
绿肥红瘦是什么意思 绿肥红瘦在线翻译 绿肥红瘦什么意思 绿肥红瘦的意思 绿肥红瘦的翻译 绿肥红瘦的解释 绿肥红瘦的发音


绿肥红瘦 基本解释

绿肥红瘦[lǜ féi hóng shòu]

词典flourishing leaves and withering flowers绿肥红瘦。

词典the scene of late spring绿肥红瘦。

词典late spring暮春;绿肥红瘦。

绿肥红瘦 汉英大词典

绿肥红瘦[lǜ féi hóng shòu]

flourishing leaves and withering flowers; the scene of late spring; late spring

绿肥红瘦 网络解释

1. 绿肥红瘦什么意思

1. lufhs:忧郁的贵族 huhuhayi | 绿肥红瘦 lufhs | 日出东海 ricdh

绿肥红瘦 双语例句

1. 今天是一周以来的第一个大晴天。一周的阴雨,对于早春来说,实在是太多了。等到阳光再回来的时候,已是热情多过柔情。柳树叶疯长。怒放后的海棠已经抵不住绿肥红瘦的宿命,而同时桃花又在清瘦而光洁的枝上开始展现嫩嫩的花瓣。
    A whole week's rain in early spring was regarded in the old days as much more precious than one of the indispensable living materials--oil, but there was definitely too much of it this year, because when the sunshine finally came back to the earth, I already forgot how gentle the early spring weather should be.

2. 那些婉约的唐诗宋词中,是否有关于我的印记,那些绿肥红瘦望穿秋水秦砖汉瓦春归燕字人比黄花瘦里,你永远是我敞开的笔端之初。
    In these composed Tang poem Song jambic verse, whether to have about mine mark, these green manure red eagerly awaited thinly in the baked clay bricks and tiles spring turns over to Yan Ziren to be thinner than the Chrysanthemum, you forever are at the beginning of the conception in painting which I open wide.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 碧月如钩,红笺小字,难寄春愁,只道知否知否,应是绿肥红瘦
    Bi-like hook, red 笺 small print, difficult to send Singing Sorrowful, only Tao aware aware, should be Lvfeihongshou.

4. 唯有找一个深深的庭院,独自躲在绿肥红瘦处,凝眸千古唐诗宋词的风采,或摹,或仿,让自己的心在诗风古韵的婆娑光影里徘徊寻觅,让自己的诗句在融着花香、笛音的气息中流淌。
    Only to find a deep courtyard, alone, hiding in Lvfeihongshou Department Ningmou elegance of poetry through the ages, or facsimile, or imitation, so that my heart is in poetry rhyme wander to find the whirling light and shadow, so that my verse in the melt with flowers, Di Yin atmosphere of flowing.

5. 花却又是美丽的战士,风雨中尽管渐渐绿肥红瘦,终究不曾低头。
    But beauty of the flower are fighters, in spite of wind and rain gradually, after all, did not bow.

6. 知否,知否,应是绿肥红瘦
    Do you know, do you know, it should be green fat red thin.

7. 应是绿肥红瘦
    The red should languish and the green should grow?

8. 知否?知否?应是绿肥红瘦
    Know about this? Know about this?

9. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

9. 应是绿肥红瘦
    The red should languish and the green must grow?

10. 绿肥红瘦是什么意思

10. 花却又是美丽的战士,风雨中尽管渐渐绿肥红瘦,终究不曾低头。
    Flowers are also beautiful warrior, in spite of gradually flourishing leaves and withering flowers in the wind and rain, ultimately not bowed their heads.

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