
紫葳是什么意思 紫葳在线翻译 紫葳什么意思 紫葳的意思 紫葳的翻译 紫葳的解释 紫葳的发音 紫葳的同义词 紫葳的反义词 紫葳的例句


紫葳 基本解释

紫葳[zǐ wēi]


词典campsis grandiflora紫葳;凌霄花。

紫葳 汉英大词典

紫葳[zǐ wēi]

bignoniad; campsis grandiflora

紫葳 网络解释

1. 紫葳在线翻译

1. bignonia:bigness 伟大 | bignonia 紫葳 | bigot 盲信者

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. bignoniad:bignonia || 紫葳属的植物 | bignoniad || 紫葳 | bigot || 盲目信仰者, 顽固者

3. 紫葳是什么意思

3. Bignoniaceae:蜡梅Calycanthaceae | 紫葳Bignoniaceae | 马鞭草Verbenaceae

4. Bignoniaceae Campsis grandiflora:凌霄属 Bignoniaceae Campsis | 凌霄 别名:苔,陵苔,女葳花,紫葳;红花倒水莲(广东) Bignoniaceae Campsis grandiflora | 硬骨凌霄属 Bignoniaceae Tecomaria

紫葳 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 属于、关于或具有紫葳属植物特征。
    Of or pertaining to or characteristic of plants of the family Bignoniaceae.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 目的:研究紫葳科角蒿属植物大花鸡肉参的化学成分。
    Objective: To study the chemical constituents of Incarvillea mairei var.

3. 紫葳

3. 从科来看,无患子科,蝶形花科,楝科和紫葳科等的植物个体比较适应西双版纳热带植物园的环境。
    However, the plants from different regions showed a little difference in adaptability.

4. 紫葳的解释

4. 张斌的妻子胡紫葳在央视的新闻发布会上强占麦克风的一段视频开始成为周一土豆视频上点击率最高的视频片段之一。
    A video clip of Zhang Bin's wife Hu Ziwei commandeering a microphone at a China Central Television presentation of its coverage plans was easily one of the most viewed items on Chinese video site tudou. com on Monday.

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. n。开喇叭形花的植物,紫葳
    An open note on a trumpet.

6. 紫葳是什么意思

6. 紫葳藤,比格诺藤一种四季常青的卷须结实的木藤蔓,主要生长在美国东南部,开漂亮的桔红色喇叭状花
    An evergreen, tendril-bearing woody vine, native chiefly to the southeast United States and having showy red-orange, trumpet-shaped flowers.

7. 这些原料可以是下述原料中的一种或几种:甘草、桔梗、栝楼皮、知母、黄芩、薄荷、荆芥、防风、玄参、恶实、牛蒡根、射干、灯笼草、白头翁、麦门冬、蔷薇根、龙胆、大青、鸭跖草、紫葳等将所选用的原料按某一比例粉碎并混合均匀后加工制成小颗粒粘附在胶布上即成成品。
    It is a medicinal small granule made up by using one kind of the Chinese medicinal materials of licorice, platycodon root, trichosanthes rind, anemarrhena root, scutellaria roiot, peppermint and others or several kinds of them, and said small medicinal granule is adhered on the adhesive plaster so as to obtain the invented medicine plaster.

8. 其中紫葳科、大戟科、含羞草科是含落叶树种最多的3个科,黄牛木、猪肚木、山柑算盘子是多度最高的3个落叶树种,枫香树、黄牛木、山柑算盘子是胸高截面积最大的3个落叶树种。
    Bignoniaceae, Euphorbiaceae, and Mimosaceae contained the most deciduous species. Cratoxylum cochinchinens, Canthium horridum, and Glochidion fagifolium were the most abundant species, while Liquidambar formosana, C. cochinchinens, and G. f agifolium had the highest basal area.

9. 结果鸡肉参为紫葳科植物滇川角蒿Incarvillea maireiGrierson的根。
    ResultsJirousheng is the Radix of Bignoniaceous plant-Incarvillea. mairei Grierson.

10. 中国单囊壳属分类的研究&Ⅴ.紫葳科上一新种
    Taxonomic studies on the genus Sphaerotheca of China v. new species on Bignoniaceae

11. 梓树隶属紫葳科梓属植物,其果实具有清热、解毒等药用功能,用于治疗肝硬化腹水等。
      Catalpa ovata G. Don belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae. Its plant has many functions, such as clearing-detoxication, and has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for cirrhosis.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 免费算命网您在线提供免费算命服务:姓名命理、在线取名、测公司名、周公解梦、星座排盘、塔罗牌、观音灵签、吕祖灵签、六壬排盘、六爻起卦、玄空排盘、梅花易数排盘、手机号吉凶、奇门排盘、八字算命、怀孕测算、指纹测算、半仙测字、文王神卦、土地公卦、八字称骨、紫葳斗数、金口诀、太乙神数、金钱卦、星座运程、QQ号吉凶、八字排盘、太极神测。
      In the 18th Century Aubusson Rugs had been produced for the first time in a French province of the same name. It specializes in handwoven carpets of 100% pure sheep wool. In contrast to the classic Orient carpets those carpetsshow a quite design and mellow subdued pastels that can vary between a pale beige and a deep shade.

13. 中国单囊壳属分类的研究&Ⅴ.紫葳科上一新种
      Taxonomic studies on the genus Sphaerotheca of China v.new species on Bignoniaceae

14. 梓树隶属紫葳科梓属植物,其果实具有清热、解毒等药用功能,用于治疗肝硬化腹水等。
      Catalpa ovata G.Don belongs to the family of Bignoniaceae. Its plant has many functions, such as clearing-detoxication, and has been used as a traditional Chinese medicine for cirrhosis.

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