
絮叨是什么意思 絮叨在线翻译 絮叨什么意思 絮叨的意思 絮叨的翻译 絮叨的解释 絮叨的发音 絮叨的同义词 絮叨的反义词 絮叨的例句


絮叨 基本解释

絮叨[xù dao]





絮叨 汉英大词典

絮叨[xù dao]

long-winded; garrulous; wordy; gabby; chatter:


    She is really long-winded.

絮叨 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. maunderv:225maudlina. 容易流泪的,感伤的,醉后好哭的; n. 易流泪 | 226maunderv. 絮叨 | 227mausoleumn. 陵墓

絮叨 双语例句

1. 他在絮叨什么?
    What's he on about now?

2. 我便和他絮叨起麦迪特殊的情况和手术的详情。
    I went on about the details of McGrady`s particular condition and procedure.

3. 有些话,我想说给你听。你可有空,来听听一个粉丝的絮叨
    There's something I want to tell you, could you spare a moment?

4. 我不能到处把你絮叨
    I can't natter you far and near.

5. 絮叨什么意思

5. 你提到体育,我也絮叨絮叨
    You brought up sports, so I'll go on a bit myself.

6. 没有完整的看过,但是听你絮叨过许久。看了你的影评
    I could be in someone else s story. if someone else like, he could be in mine.

7. 如果你絮叨了200个小问题而对方应答如流,那你大可放心了。
    If you are asked 200 questions and the venue seems obsessed with trivial details relax.

8. 最后,我估计他是觉得我的面红耳赤和可怜巴巴的絮叨是如此可怕,于是反过来开始同情我。
    In the end, I think he found my beetroot face and pathetic jabbering so dreadful he felt sorry for me.

9. 她的心里装满了无伤大雅的奇闻轶事和她所认识的人的琐事,只要随便一问,她就能给你絮叨半天。但是关于Ethan Frome的事,我却出乎意料地发现她只字不提。
    Her mind was a storehouse of innocuous anecdote and any questions about her acquaintance brought forth a volume of details; but on the subject of Ethan Frome I found her unexpectedly reticent.

10. 他深爱他的友人,但赫敏紧张得毫无条理的絮叨让他感到更加疲倦。
    He loved his friend deeply, but Hermione's disorganized, nervous talking was beginning to wear him out even more.

11. 一个错误的姓名刻在我的墓碑上,一群我渐渐熟识的陌生人,清明时不再哭著哀切的歌调了,只默默地对著我焚香,对著我燔烧一扎一扎的冥纸,不再絮叨那些过往的战事。
      As Tomb Sweeping Day approaches, day after day I curse this mistake.

12. 絮叨的翻译

12. 有不切实际的想法的时候就向神述说,神是个只会听人絮叨的一个东西
      Hehe, a question is not equal to nattering, it concerns only your concern in reality

13. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

13. 一次从外面回来,校门口过街天桥上一位乞讨的老太太引起了我的注意:她跪在地上,身着农村老奶奶常穿的那种紫色大褂,手里拿着一个多处掉瓷的饭缸,向每一个路人晃动着,饭缸里硬币撞击缸壁的声音和老太太嘴里絮叨着的含混不清的话语,与大城市繁忙的交通噪音一起,构成了天桥一处独特的交响乐。
      One time comes back from outside, on the school gate mouth overpass goes begging old woman has brought to my attention: She kneels in ground, wears countryside father's mother Chang Chuan that kind of purple long unlined gown, in the hand takes more than one place to fall porcelain the food cylinder, is rocking to each passer-by, in food cylinder coin hit cylinder wall sound and old woman in mouth verbose ambiguous words, with the big city busy transportation noise together, constituted an over-bridge unique symphony.

14. 絮叨的翻译

14. 除了周末,我一般都自己住,因为我受不了妈妈的絮叨,回家去的时候我会去看云阿姨和小小,现在云阿姨象当初我妈妈找她和我谈心一样让我和小小谈心。
      Except the weekend, I generally all own live, because I cannot bearmother''''s verboseness, went home time I can go looked cloud aunt andsmall is small, now cloud aunt looked like initially my mother to lookfor her and I talks openly equally lets me and small smallheart-to-heart talk.

15. 贝内特先生不愿意听她絮叨华装丽服。
      Mr. Bennet protested against any description of finery.

16. 他老是絮叨个没完,所以大家都烦他。
      Be long-winded; be garrulous; be wordy...

17. 絮叨的解释

17. 爱絮叨的老头儿、老太婆等。
      A gassy old man, woman, etc.

18. 我爱你超过酒鬼的絮叨
      I love you more than gin rummy is a bore.

19. 絮叨的解释

19. 我会抽时间听祖父絮叨他的青年时代我不会因为刚刚把头发梳理定型而要求在夏天关上车窗。
      I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth. I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.

20. 即使您是XSL专家也要忍受我如此絮叨
      Bear with me even if you're an XSL expert.

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