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素心 基本解释




素心 网络解释

1. Su Xin:蘇緹 Su Ti | 素心 Su Xin | 蘇柚 Su You

素心 双语例句

1. 蔷薇呦,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心
    O dear roses, though unable to treat you to spring wine, I could offer you limpid spring water and my sincere pure heart.

2. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁流泉,清洁的素心
    Oh------- my dish, I can't treat you with spring wine, but I could offer you limpid spring water and my bona fides.

3. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心,你在这破土瓶中虽然不免要凄凄寂寂地飘零,但比遗弃在路头被人践踏了的好罢?
    Oh, dear roses, despite the mellow spring wine I could not afford you, I would offer you limpid spring water together with my gentle pure heart. You would wither away in this shabby adobe bottle in grief and solitude, but wouldn't it be better than to be abondoned and trampled by the wayside?

4. 其神:任他桃李争欢赏,不为繁华易素心
    Their God: his term of office for Tao Li Huan reward, not for the bustling heart-prone.

5. 任他桃李争欢赏,不为繁华易素心
    Thanks for sharing...

6. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁流泉,清洁的素心
    I want to keep you in clean fountain water and with my heart genuine.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁流泉,清洁的素心
    Oh roses, though I can not feed you on spring wine, I will offer you clean stream and pure heart.

8. 素心

8. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁的流泉,清洁的素心
    Although I cannot provide the roses with good wine, I could offer the clean spring water to clarify the heart.

9. 蔷薇哟,我虽然不能供养你以春酒,但我要供养你以清洁流泉,清洁的素心
    O dear roses, though unable to treat you to spring wine, I could offer you limpid spring water and my sincere heart.

10. 原来这长在我家後院的花叫素心。。。
    You have landed at Kuching International Airport -...

11. 香氛感受:典雅的素心兰香型,蕴含着淡雅的果香气息,更让你能体现出优雅古典的气质。
      The elegant chypre contains faint fruity ordor, which shows your classical temperament.

12. 很多年之后,素心有着花白的头发。
      Many years later, Susan has gray hair.

13. 以素心建兰茎尖诱导产生的根状茎为材料,研究不同基本培养基和几种生长调节剂组合对其增殖与芽分化的影响。
      Effects of basic medium and plant growth regulator combination on the multiplication and differentiation of rhizomes of Cymbidium ensifolium var.

14. 川芎嗪和推拿对椎动脉型颈椎病患者血浆内皮素心钠素的影响
      Effect of Ligustrazine Hydrochloride and Massage on the Concentration of Endothelin and Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in the Plasma in Patients with Cervical Spondylotic Vertebral Arteriopathy

15. 素心

15. 有人素心以恪守对灵魂的敬畏;
      Some human of original intents scrupulously follow to the soul awe;

16. 初步证实超声波复合处理可抑制3d模拟运输过程中素心蜡梅切枝花朵的脱落率,并讨论了超声波的可能作用机理及应用前景。
      Besides, it is confirmed primarily that the combined treatment with ultrasonic wave could inhibit the abscission percentage of flowers on cut wintersweet twigs in 3 d by simulated transport. The possible function mechanism and application foreground for ultrasonic wave are discussed.

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17. 超声波及其复合保鲜技术对素心蜡梅切枝短期贮运的影响
      Effects of Combined Holding Technology with Ultrasonic Wave on Short Time Storage for Cut Wintersweet Branch Twigs

18. 他是个素心人。
      He is a simple and honest one.

19. 守着大包装的奥利奥,心中有单纯的幸福,想起那句:素心花对素心人。
      Watching the big package Oreo at heart, pure happiness, think of the phrase: Susan Susan took on the people.

20. 素心

20. 年少的素心有着太多纷繁复杂的哲理,她在遵循的同时也会好心地告诉那些需要的人,可当被尖刻的语言嘲弄的时候,才一瞬间成长。
      There are too many young Susan complex philosophy, she followed in kind will also tell those in need, can be sharp when the language of mockery when the moment only grow.

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