
羊栏是什么意思 羊栏在线翻译 羊栏什么意思 羊栏的意思 羊栏的翻译 羊栏的解释 羊栏的发音 羊栏的同义词 羊栏的反义词 羊栏的例句


羊栏 基本解释

羊栏[yáng lán]




词典fold yard牛栏;羊栏。


羊栏 汉英大词典

羊栏[yáng lán]

fold yard; sheepcote; sheepyard; fold

羊栏 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. sheepcote:sheepcot 羊栏 | sheepcote 羊栏 | sheepfold 羊圈

2. sheepcot:sheepberry 落叶灌木 | sheepcot 羊栏 | sheepcote 羊栏

3. foldn:project v. 伸出 | fold n. 羊栏 | halloo v. 大声叫喊

4. fold:astray:迷路 | fold:羊栏 | resolve not to do:决定不做某事

羊栏 双语例句

1. 他跟母鹅谈到了这事儿,当时母鹅正安静地坐在羊栏的一个角落里。
    He mentioned this to the goose, who was sitting quietly in a corner of the sheepfold.

2. 她是在徜徉——我愉快的姑娘——牧羊的女儿在牧羊。她的羊群是思想,她使它们明亮;她不让它们走近悬崖,她饲养着它们在芬芳的丘陵上,使它们安息在羊栏房。慈祥的小丘映着阳光,平安的幽谷,她在徜徉,夜里有那些最洁净的星星,窥进那柔软的胸膛。她在徜徉——我愉快的姑娘——牧羊的女儿在牧羊。她照管着她那些小思想,尽管它们跳跃的好癫狂。她是那样地小心而又端庄;看守着自己的灵魂不放。她在徜徉——我愉快的姑娘——牧羊的女儿在牧羊。
    The shepherdessalice meynell 牧羊的女儿阿里斯·美那尔 she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep. her flocks are thoughts. she keep them white; she guards them from the steep. she feeds them on the fragrant heightand folds them in for sleep. she roams maternal hills and bright, dark valleys safe and deep. into that tender breast at nightthe chastest stars may peep. she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep. she holds her little thoughts in sight, though gay they run and leap. she is so circumspect and right; she has her soul to keep. she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.

3. 羊栏是什么意思

3. 第二天,下起了大雪,牧羊人不能带着羊群去它们以往吃草的地方了,只得让它们呆在羊栏里。
    The next day it snowed very haid, so that he could not take the herd to their usual feeding places, but was obliged to keep them in the fold.

4. 就在这天的傍晚,绵羊首尾相衔地返回了羊栏
    The same evening the sheep had trailed homeward head to tail.

5. 羊栏的意思

5. 你将见到你的帐幕平安无恙,察看羊栏时,一无所失。
    And you shall know that your tent is secure; taking stock of your household, you shall miss nothing.

6. 你将见到你的帐幕平安无恙,察看羊栏时,一无所失。
    And thou shalt know that thy tabernacle is in peace, and visiting thy beauty thou shalt not sin.

7. 羊栏的意思

7. 接着他唱了一首歌,唱的是99只羊在羊栏里都很平安,而一只羔羊却被冷落在一旁。
    The he said:Won't you come?

8. 大伙儿围着阿齐问:「羊怎么会走丢的?」阿齐指着羊栏的一个破口说:「栏栅断,我忘了补。
    When he thought of Juang Shin, he was overcome with regret, and immediately sent someone to go find him.

9. 她找到了一个被人遗弃的旧挤奶凳子,就将它安在了韦伯猪圈旁边的羊栏里。
    She found an old milking stool that had been discarded, and she placed the stool in the sheepfold next to Wilbur's pen.

10. 那些牧羊犬将羊群赶进了羊栏
    The sheepdogs drove the sheep into the fold.

11. 把绵羊限制在羊栏内。
      Confine in a fold, like sheep.

12. 我感觉上帝在那儿丢下了这迷途的羔羊,任它胡乱游荡,而一只恶兽暗暗徘徊在那只羊与羊栏之间,伺机跳起来毁灭它。
      I felt that God had forsaken the stray sheep there to its own wicked wanderings, and an evil beast prowled between it and the fold, waiting his time to spring and destroy.

13. 羊栏尤指羊圈等为家畜圈起的一块地。
      A fenced enclosure for domestic animals, especially sheep.

14. 羊栏

14. 一只狼遇见了一只从羊栏里迷路的小羊羔,决定不对它使用暴力,而要找到一个借口说服羊羔,证明狼有吃他的权利。
      WOLF, meeting with a Lamb astray from the fold, resolved not to lay violent hands on him, but to find some plea to justify to the Lamb the Wolf's right to eat him.

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