么意思

3. 粤绣在长期的发展过程中,受到各民族民间艺术的影响,在兼收并蓄、融会贯通的基础上,逐渐形成了自身独特的艺术风格。
    Influenced by national folk art, Yue embroidery formed its own unique characteristics.

4. 粤绣以其复杂的花样而家喻户晓。
    Yue Embroidery is famous for its complicated designs.

5. 粤绣在唐代已经很发展。
    Yue embroidery was entirely developed in the Tang Dynasty.

6. 潮绣----中国四大名绣粤绣的代表,向来以精描细绣崔灿夺目而闻名于世。
    Tide embroidered ---- four famous Chinese embroidery and Guangdong embroidery representatives, has been described in fine detail is famous for eye-catching embroideredthe world.

7. 粤绣是什么意思

7. 潮绣----中国四大名绣粤绣的代表,向来以精描细绣崔灿夺目而闻名于世。
    Tide embroidered ---- the four famous Chinese embroidery and Guangdong embroidery representatives, has been described in fine detail and world-famous eye-catching embroidered.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 在种类上粤绣可分为绒绣、线绣、金银线绣三类,品种包括戏服、厅堂装饰、联帐、采眉、挂屏和各种日用绣品等。
    Floss, thread and gold-and-silk thread embroidery are used to produce costumes, decorations for halls and crafts for daily use.

9. 她具有山水、人物、花鸟等较全面的绘画才能,在刺绣方面她涉及到苏绣、蜀绣、粤绣、湘绣、肖像绣、乱针绣、顾绣、双面全艺绣、民间传统绣等各流派绣种,博且专。
    In the mean time, she is proficient in different styles of embroidery, such as Su Embroidery, Shu Embroidery, Yue Embroidery, Xiang Embroidery, Portrait Embroidery, Crisscross Stitching Embroidery, Gu`s Embroidery, double-sided art embroidery, and traditional folk embroidery.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 粤绣,其中包括广州,潮州刺绣刺绣,具有与李博科一脉相承。
    Yue Embroidery, which encompasses Guangzhou Embroidery and Chaozhou Embroidery, has the same origin as Li Brocade.

11. 粤绣和蜀绣,对吧?
      Yue embroidery and Shu embroidery, right?

12. 粤绣在唐代已经很发展。
      Yue embroidery was entirely developed in the Tang dynasty.

13. 宋元时期(公元10~14世纪),广州港的繁荣促进了粤绣工艺的飞速发展,粤绣品开始输出国外。
      The prosperous Guangzhou Port of the Song Dynasty promoted the development of Yue embroidery, which began to be exported at that time.

14. 911查询·英语单词

14. 粤绣也称“广绣”,它是出产于广东省广州、潮州、汕头、中山、番禺、顺德一带刺绣品的总称。
      Also called Guang embroidery, Yue embroidery is a general name for embroidery products of the regions of Guangzhou, Shantou, Zhongshan, Fanyu and Shunde in Guangdong Province.

15. 粤绣自然有它的过人之处。
      Yue embroidery certainly has its own outstanding merits.

16. 中国刺绣最突出的有江苏的苏绣、湖南的湘绣,广东的粤绣和四川的蜀绣。
      The four famous Chinese embroidery styles are the Su embroidery of Jiangsu Province, the Xiang embroidery of Hunan Province, the Yue embroidery of Guangdong Province and the Shu embroidery of Sichuan Province.

17. 我公司生产的刺绣作品以高端为主,不管你是近观还是远看,都会以为是一幅国画抑或泼墨水彩,所以最适合收藏和馈赠,不同于苏绣、湘绣、蜀绣、粤绣的量化商品化。
      My company produces embroidery works mainly to high-end, whether you are near or distance concept, it will think that is a splash-ink or watercolor painting, the most suitable for collection and gift, different from the embroidery, , Sichuan embroidery and Guangdong embroidery quantity of commercialization.

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