
终场是什么意思 终场在线翻译 终场什么意思 终场的意思 终场的翻译 终场的解释 终场的发音 终场的同义词 终场的反义词 终场的例句


终场 基本解释

终场[zhōng chǎng]

词典end of a performance [show

词典sports event]

终场 汉英大词典

终场[zhōng chǎng]

end of a performance [show; sports event]

终场 双语例句

1. 第12分钟雅博的乌龙球折射,以及库伊特的近距离终场前绝杀让利物浦在古迪逊公园全取三分。
    A deflected Joseph Yobo own goal in the 12th minute and a Dirk Kuyt tap-in close to the final whistle handed the Reds the points at Goodison Park.

2. 事与愿违,这名后卫发现自己成为了争议的中心,因为他在裁判阿伊罗尔迪吹响了终场哨后做了一个引发争议的手势。
    Against his will, the defender found himself at the centre of a controversy because of a gesture he mad after the final whistle was blown by referee Ayroldi.

3. 我同布兰克开过玩笑,我说我应该拿双倍的报酬,因为终场哨响起后我还有一场比赛要打。
    I have joked with Jean-Claude Blanc that I should be paid double because I have another game after the final whistle.

4. 很辛 运终场铃声救了你,但是你下次别想逃脱。
    It's lucky that your're saved by the bell but you won't escape next time.

5. 终场的近义词

5. 剧院垂幕布景 2。压台戏;终场戏不对某人的路子;不合某人的胃口
    A scene in a play, film, or book is part of it in which a series of events happen in the same place.

6. 爸爸说我跳舞跳到11点必须回家,可我玩得太开心了,不知不觉到了午夜,所以我想反正晚了,干脆一不,做二不休,跳到终场为止。
    Dad said I was to be home from the dance by elev o', but I enjoyed myself so much that it was midnight before I realized it, so I thought I might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb and stopped on till the end.

7. 离终场还有15分钟时,雅辛被替换上场。
    There are 15 minutes from the end, the play has been replaced Yassin.

8. 什么都没有的终场演出
    With a grand finale of nothing.

9. 在1月30日的满月时,你心里想的是工作,那里一个独特的项目将进行终场演奏。
    Work will be on your mind at the full moon, January 30, when you will have a special project that will come to a grand finale.

10. 这是澳大利亚最后的一场比赛,是解说员终场前最后一分钟的解说。
    At the end of the apology, he went on to say, I don`t like Australians.

11. 终场的反义词

11. 但是当终场哨响的时候,爵爷的球队却很高兴的期待下一场比赛。
      And yet when that final whistle went, Sir Alex Ferguson's team could have happily started another match.

12. 终场的意思

12. 和超级英雄帮助Phil Jackson达到这一高度的情况不同,是Sasha Vujacic在终场30秒的时候投中3分帮助湖人取得胜利――当然,他还是得到了KOBE的帮助――KOBE前三节很沉默但第四节豪取14分。
      It was the most unlikely of heroes who helped propel Jackson to the record on this magical night. Sasha Vujacic hit the go-ahead 3 pointer with under 30 seconds left to put the Mavs away for good. Well, he did have a little help from No. 24—who shook off a pedestrian first three quarters to pour in 14 crucial points in the fourth.

13. 当比赛终场哨响起,科比,这位努力去赢得第一个没有鲨鱼的总冠军的球员,看着老虎伍兹,抹去眉头的汗水,终于长舒了一口气。
      When the clock expired, Bryant, trying to win his first championship without Shaquille O'Neal, looked at Tiger Woods and wiped sweat from his brow in relief.

14. 在终场前四分钟,坎比亚索在禁区边缘,用假动作骗过了两名后卫,以左脚一记漂亮的弧线球绕过了守门员比萨里 [查了google阿根廷的守门员有一位叫这个名字,曾在1999-2000在皇马踢球,现效力于西甲的瓦拉杜利德],为皇马锁定比分。
      Right on cue with four minutes remaining, Cambiasso took possession outside the World penalty box, sent two defenders the wrong way and curled a left-footer around keeper Albano Bizarri and inside a post.

15. 终场哨吹响时他背对着我,但巧的是当他张开双臂后仰时,铁青着脸的巴拉克正从旁边走过,才成就了我这张图片。
      As the whistle blew he faced away from me but luckily he arched backwards just at the same time as a glum-faced Michael Ballack walked by

16. 终场的意思

16. 美联社达拉斯讯从一开始因为背伤而表现低迷,到终场前28秒跳投命中锁定胜局,科比再一次向人们展示了他的神奇。最终湖人100:95战胜小牛,在周三晚西区榜首和榜眼的较量中再次获胜。
      DALLAS Kobe Bryant went from having a slow night because of a sore back to nailing the game-winning jumper with 28 seconds left, lifting the Los Angeles Lakers to a 100-95 victory over the Dallas Mavericks on Wednesday night in a matchup of the top two teams in the Western Conference.

17. 在临近终场的时候,布奇扑住了卡卡的射门。
      Near the end a super save by Bucci kept out a shot by Kaká.

18. 年轻的卡娅西蒙替补上场后攻入一个戏剧般的终场前入球。
      Teenager Kyah Simon came off the bench to dramatically hit a stoppage-time winner.

19. 终场在线翻译

19. 而捷克中场就在终场哨即将响起的时候肘击阿布多拉伊。孔科被红牌罚出场外。
      The Czech midfielder was later sent off, though, after the final whistle for appearing to elbow Abdoulay Konko.

20. 经过70分钟的酣战,AB两队双方均无建树,终场以0比0握手言和,各积一分。
      Neither Team A nor B goaled after 70 minutes fight. They accumulated one point respectively.

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