
结结实实是什么意思 结结实实在线翻译 结结实实什么意思 结结实实的意思 结结实实的翻译 结结实实的解释 结结实实的发音


结结实实 基本解释

Fruit setting;

结结实实 网络解释

1. 结结实实的意思

1. very strong:兴奋不已In ecstasy | 结结实实very strong | 合不笼嘴Cannot close one's mouth

结结实实 双语例句

1. 接着是五花大绑和吊起一只脚,然后是绳师球形紧缚,她的全身上下都被麻绳捆绑的结结实实,毫无动弹的余地,最后是用中国传统的老虎凳加以虐待。
    Second, she was bound up and one foot was hung up in the air, only had one foot standing to support her body, third, the master gave her a very tight ball tie to make her learn the extreme taste of Chinese rope bondage, last, she was tortured by traditional Chinese Tiger`s Bench.

2. 一位年长的朋友可能不辞辛苦地出现在你需要的时候,结结实实地帮上你一把。
    An older friend may go out of his or her way to help you and when this happens, the help will be quite substantial.

3. 他把抽屉结结实实地锁上,拿了钥匙,回到寝室门口,除掉门上的搭扣,走进寝室里。
    He double locked it, took the key, returned to the bedroom door, removed the double staple of the bolt, and went in.

4. 结结实实的意思

4. 这次,他没有错过她的嘴,结结实实地吻到了她。
    This time he did not miss her mouth and met hers fully. Had she moved to meet him?

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5. 但夸张化的摔倒和结结实实被冲撞到是有很大区别的。
    But there`s a big difference between flopping for dramatic purposes and actually taking a charge.

6. 我们亲手编织的欲望之网,结结实实的绑架了我们的人生,试问你到底是谁?
    We hand-woven web of desire, the kidnapped our lives, how can you who in the end?

7. 生活对你来说不是很愉快,我真希望能够回到过去,和你见面、给你一个结结实实的拥抱。
    Life is not very fun for you and I wish I could go back in time to meet you and give you a great big hug.

8. 像我们什么也没有的人,你明白这件事是不容易的……现在算是还清了帐,我是结结实实满意的了。
    You can understand that it was not easy for us, for us who had nothing. At last it is ended, and I am very glad.

9. 结结实实的翻译

9. 绑他个结结实实你现在没那么大了吧?
    Cinch him up good. You ain't so big now, are you?

10. 他们来到窗前一看,看见一只小小兔结结实实陷在了雪堆里。
    They went to the window and saw a very little Bunny stuck fast in a snowdrift.

11. 结结实实

11. 每一下都会很重,都会结结实实的打在你的屁股上,这回是你从来没有挨过的彻底的打。
      They will all be hard, full force spanks. This is the most thorough hand spanking you have ever had.

12. 墨西哥人说,随后他直直的站在那里,结结实实的挨完了十下鞭打。
      Says the Mexican, and he stands there straight and takes his ten lashings without a single flinch.

13. 圆脸,眉眼长得很匀调,没有什么特别出色的地方,可是结结实实的并不难看。
      There was nothing particularly striking about her, but her round face and shapely eyebrows and eyes gave her a wholesome appearance.

14. 而且,它是那种结结实实,永远也坏不了的铁家伙--就是那种你在事故现场看到的车,自己身上漆都没蹭掉一点儿,而周围却一片狼藉,全是毁在它手下的外国汽车的碎块儿。
      Plus, it was one of those solid iron affairs that never gets damaged - the kind you see at the scene of an accident, paint unscratched, surrounded by the pieces of the foreign car it had destroyed.

15. 结结实实的意思

15. 而且,它是那种结结实实,永远也坏不了的铁疙瘩,就是你在车祸现场看到的那种结实玩意儿:自己身上漆都没蹭掉一点儿,而周围却一片狼藉,全是毁在它手下的外国汽车的碎块儿。
      Plus, it was one of those solid iron affairs that never gets damaged — the kind you see at the scene of an accident, paint unscratched, surrounded by the pieces of the foreign car it had destroyed.

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16. 那是结结实实一堆低声谈论着的群众,紧凑密集,无隙可通,推挤不动,几乎无法渗透。
      It formed a resisting, massive, solid, compact, almost impenetrable block of people who were huddled together, and conversing in low tones.

17. 英曼用牛皮纸把这些东西给结结实实地包扎好,然后一根手指勾着扎成十字花的绳子。
      By the time he was done shopping, he had spent a pile of near-worthless paper money big enough to kindle a fire from green wood.

18. 他像是那沉默的忧郁的风景的一个部分,那个冻洁了的苦闷的化身,他身上的一点热和情全都结结实实埋藏在表面之下。
      He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of its frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface.

19. 结结实实是什么意思

19. 雪已经融化了,但是湖面上仍然冻得结结实实的。
      The snow had melted, but the lake was still frozen solid

20. 如果广域市场指数结结实实地掉到200日移动平均线以下,则标志着市场将长期走跌。
      When the broad market indices fall firmly below the 200-day average, it signals an extended bearish period ahead.

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