
终宵是什么意思 终宵在线翻译 终宵什么意思 终宵的意思 终宵的翻译 终宵的解释 终宵的发音 终宵的同义词 终宵的反义词 终宵的例句


终宵 基本解释


词典all night整夜,通宵,彻夜;通夜。

终宵 双语例句

1. 终宵不眠的那些时辰守候我入睡
    Tells them that dreams and that the moon is gone.

2. 的确,当我我们年岁渐长,在情绪低落的时刻里,追忆很多离我们而去的亲朋好友,或者对那些曾经与我们欢乐终宵的朋友们兴起几许愁绪,这比什么都快乐。
    And indeed, when we are advanced in years, there is not a more pleasing entertainment, than to recollect in a gloomy moment the many we have parted with, that have been dear and agreeable to us, and to cast a melancholy thought or two after those, with whom, perhaps, we have indulged ourselves in whole nights of mirth and jollity.

3. 听了这话,士兵在阳台下等,一天,两天,十天,二十天,公主每晚往外探,他仍矗立终宵,风雪雨都抵挡不了他,鸟停在头上,蜜蜂叮他,他都不动,但是,在第99天时,士兵已经全身苍白,且廋小,眼泪从眼眶里流了出来。他已经支撑不住了,甚至连睡觉的力气都没有了,公主一直注视着他,最后,在99天的晚上,士兵站了起来,提起椅子,走了,走了!这就是结果,如果你知道原因,你就告诉我吧。
    At last he succeeded in meeting her, and he told her that he could no longer live without her, the princess was so taken by his love that she said to the soldier, if you can wait for 100days, and 100nights under my balcony, at the end of it, i shall be yours, with that, the soldier went and waited, one day, two days, then ten, then twenty, each evening the princess looked out, and he never moved, in rain, wind, and snow, he was still there, birds sat on his head, bees stung him, but he didn't move, however, on the ninety day, he had become pale and weak, tears streamed from his eyes, he couldn't hold them back. he didn't even have the strength to sleep, and all that time, the princess watched him, finally, on the 99th night, the soldier stood up, took his chair, and left, if you figure it out, you tell me.

4. 听了 这话,士兵在阳台下等,一天,两天,十天,二十天,公主每晚往外探,他仍矗立终宵,风雪雨都抵挡不了他,鸟停在头上,蜜蜂叮他,他都不动,但是,在第 99天时,士兵已经全身苍白,且廋小,眼泪从眼眶里流了出来。
    At last he succeeded in meeting her, and he told her that he could no longer live without her, the princess was so taken by his love that she said to the soldier, if you can wait for 100 days, and 100 nights under my balcony, at the end of it, i shall be yours, with that, the soldier went and waited, one day, two days, then ten, then twenty, each evening the princess looked out, and he never moved, in rain, wind, and snow, he was still there, birds sat on his head, bees stung him, but he didn't move, however, on the ninety day, he had become pale and weak, tears streamed from his eyes, he couldn't hold them back.

5. 听了这话,士兵在阳台下等,一天,两天,十天,二十天,公主每晚往外探,他仍矗立终宵,风雪雨都抵挡不了他,鸟停在头上,蜜蜂叮他,他都不动,但是,在第99天时,士兵已经全身苍白,且廋小,眼泪从眼眶里流了出来。
    I shall be yours. With that, the soldier went and waited...One day...Two days...then ten...then twenty. Each evening the princess looked out and he never moved!In rain, wind, and snow, he was still there!Birds sat on his head, bees stung him...But he didn't move. However...On the ninety day...He had become...pale and weak.

6. 终宵的近义词

6. 尽管有耗竭的危机,又会伤害自然资源,不环保的化石能源却大受欢迎;而风力能源,同样能维持灯火终宵通明的马力&而且乾净许多。
    Unclean fossil fuels are popular, even though they deplete or harm natural resources, yet wind power also has the horses to keep lights on through the night & and is clean.

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